Meeting the Ex-Fiance (2)

Diane stood there in complete silence, filled with mixed emotions. She wanted to shout and vent out her anger but the Dennis she saw was drunk and pitiable. His eyes were red and he reeked with alcohol. His clothes were unbearably dirty, full of black stains. Dried limestone pasted on his arms and pants.

But what cut her from bursting was the sadness in his face. She knew she was angry with this guy and even hated him to the core but watching him in this state made her feel sorry.

Then Dennis started to cry.

Diane couldn't bear watching him like this and was moved. She even felt comforting him. 'No, this is wrong.' She turned away and breathed deep, controlling her emotions.

When Dennis saw her and she remained quiet, he felt nothing less than shame and torment looking at her pretty face. This was the woman he loved but he was also the reason she suffered. Pain swallowed him and he cried. This unforeseen meeting was a torture to him.