Fiancé is a school girl

Liu Lian never expected for the empress to join in the festivities, standing before the royal couple with her back straight she seemed pitiful and aroused the couple's parental pity. The young noble girl had been knelt down in front of the emperor and her father was next to her She shook violently as this was the first she had been in such a terrifying situation. Her father dared not move, the emperor had naturally been told the story of what happened so let's just say he really wasn't happy.

Today had been his daughters birthday, yet that girl had committed such a vulgar act. Liu Lian found herself feeling slightly bad for this girl, she was so unimportant her name wasn't even mentioned (definitely not because the author is lazy). She shuddered realising how truly unfortunate it was to be a side character.

The Empress wasn't paying attention, her eyes had been glued to Liu Lian the whole time. She really couldn't make herself get over the dress Liu Lian was wearing. She wanted a similar dress, should she just ask? No! That would make her look shameless and greedy, should she ask her tailor to sew one for her? But then it would look like she was a copy cat....

The empress didn't even notice that her husband was angry and ready to serve out punishment.

Naturally the Emperor was furious, he turned to official zhan and growled, his daughter dared disrespect the royal family?

"Lifetime imprisonment!" The young girl paled. Prisons were notoriously known for raping young women, she wasn't willing even if she wasn't a virgin. But she truly didn't know what happened, one moment she was perfectly fine but then her vision became blurry and she suddenly felt very hot like she was in an oven. Looking at her pitiful picture, the rags could barely covered her body and had been given to her since her clothes had been torn of while she was in a state of ecstasy.

"No!" She screamed annoying the emperor further. Liu Lian shook her head, didn't she know that as the emperor his pride was more important than justice? Screaming at his face would only make things worst.

"May the emperor live for a thousand years!" Official zhan said not daring to restrain his daughter, but the little girl just wouldn't take it.

Just yesterday she was a pampered lady and now she was brought so low that she had even been defiled by a few smelly random men!

She glared at Liu Lian with eyes full of hate. Then she grabbed a pin from her hair and launched at Liu Lian.

Unfortunately for her at the exact same moment Feng Mu Chen came walking in with a seductive smile and a wooden box decorated with gold. He had been excited to see his wifey's expression when he showed her the deeds to the estates he had bought for her.

That little Nobel girl dared target our main character in front of her Mr. Perfect?

Is she still mentally sane?

Obviously Feng Chen came to the rescue! He grabbed the hand of the little girl and viciously snapped it in half.

Then he mercilessly kick her away and turned his attention to his wifey. Was she ok? Was she scared? Was she crying? Feng Chen, you underestimate my main character, don't you think?

After Feng Chen had confirmed that she wasn't badly effected in any way. He then turn to the Emperor who froze out of fear.

"This country dares mistreats this king's Liu Lian!?" He said in a menacing voice. Saying he was pissed is an understatement. He turned to his confused wifey.

"Wifey take this and don't be mad at your useless husband ok?" He handed her the box. She opened it revealing the estate deeds the cogs in her brain turning quickly.

Immediately tears formed in her eyes. "Husband, your wife was so scared right now." Our main character is truly shameless! But isn't that what makes her appealing?

Feng Chen's heart melted looking at her tears, he leaned in and then he hugged her to calm her down. Liu Lian was shocked at the amount of muscle under his clothes. Back then when she had treated his injuries she didn't have the luxury to admire his muscles.

She smirked and leaned in to whisper in his ears.

"Husband's muscles are really impressive."

Feng Mu Chen's face heated up, who thought his wifey to say such things!? Not that he didn't like it....

Feeling the heat radiating from his cheeks she smirked, could it be that this fiancé of hers is actually an innocent school girl at heart?

Easy to appease and exploit looks like she has hit gold!