Chapter: Army Training Begin

Feng Xiong with a tired face walked to the army test area, they start with running test 50 metre dash, weight lifting, physical test such as throwing a spear, archery and last, is battle sparring the one who passes 5 out of 10 is pass being a soldier if above then that is qualified becoming an officer. Feng Xiong looking far away upfront, his mind is blank...until he heard someone calling his name and he turns toward where the voice came from.

Are you Feng Xiong, he gazes at the person who just calls his name nodded as he said "yes" I am Feng Xiong...."ok Feng Xiong, your first test is weightlifting, you can choose the weight for your weightlifting and ran 3 kilometres with the preferred weight that you has chosen." Feng Xiong walking by to choose his boulder weight until he stops and taking up the boulder to his back and dash to the finish line in lazy movement, while he is dashing all participants change the look and watch his test in shocked, the shock by his speed and agility, but Feng Xiong didn't notice that everyone shock watching his speed dash 50 metres per 5 second, he only takes 5 minutes to get to the finish line. The Judges are included in the shock group, he checks the weight for the boulder and the answer is 200kg showed with wide eyes looking at the result it makes the judges come to his side and showed the same shock, they couldn't believe with a boy who just turned to a teenager could lift that much of weight, and his speed really fast. The judges who manage Feng Xiong test stuttered a while after Feng Xiong asking for his next test the judge is awake from his shock and said "next is throwing 3 spears and archery also 3 shots only, Feng Xiong lifted his hand and said "can I do it both?", the judge just nodded sign of agreement. Feng Xiong move to the spear targeting field, he grabs all 3 spear and throws it to the target point and left to the archery side and take 3 arrows and shoot to the target and walk away until he stops in front of one pillar and leans his forehead to the pillar and freeze like a statue and then silence take the place, until they heard a snored sound. Other participants showed shock other disdain reaction," wtf so arrogant to sleep while in test", the other judges also didn't know what to say, until someone shout and said," "Feng Xiong pass the 4th test". Feng Xiong wake from his short sleep time with much redder eyes and ask " when is the last test would start?", the judges said it would be held tomorrow. After hearing that the sparring is tomorrow, Feng Xiong collapse to the ground and fall asleep fast, make the others shock again, wth is this guy do yesterday? He looks so damn tired and falling asleep," "seriously, that you call damn tired, did you see he just demolished the spear targeting board not a spear but the bow also is a bullseye", a lot of participants whispering about what had happened. Feng Xong smiled wryly showing his embarrassment of his son shameless act.

Feng Xong picks up his son to his shoulder and brings him back to his quarters. At the quarters Feng Xong put his son on the bed as he covered him with a blanket and left the quarters with a smile of a proud father.

On the last test day, Feng Xiong wake up from his a long and restful day, he go the washroom wash his face with water and he smiled showed how fresh he feels, he change his cloth into black cloth he looks much more mature in the black cloth with black long hair that reaches his waist and red belt and he moves out from his quarters as he sees his father waiting for him in front of his quarters. So how are you feeling right now son? Ask Feng Xong. Am I feeling refresh today father, um...what had happened yesterday? His father smiled and said " you pass all 4 test and today is the last test for battle sparring, let's go to the test area son, he put his left hand to Feng Xiong right shoulder and walk side by side to the battle sparring area.

At the battle area, all participants that have arrived early saw the duo coming toward the battle area, all eyes stare at them until they stop. All that present give a weird look at Feng Xiong and make him feel chills suddenly like he is a prey to all of them," what the heck, have I done yesterday that all of them give a weird look...shit I feel something bad is gonna happen." Alright, all of the participants for the last test has arrived and we shall now begin our last test for today, today the last test is a royal rumble, all finalist please step up to the ring arena and start your royal rumble. The rules are no crippling your opponent, a weapon is not allowed and no poison is allowed. Start the fight!.

When Feng Xiong ready to attack he noticed that all the participants are focused on him and willing to get rid of him in droves, shit...they all aiming to kick me out from the ring, so you all wanna play rough ha...okay now I'm going to play seriously...suddenly Feng Xiong vanish from the participant's eyes and left his mirage from his exact spot. Now they all astonished by Feng Xiong movement speed until they heard someone groan in pain one after another, Feng Xiong just kicks the other participants out from the ring. Other who failed yesterday show a shock reaction again with his ability, 13 out of 15 participants that join the test has been kicking out from the ring in just one breath.

Left only Feng Xiong and the other 2 participants that look not an ordinary fighter. What a great speed you have said the one who was a leather armour to Feng Xiong as he introduces himself as Maxwell adonis, but just calls me don. But when Feng Xiong heard his nickname he controls his laugh from being shown to others( he feels don name is not appropriate coz don is for a mafia boss, because of that he can't resist the feeling of want to laugh, his face doesn't look like a fierce person, so its not appropriate for him to call as don). And another person introduces himself as Makio and his nickname is Makky. And so our hero also introduces himself to them as he bowed and take a battle stance to them. He said to them " are you both ready to rumble?" ask Feng Xiong to them as he starts attacking Don by dash with high speed and releases his punch aiming at Don's head with 5% of his real strength, Don evade to the left as he jump backflip and dash toward Feng Xiong and ready to kick him at his chest but Unfortunately his wish unrealised because suddenly he fell to the floor and fell unconscious.( the answer of what really happen to don would be reveal soon on next chapter) Makky shock and get ready with his fighting stance from the incoming attack but he lost his sight to whereabouts is Feng Xiong right now, until he heard some whisper to his ears and said you lose, Makky shock and instantly activate his body technique to defence against Feng Xiong attack, Makky body change to black red colour with white eyes looking back to Feng Xiong and punch to his chest but Feng Xiong able to withstand attacks that targeted to his chest one second earlier. The hands of Feng Xiong felt numb after he blocks Makky direct hit. Not bad, you have a great punch, now I'm going all out get ready as he shouts "72 palm technique" as Makky also shows his fist technique " Dragon gone to the heaven 2nd technique" they release a hundred punch in 3 breath, Their fight continued without feeling want to surrender, each receive the same injury.Now is the battle to see who have the will and the spirit to keep fighting to showed whos the best among them, until Feng Xiong shouts "Dragon Fire Claw" Full burning! Breath of fire dragon claw released generating a torrent of fire that is very large that the force of the explosion destroyed apart of the arena ring. After the dust filled on the arena stop, a body that the clothes have been burn half side was standing and smiling and then he said, "you are the first one who can beat me to the extreme condition like this," I approve you as my rival. I will pay you back after I got stronger," after he said the last word he showed thumbs up and collapse down to the floor. Feng Xiong raises his hand high sign that he won the fight and the judges and announced his victory. After he heard the judges voice he collapsed in exhaustion but still conscious. Hahahaha...laugh and said Father I won....i won... Now the participants who manage becoming an officer is Maxwell and Don you two pass taking the lieutenant position, and you Feng Xiong you passed all test and all the judges agreed that you will take the commander course, you will be joining as an officer Captain've will take 2 years full officer training until you graduate from your camp. Ok dismiss, to the passed participants please report your officials pass letter tomorrow at same place as today. You all can dismiss now.