Kidnapped Arc (2)

While Diane was thinking, Lino was also contemplating his next alternative. He began to doubt if Robert really had a copy of the list.

"Hmm," Lino sharply observed Diane's features and thought she was pretty. His eyes went to her body. Not bad, he thought. He was now thinking of what way to use her to get a good amount of money and disappear. He had been running for months now.

After the insurance fraud was detected, thanks to Diane and Anna Ranillo, he tried to work as an insurance agent again. However, he already lost most of his clients when he was an errand guy. He sought Gallante to help him but the latter would not give him anything aside from a few bucks of pocket money as alms.

In the end, he lost his job for not reporting in the office for days when he was running after Gallante for his share of the loot. He had been living under the roof of his sister for two years now and tired of her sister's naggings. Lino needed money badly.