Chapter: Royal Ancestor Grudge

While Feng Xiong was busy training his troops, 10,000 miles to the east from the kingdom of Fotia 100,000 fully armed soldiers troop has been seen, led by an old man dressed in golden black armour. His face was deeply in grudge and resentful.

They march were so fast moving towards their goal, with the strength of 20,000 cavalries in full armour and 80,000 infantry armed with long spears and swords as well as a big square shield moves toward the city of Fotia.

The old man was the Ancestor former King of the Ammos kingdom who was also father to the King of Ammos, he brought his grudges towards the capital of Fotia to avenge for the death of his son, King Ammos and the destruction of Ammos kingdom.

With such speed they will arrive within an 8-days journey, the Ancestor grasps hardly on the heirloom spear, bringing along the unforgiving hatred, now it's time to settle once and for all the deep grudge between the two countries that have been dragged for a hundred centuries.

Meanwhile, at the same present time, at the Asura's main camps sounded a loud voice of military personnel doing combat exercises, some using swords and some using spears, studying the intricacies art of short-range combat as well as medium range while being observed by their own Generals and the officers. Feng Xiong stands upright looking towards the east as he can feel an aura of revenge covering the whole eastern sky.

Feng Xiong gave instructions to the troops Captain who served under him to stop the combat training immediately. After getting instructions from his echelon, the Captain shouted: "Stop the combat training now!" "And gather in the division respectively this is not a drill"! "but an emergency"! "Please wear a complete armour set and prepare for war"! "TROOPS!, TAKE YOUR POSITIONS"!.

After all the troops lined up in their division, the Officers checked every division and lineup team to make sure everything was in order. Upon completion, they salute and greeted Feng Xiong and informed, "WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR ORDERS General"!

Seen on the face to all the members of the Asura troops, they are ready to fight against the enemy. Their passion, wills, blood boiling to wipe out all the enemies who intend to conquer their birth country. Now It's time for Feng Xiong to use the tactics and strategy he has learned in his past life, such as the war tactics by the Chinese general using the bagua defence and the Rome Legion shield tactics, Spartans offence stand. as he showed a very scary smile. Feng Xiong orders to one of his Lieutenant to pass news to the Tsukasa, King of Fotia about an uninvited guest coming toward the kingdom to prepared the whole country for the upcoming war.

After His Highness Tsukasa got the bad news, he issued a decree for an emergency situation throughout the kingdom of Fotia,

all the ministers are prepared with their own troops, the Generals from other divisions are also ready and moving into every fortification of the royal capital city of Fotia, messages via birds are sent to the border carrying the king's order to tighten border security so that no external thread infiltrates the country's borders.

Outside the large wall of the east main gate, a sea of troops with 300,000 armies of the 1st division The iron eagle division filled the place, Feng Xiong father in law troops, General Ye awaited and ready for battle with the enemy forces.

Just 8 days, uninvited guests arrive at the region outside of the eastern wall main door, an old man walks 3 steps forward with his horse and shouts, "I WANT THE KILLER OF MY SON COME OUT AND FIGHT WITH ME, I WILL NOT TOLERATE WITH THE ONE WHO DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS MATTER, QUICKLY! I CAN'T WAIT TO BEHEAD HIM IN FRONT OF YOU, BRING HIM HERE NOW! , " said the old men toward General Ye that were sitting on a horse opposite far from the old men.

As the old men said suddenly a familiar voice answering back to the old men,

" want to cut off my head just like that, without I fighting back?" " You think that I won't fight you back, " you think you are qualified enough to kill me"? "Try me, guess who will be beheaded first? "Leave this matter to me, everybody back off". Said Feng Xiong leisurely to the others.

Feng Xiong demonstrates a hand gesture, like grasping something from the air, with no tricks or illusion, a large black scythe appearing suddenly, puff...! just like that. He spun the scythe weapon just like as his own arm and showed a gesture ready for fight. With his devilish handsome smile, he provokes the enemy.

The old man began showing his real aura and has reached the peak of the Martial Ancestor's realms, the old man headed towards Feng Xiong with extraordinary speed resulting in the afterimage-effects, result from the speed has made a 10 similar shadows that were uncertain which was true and which is false, as he starts his move and attacks Feng Xiong from various angles. It seems unlikely to be dodge or break it.

Feng Xiong showed his normally expressionless face, as he said, " hurm....weak move", jumping triple backflip and thrown the large scythe with intents toward all directions where the old man's shadow was attacking.

And the result is quite surprising, all the shadows of the old man disappeared like it been blown by the wind, the old man injured on his left arm as a result from the scythe intent, the old man was surprised and disbelieve that he was defeated by one move by this teenage boy. The old men gritted his teeth furiously with his unsuccessful attack on the target. " Looks like there is no other way than to use the forbidden technique even it will burden my life spans for 2 hundred years". The old man makes a weird seal with his hand and suddenly his aura reached Half True Immortal,

the result from the seal he made, his body changes colour to complete red with fierce bright yellow eyes as he summons a big dome completely black trap Feng Xiong inside it as he laughs madly and said, " accept your doom, you son of a bitch! only one will be walking alive and one will die and the person who will be dead is you boy! hahaha...i admit that you are the youngest Martial Ancestor that has reached perfection stage...but I apologize to you that today is your last day seeing this world. As the old man complete his hand seal to eliminated Feng Xiong once and for all, but suddenly...

to be continued...