Terribly sick

That night Liza fell in a high fever. Alicia kept covering her head with wet clothes all the time but it looked like nothing would work at all. They were currently living in outer quarters of the church which was a relief as it wasn't an open space like the shed they used to live in and could prevent cold wind to get in the room. As night grew older, her fever turned worse and worse. She was now totally patched up in bandages and sticks thanks to the cloister maidens' sympathy but the pain from today's experience seemed to be coming back ten folds at night. She was shivering all over clenching her jaws.

Alicia was quite panicked seeing her in this state. They were completely on their own. No physician would take a look at them. Firstly they didn't even have the money to hire them, secondly the church would definitely not allow them to tend to her, a former rat. Alicia kept praying and nursing her. Fortunately when dawn was about to break, her fever calmed down a little. Alicia heaved a sigh of relief and went to sleep beside her.

Next morning they had their very first oat meal in decades. It wasn't like the light soup they gave in the slum where you could not find even one grain, this one was thick and nourishing. Alicia was assigned to feeding horses and cleaning stables. So she went to do her job leaving Liza to the outer quarters. Surprisingly no one came to take a beef on her or harass her when she was alone. Liza seemed quite happy in this peaceful environment and smiled from time to time. Alicia who came back from her job in the afternoon smiled too seeing the little girl happy. But it seemed happiness wasn't in their fate any time soon. As it was about the time for sunset, Liza fell in an even deeper fever. That night she couldn't even eat anything. Alicia tried spoon feeding her but it just rolled back down from the side of her mouth. Her condition was extremely critical! Alicia kept praying and praying.

Later in midnight, disappointing all of Alicia's prayers, Liza went into a coma.


"Leave that damsel behind! She will definitely die sooner or later. We don't need extra luggage" the head of the expedition team back to hermes said angrily.

"Maybe we could ditch both of them behind. They all were just rats after all" another soldier chipped in.

"That won't do. Direct order from high priest. We are to take this one back to hermes. But there is no specific instructions on the other one. But logically speaking, leaving her here would be right corse of action any way you look at it."

"I have already told high priest that she is my responsibility and he has agreed to it. Are you going to defy his will and let the world think he can't keep his words?" Alicia boldly stood up against the odds.

"You got some nerve talking to us veterans like that kid! You think you are a big shot just because high priest took s liking to you? Let me give you an advice, high priest has already left with his team one hour ago. We are the last batch leaving and I am the head here. If you don't listen to my orders, don't blame me for getting nasty."

Alicia didn't argue back but didn't avert her eyes either, standing firm on her ground. Seeing her determined face, the head fell in a contemplation. Silent protest was most terrifying.

After a little thinking a sudden idea came to his head and his eyes lit up.

"Since you say she is your responsibility, naturally her foods should also be deducted from your portion. And since she is already in a coma, she won't be eating anything even if we gave anything to her. Its a total wastage of foods."

"Captain sure is brilliant. Indeed. That way you can't even blame high priest for breaking promises" another soldier didn't lose this chance to fawn up.

"You.." seeing the shameless behaviour of the man before her, Alicia was furious but she was helpless too.

"What? You can't accept this condition? Sigh.. Even after I became so considerate too.." the captain shook his head.

"Fine. I accept your condition" Alicia agreed gritting her teeth.

Seeing her agree the whole crowd burst in laughter.

"Haha. She sure put of a front but ultimately had to bend her knees anyways. "

"Yay. More food for us."

"Well done captain, you sure showed her their place."

"Alright. Lets move. We are already behind the schedule thanks to this drama" the captain was satisfied too and ordered majestically.

It was a fine morning in late autumn. If not for the terrible condition Liza was in, it would have been a perfect moment to remember when the expedition team set off northwards along with the duo.