Prostitution Den (2)

It never occurred to her that she would be facing this person now. What a privilege if she could conduct an interview but not in this situation, she thought. Though she knew she was captured, Diane's mind was stable. She even looked at Panther straight to the eyes and amazed to herself. Other people might wince seeing a drug lord but she did not.

Panther gave Diane a once-over and went nearer. She held Diane's chin and moved her face left and right and nodded. "She's good." Then told a guard beside her, "send her to Gabriel. Let him take care of her until she's ready. I want her spotless and clean. She must be in good condition before the next bidding."

Panther sensed Diane's unafraid stares and smiled at her.

"I like you. You have spirit," Panther said to Diane.