Chapter 1: Prisoner of the Empire


After the destruction of the second Death Star and the beginning of the collapse of the Empire, Courosant falls into chaos and plunder like Saber Kalan and her droids begin plundering Imperial Camp sites.

Unaware what they would discover in the old Jedi Temple ...

Will the galaxy ever be ready for what a smuggler unleashes ...

Chapter 1: Prisoner of the Empire

Past abandoned Imperial posts, Saber sneaks to the Academy's entrance. Once a cadet in the service of the 501st Legion, she knows the ancient Jedi Temple better than most plunderers. But most of all, she knows the location of the Emperor's private secret laboratory. The footprints of looters and rebel sympathizers are all present. Graffiti and slogans are smeared on the walls of the once venerable temple and prestigious officer's academy. Directly above the imperial insignia, the rebellion has been sprayed in red. All this does not bother Saber when she wants to mess with the library and quickly find cover. A group of raiders had camped between the databases. Distracted by their own noise, the looters do not notice Saber's footsteps echoing off the walls of the library. Thanks to an imperial training, Saber ansonnst moves silently and unrecognized, so she quickly reaches the former Jedi Council Chamber, with a large statue of the Emperor standing in the middle. Scans had shown her the entrance to the lab years ago. Those same scans had been sent by the Academy and the Slamms Courosants. Now she would unlock the secrets of the Emperor. But when she wants to turn into the council chamber, an explosion inside throws her off her legs. Two vandals had been blown up by the idea of ​​blowing up the statue of the Emperor. Saber comes to the conclusion that the remains of idiots now pull the walls. But to Saber luck they were successful in their attempt and in the ground is an elevator to recognize.

On the way to the depths of the temple, you're leaving the radio, just as her droid K3 wants to tell her about Stormtrooper movements at the entrance.

"K3 please come ... K3 get in touch ..." In response, it receives only noise and a frequency change does not hift.

When the elevator finally stops, Saber lights up a more than uncomfortable feeling. Due to the length of the ride, it closes more than 1313 floors below the surface, which a cold wind seems to confirm. Click on the machine and start humming as she continues to go to the lab. Ancient wall reliefs draw a long corridor at the end of which a red light ominously emits a demonic glow. Her hands are clammy with cold fear of sweat as she opens the glass door with a wave of her hand. Galen awakens slowly as the cold arms of a meddroid pull him out of his stasis chamber. He was sure the Emperor was planning further tests with him. Through the torture he had been through, his anger, anger, and hatred had become inexhaustible. The more he tries to think of anything other than anger, the stronger his anger becomes. He jams his anger and focuses on power. Feel a warm presence in the room. When he opens his eyes he realizes that it is a woman. Irritated, she looks up at him as he is still held by the meddroid. "Who....?" He rattles out before the droid puts him on an op table and starts working on him. Before hurting himself, Gailen fights for consciousness, staring into the bleakest eyes he has ever seen. The longer he looks into these blue depths in an exquisite face, the more his anger cools and clear thoughts fill his consciousness. -Gailen- The name floods him and echoes in him again. He is that name. "Who are you or ... what?" Ask him Blue eyes.

-Gail- Does it resonate in Sabers head the answer to her pronounced question. "You are a Jedi !?" Ask Saber, fretting in front of the man on the table in front of her.

- Too bad to be a Jedi, all too good to be a Sith. I am or was an involuntary student of the Emperor, in the vacuum of power.- Speaking in Sabers head, now clearer. While Saber thinks Meddroid finishes his work on Gailen and the table on the Gailen tilts and puts the man on his legs to give directly. With a cough and a metal shuffle he goes to the ground, but catches himself, which is why Saber, who wants to catch him, now presses against him. The coldness of the suit immediately subverts all layers of Saber's clothing. "All right?" Ask her and Gailen nods before answering in a machine voice. "All right. It's just Habit I Can Move. "" Why does the Emperor keep you trapped in his private lab? "

"I am his secret weapon against Darth Vader should he ever resort to the Empire As he says that, lightning flashes on Gailen's fingertips and Saber tries to bring distance between herself and the anti-Vader, but even before she can do that, she has already pressed her tightly and kicks with a red lightsaber, Blade Gailen senses the power pulsing through his veins and the anger seizing him.A group of stormtroopers had opened the fire on his companion even before the gunfire hit them but when they reach for his lightsaber, he holds them by means of the power of his belt in his left hand while pressing them with his right hand to his chest, holding his lightsaber with his thumb and small left hand, andwithdraws the attacker with his middle finger and Forefinger away, as more stormtroopers fill the corridor and open the fire, Gailen breathes deeply d, before he, even if the shots devouring his valuable goods sink to the ground. Walking slowly at first, then quickly jogging he storms into the corridor. Lightning shoots from a fingertip and paralyzes the men, whereupon Gailen's lightsaber cuts their bodies. Screaming from crippling flashes and dying from a red-hot light shearing blade, the Gamg is now a single meat grinder. With gruesome fascination, Saber observes the bloody craft of this from her Liberated Essence. His face hidden behind a mask, his body wrapped in massive Cortosis. His black tunic goes up over his knees and disappears under a variety of belts, hanging on the about 10 lightsabers with different grip lengths. Laser projectiles just bounce off of him and the stormtroopers have no chance. Turning away from this sublime art of death, Saber recalls her real reason for her stay in the Emperor's laboratory. The medical equipment alone is sufficient for 100 shuttles that they can bring from Corusant. Unfortunately, these are too heavy and too awkward for Saber to take with them. Her eyes fall on a terminal and Saber comes up with the idea. Information - Rebels and Merchants Pay Good Credits for High-Security Imperial Data, and More Secret Than the Emperor himself. The hard drives are quickly removed from the console, but not fast enough. Just as she turns from the console to the lab entrance, Galen enters. Her rage goes from mask to supernova to magma and finally, only slightly irritated when Gailen enters Lanor and finds his liberator in the Emperor's console. "What is your name?" He asks her in a ssektsam mechanical voice and she just stares at him. He tries to shake her out of her trance and tries to flick her left hand in front of her eyes, but only a sound of metal rubbing against each other is created. Although he does not miss Schnippst his trade is not his goal. The woman in front of him jumps out of her trance and strokes her dried sweat from her face, leaving a blonde strand of her under her night vision device. With a second prank of her hand, the stalk is behind her ear and Gaiken's attention lands on her body. She is smaller than him, almost 20 cm from his 1.89m and her body seems strong and feminine at the same time. Her skinny outfit, tight black pants, white shirt flashing under a tight waistcoat, embracing her cures and lifting her bust. Away from her physical stimulation, she notices her sharp inhalation, biting her lower lip, and is overwhelmed by her answer. "Saber, Saber Fett, Mandalorian of Concorde Dawn, ex-Imp, smuggler and what looks like raiders, but back to you, what are you and where are you from?" Gailen mus kirz thinks, but replies, "Gailen Sypher of .. Corellia: I was Jedi and trained to be a Sith and it looks like I'm neither. " In his last words Saber grins and he likes to grin. "It's nice how you helped me, but I want to get away from here, so ..." "Understandably, let's leave this place, there'll be more soldiers coming soon."