CH 9: This is the feeling

After the start of the training there was no sound made by either of them as they continued with their work, Kris had started his training while sending

john away for some ingredients that could be used and had also told him about Sam so that he could take the necessary steps so that he does not

have to because it will be to much of a bother, while he was training he regularized his breathing in a way that would stimulate his muscles to put more work and effort in

each step, while he was training in the future there were lots of ways through which a person could train his body like breathing,medicines,potions etc

but now what he needed was to make his body a little slim and flexible so that he can train and improve fast. The ingredients which he had ask for

was for not only for making potions which could help but had also some poison and paralyzing agents in them which could help him in his training but also

in getting a resistance in them, when he was under the training of his tutor he was always neglected because of his weight so he used to train alone

and in the library he found a book in the back all dusted and torn in which he had seen the training method he was using now,not many people used that

because the requirement was that you should be quite hefty like having one third extra weight in fat this caused the muscles to loosen and enlarge

to cover all the parts of the fat so when you use the breathing technique to stimulate your muscle not only would there be an increase in the overall

strength but also it turns fat to energy thus your stamina is higher compared to others. Nobody used it because you had to first gain fat and then use this technique

which would require you a year to complete and at that time nobody had time but now that he had the time why not use it and with the help of system he could do it in 15 days

after which his power would be almost comparable to john so from then on he could train, while he was jogging he was also using his skills to

improvise and not waste time, not only was he using shadow step but stealth and killing intent were in full throttle so that there would be significant

rise so as to not distract him from his training he kept the notification off.

John had a meeting with Sam and had directly removed him from the university without even listening to his plea, after that he went to the

Ayurvedic store to buy all the necessary ingredients asked by Kris while he was at it he also searched about the ingredients that where being bought

and he was quit e surprised to find out that there was nothing strange in them, what he did not know was that it would only give energy if taken one by one

but if all of them were taken together the nutrients provided are huge but it would then have a mild poison and paralysis problem. When John came back

to the ground he saw Kris was lying on the ground and sweating like mad , there was also some black impurities on his body but he had a contend expression

Kris was checking his stats 'SYSTEM'




AGE -19




HP:80 CON*10 HP.REG- 8/10 MIN =CON

MP:140 MIN*10 MP.REG-14/10 MIN=MIN


STR-7 ->8

AGI-6 ->8










STEALTH- LV 3 EXP(30/80)



and he was quite contend with them for today 'This is the feeling'.