Dear Readers,

Hallo!!! First of all, I'm really sorry for not being around since we entered the year of 2019. I'm also deeply sorry for not releasing a chapter/s these past 2 months. T_T I was too busy. I'm a working student with 2 part-time jobs for my everyday financial needs. As you can see, having 2 part-time jobs while studying already took too much of my time where I'm already working for almost 16hrs a day when sleeping for 2 hours is already considered being lucky.

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for updates, my dear readers. I've seen your comments, I missed writing this story too I just can't find some free time to write some chapter. But rest assured that I won't drop this story. I love writing this and BMB is special for me.

Second, I can't tell you exactly when will I be able to update this story maybe after I graduated I will be able to release some chapters. Updates won't happen soon, maybe a month or a couple of months after. I can't really tell so I won't promise when. I can only promise you guys that I will be back. I'm still alive and kicking. :)

Lastly, I wanna thank everyone who are still waiting and supporting BMB until now. You guys are the best. From the deepest bottom of my heart, Thank you so much. Thank you for reading and spending your time with BMB. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.

