Sassy Sheila

Sheila checked her emails and the chat room. She was constant on sending Clarence a message but no replies. Somehow, the chat room was full of news of Clarence's achievements. Her mood went dreary but this was nothing new. She faced the mirror, ran her fingers on her hair, and bounced a perm on her palm. "Clarence, as long as you remain single, I still have my chance."

She pulled her bag and walked out. Six months was not long nor short but she enjoyed her stay in this school. Harriet and Dandy met her at the corridor, all three had permed hair, wore yellow Georgette blouse, black slacks, and high heels today. Suggested by Sheila and agreed by the two.

Students laughed and giggled, with oohs and ahs at the background. The three enjoyed the attention as they sashayed in the hallway to their classes. Dandy would stop every now and then, making outrageous poses, imagining she had a cameraman in tow. This made their entourage more enjoyable to the spectators.