A Filler

Hugh went back to Paris feeling weary. The only comfort he had was learning her name and the knowledge of her whereabouts.

Sheila's first year in France ended well and another school year began. Hugh thought of visiting the school again but his schedule was working against his plans. Before he could plan his next visit to La Delicatesse, his operation schedule filled months in his table calendar. He hardly had time to visit his parents.

It seemed all of his patients agreed to have themselves go through the knife that year. His number of patients unexpectedly doubled.

. . . . .

On Riley's side, Sheila decided to reject him. She stood across Riley in the garden. The latter was leaning against a tree.

She avoided his eyes and stared on the ground. "I'm sorry. My heart and mind are still stuck with someone back home. I need to settle this first before getting involved with someone else."

"I might help you forget him easily."