Becoming the side character

"Young miss please behave!"

Liu Lian pouted as she stood in front of a copper mirror with her arms perpendicular to her body, her arms were being held by second class maids as a tailor suited her beautiful onyx and silver dress to fit her. Normally young ladies wore brightly coloured dress but this young miss had decided to wear such a gloomy black and white dress that made her look like she was going to a funeral...

Maybe the young miss was mentally deranged?

In truth, Liu Lian had three favourite colours: onyx, silver and amethyst. She loved to wear a mix of such colours, especially with trousers, but unfortunately for her they only had over bearing dresses and annoying, heavy hair decorations.

She didn't understand why girl would want to keep such laborious gems and metals in their hair so they could be admired by such disgusting polygamous men.

Liu Lian was naturally 100% against polygamy.

Give me the world - he can't.

Give me all the handsome men in the world- he can't.

Give me riches - he can't.

Fine, then give me your heart - he also can't.

Then What is the use of such a husband? They are completely useless in this era. If her fiancé was useful then it was naturally her good fortune. If not, she'll just waste away his money and enjoy herself, not her business if he decides to become a shelter to sexually transmitted diseases. As long as he stays far away from her and builds a treasury in her room, she's fine.

But in the end of all her ranting she still agreed to let her hair be tampered with. But she didn't allow any foul and heavy make up on such a perfect and pretty face. If people want to see her then they should see her and not just the mask of white powder covering her face, putting such irritating substances on her skin should be a sin worthy of the death penalty!

She sighed again as she was led to a sedan decorated with beautiful gold broaches and crimson fabric and comfortable silk that covered the cushions. She was the only one in the Liu family to attend, except for her father who had to due to his status in the emperor's court.

She had ordered the book she had brought to be wrapped in paper that had been decorated in a regular pattern. In this era, no one wrapped up presents but instead presented them as they were.

But she wouldn't know, after all, she was a 21st century girl.

The ride was long and boring and soon Liu Lian found herself playing with the albino snake who followed her.

"Oh, I forgot that I haven't named you yet. What name do you like?"

[I do not care for such wordly things...]

Did it think it was the Buddah? "What about... Rei?"

[It reminds my master of his past, he doesn't to think about it...]

"His past?"

[My master's master had a name similar to that ]

Her curiosity heightened. "Oh? Who is it?"

[She was the one master loved the most, but she has been missing ]

She held back her questions because she felt the snake's attitude become slightly colder "What was her name?"


She wasn't from this area? Her name is obviously not Chinese! Is she possibly from across the sea? Or the future?

"Then I'll have to pick another name." She looked around as if she was searching for a name in the sedan, "Kai? Or basilisk? No... em....." She gasped as if she thought of the most perfect name.


[Mistress! What kind of name is that!?]

"I thought you didn't care about such worldly matters?" matters she teased. "I like it! Let's call you Nagini!"

The snake sighed and dropped its head not willing to argue. It was a high possibility that his young miss was secretly retarded.

Liu Lian got out of the carriage, nagini hid under her collar and she was quickly greeted and taken to the princess's chambers.

She looked at awe obviously impressed by the chamber that seemed five times the size of hers.

The bed was huge and full of multicoloured soft cushions, she had her own mini library and a study and there were so many instruments lined up against the wall it made her - a former music lover - gulp. Liu Lian felt slightly jealous, she was ready to ask her fiancé for a room at least twice as grand and beautiful.

It even had a balcony big enough to house a swimming pool!

"Liu Lian!"

Liu Lian smiled as she saw her friend and approached her at the balcony "Zhou Lan!"

Liu Lian took the present and handed it over to Zhou Lan who smiled. "Your birthday present" they both sat down at the balcony as Zhou Lan began to unwrap her present. Liu Lian was amazed by the garden outside. It was really beautiful, equipped with a pond and magnificent statues. Husband you better fulfil Liu lian's expectations!

Zhou Lan gasped in shock when she saw her present. "Liu Lian where did you get this!?" Liu Lian was really Puzzled, Why the shock?

"I found it in a cave, why?"

"Beast Tamers are extinct! I didn't think you would find a book, and give it to me.."

Liu Lian smiled, " I know you'll make good use of it princess, besides I already have a pet."

Nagini slithered out from from Liu Lian's sleeve and the princess violently jumped back.

"A snake!? Liu Lian that could bite you!"

"Zhou Lan calm down! It has been tamed."

Liu Lian allowed the snake to coil up her arm and back out from her collar. "His name is Nagini, I found him in the cave."

By this point even Zhou Lan began to question if her friend was mentally deranged. A snake is not a pet! Go drop it back!

"Anyways, lets go to my garden and try to call out for a spirit beast!" Zhou lan said trying to forget the white snake that was near her friend's neck.

[ I don't think she likes me very much mistress. ]

"That's the natural reaction for a creature as dangerous as yourself." Liu Lian said following swiftly behind Zhou Lan.

The garden looked better up close than it did from afar, it had a magical aura and Liu Lian loved it. Husband, you better better fulfil my expectations!

Liu Lian sat on a bench and Nagini sat on her head and they both watch the princess read through a few pages in the book. Once she did she nervously inhaled and exhaled before beginning to chant.

Liu Lian did not understand a thing she said as she began her recitation but as she carried on chanting small specks of light began to gather around her. They soon began to concentrate and form a ball of light and the ball just kept expanding.

Until it burst.

And there in all it's glory stood a magnificent white tiger.

Zhou Lan shrieked in excitement and hugged the white beast. Did she have no sense of danger!? A tiger was not a pet! Go drop it back!

"She's so pretty!" Liu Lian commented stepping a few feet back unconsciously and Zhou Lan smiled.

"What should I call it?" Zhou Lan asked herself.

"What about Rei?" Great minds think alike. Nagini hissed But Liu Lian kept quiet.

Regina was a sore spot but the princess didn't know. Let her keep the name.

"Sounds wonderful!" Liu Lian said happily.

A beast tamer in the royal family! For some reason realising the grand future the princess would have she couldn't help but feel like she had gotten the short end of the stick by giving the book to the princess, is this what it feels like to be the side character?