
It was a warm morning in the middle of the summer. The birds were singing and there were signs of people in the little elven village getting up to work. Poe, a normal orphan in the little village, had always dreamed of leaving the village to explore the big world. Now that he was finally 15 years old and could open the status screen as everybody called it, he had a chance at fulfilling his dream.

The status screen could be opened at the age of 15, before that, improving and gaining skills, levels and so on was almost impossible.

Therefore, as everyone else did on his or her 15-year birthday, Poe excitedly opened his status.

Poe, class not chosen

Race: Elf

Lvl 1, EXP required: 100

HP(health): 5/5

MP(mana): 15/15

STR(strength): 0.5

VIT(vitality): 0.5

INT(intelligence): 1.5

WIS(wisdom): 2.5

AGI(agility): 1

SP(stat points): 5

SK(skill points): 0

Active skills: none

Passive skills:

Titles: [Part of the Elven Race]; [Bookworm]

[Part of the Elven Race]: gain + 0.5 INT and WIS per level. Gain 0.5 less STR and VIT per level.

[Bookworm]: You have formed a bond with books and spend most of your life with them. Gain + 1 WIS per level.

He looked at his status in all of its glory. As elves were a magic race, they got more INT and WIS than other races. Even if it sounds, great and all they also got less STR and VIT than the other races every level, so it balances out the gain.

All races have a base stat of five and gain 10 status points every level. 5 of them are automatically put in. the other 5 can be put in where the person wants them. Moreover, Poe who dreamed of magic and thinks that nothing else matters put 2.5 points into WIS and INT. A genius some might call him, but not much of the blame for the rash decision lays on Poe, as he is an orphan and did not really go to school, as it cost way too much money.

The reason for him being an orphan was that he did not have a family and he was left on the street by who he think was his parents. Latter he got into an orphanage, where he stayed to this day. He used all his time in the public library reading about magic and the world.

Now that he could finally leave the orphanage, he did. Nothing about friends, holding him back, or something else. Poe did not make any friends, as he spend most of his time in the public library. Maybe that was also, why he had been given the bookworm title.

After having made up his mind about leaving the little village, Poe left and walked towards the road leading away from the little eleven village. Where did the road lead? Poe had no idea. He just walked. Thinking about the big world, he was going to explore. A friendly reminder for where the road he walked lead to, was showed on the signs at the side of the road saying [DUNGEONS THAT WAY].

What is dungeons? Well, in simple words: caves with monsters in them. In addition, Poe knew that to become good at magic, he would have to defeat monsters to level up and gain skills.

Now how would Poe fight monsters if he did not have magic? Poe would use the big stick he found on the road, while making his way to the dungeon.

Time slowly passed on the road and after a few days, Poe realized that he did not have money or food with him. Poe easily resolved the food and water problems, but those silly troubles soon came back again. The reason for this was quite simple. He was exiting the forest that he had been wandering in for the last few days. He solved the food problem by eating berries he found on the way. Water he got from the rivers running throughout the forest.

When Poe exited the forest, he found himself starring at a barren land. In the distance, he could see towering mountains piercing through the sky. Looking at the road, it led towards the towering mountains in the distance. Thinking for a while Poe decided to drink some water and eat some more berries before going towards the mountains, hoping that he came across some food on the way.

After walking in the barren land for a few hours, Poe finally came across something living. It was the first monster Poe had ever seen in his life, as monster almost never came anywhere near the elven village he grew up in. Luckily for Poe it was only level 1.

[lvl 1, fluffy rabbit]

The little thing looked like it almost could not walk let alone fight, so as the brave mage he was, Poe decided that the fluffy rabbit would be his first enemy.

Readying the stick he had picked up from the road earlier, Poe attacked the harmless fluffy rabbit. After hitting the defenceless monster for some time, a notification popped up in front of Poe.

[Gained 5 EXP]

[Need to kill another 99 fluffy rabbits to complete fluffy rabbit quest]: quest can be upgraded.

After the notification, the rabbit turned into light particles that mostly flowed into Poe's body with the rest floating into the air slowly disappearing from the world. The only thing left behind was some fluffy rabbit meat. Looking at the meat, Poe felt his hunger hit him, so he picks up the fluffy rabbit meat and eats it raw. Why? Because he is hungry. Really hungry. Surprisingly the raw fluffy rabbit meat was quite good and did not really taste like meat at all.

After devouring the little meat that was left of the poor fluffy rabbit, Poe looked at the notifications he got. Poe knew that he got the EXP, but the quest was new to him. Looking at it, it looked like killing another 99 fluffy rabbits would give him some kind of reward.

Thinking to himself Poe looked at the distant mountains. Killing fluffy rabbits on the way would be a good thing to kill time before he reached the dungeon. He would also have no need to worry about the food problem like before. Now he only needed water. Luckily, it looked like the rivers from the forest came from the mountains in the first place and therefore the rivers also flowed through the barren land.

Now with an additional goal in mind (killing the poor fluffy rabbits), Poe walked towards the distant mountains with renewed energy. Sadly at this time, Poe did not know that the cute fluffy rabbits would not be so easy to defeat as he first thought they would.