Test of loyalty!

Liu Lian's heart pulsed and she quickly turned back to see if someone was behind her. She suddenly had a bad feeling, like something bad was about to happen, she gulped before turning her attention back to the birthday girl.

"Liu Lian what's wrong?" Zhou Lan asked her friend, Liu Lian gradually looked back to see at least 20 eyes staring at her. She smiled and tilted her head as if nothing happened and carried on walking with her beautiful smile talking some more with the princess. Whatever that feeling was, she didn't want to think about it.

"Careful princess." A maid said as she helped Liu Lian jump over the rock that she had found herself climbing absentmindedly.

She smiled at the maid and held her hand to help herself down, naturally young ladies feel bitter to hold a crude maid's hand that isn't top class, however Liu Lian didn't seem to mind. To the maid Liu Lian was beautiful and kind, but Liu Lian was just desperately trying to remove the bad feeling in her heart. She couldn't help but feel like running away, but from what?

Meanwhile the mood at the banquet had dropped considerably due to the arrival of the prince. The emperor had a forced smile as he stared at Feng Mu Chen who sat crossed armed with a frown on his face. He had no idea why such a figure would suddenly show up at his daughter's birthday party! Feng Mu Cheng had refused all invitations till now, could it be that he was interested in Zhou Lan!?

Definitely couldn't let that happen!

Feng Mu Chen' eyes glossed over the crowd all around him, searching everywhere.

"Do you need something Feng Chen?" The emperor asked and Feng Mu Chen's eyes frosted over, the one person he came here to see wasn't here, then why did he come for!?

"Where is she?" Feng Mu Chen asked and the emperor's heart rapidly started beating, if he really liked Zhou Lan then he didn't know what he would do! He couldn't risk a war, but Zhou Lan was precious to him.

"Who may you be looking for?" The emperor asked, Feng Mu Chen's mood naturally wasn't good, planning to make a grand entrance for wifey but wifey wasn't there, who is that damn bastard who took her away!?

He had planned everything! From being fashionably late to show his status to wearing black and white to pair up with wifey! As you can see, he was really pissed off.

"Liu Ji Lian!"

The emperor breathed a huge sigh of relief and ushered an eunuch to quickly go and get Liu Ji Lian.

"Don't send! Take me to her!" Feng Mu Chen quickly said, what if wifey was doing something important? Wouldn't she be annoyed that he disturbed her?

He was right, Liu Lian was doing something important, trying to guard against the evil intentions of petty young misses.

Liu Lian frowned as she stared at the bridge in front of her. What would she do now? People would either try to push her over or try to frame her for pushing them over. What to do...

A servant quickly came by and whispered something in her ear.


Husband it's time to show your loyalty to Liu Lian!

Liu Lian confidently began to walk, and soon enough a young girl came up behind her, she most likely wanted to frame Liu Lian.

She walked next to Liu Lian and quickly began to act out damsel in distress by screaming help twice.

Everyone's attention was on her and she attempted to fall framing Liu Lian, that way the princess wouldn't like her anymore and her reputation would be completely destroyed.

She she was about to plunge herself in the icy river Liu Lian grabbed her and she herself was soon embracing the icy depths.

To others it looked like the young miss grabbed Liu Lian to save herself and then pushed her into the river.

Just on queue Feng Mu Chen arrived.

Zhou Lan panicked when she saw Liu Lian fall and quickly maid the servants go get her, she turned to the young miss and glared, "if Liu Lian does not survive due to your stupid trick forfeit the lives you and your family!"

When Feng Mu Chen's ears picked up on Liu Lian's name he immediately jumped into the river with no second thoughts swimming until he could see her petite figure sinking due to her heavy fabric.

Once he came out he would deal with those cockroaches, for now let's meet wifey underwater!

She must be cold so be quick!