Magic! and pain

Laying on the ground washed up from the river is Poe. Slowly opening his eyes, he takes in his surroundings. To his left is the river he escaped into and to the right is a staircase.

Looking around himself, he cannot see the shadow of the fluff balls, so he quickly picks up his trusty stick laying conveniently by his feet before walking towards the staircase to his right.

As he was walking towards the staircase, Poe takes a close look at the notifications he got from the white fluff ball incident earlier.

[Gained 4 EXP x 6]

[Gained 10 EXP x 4]

[Gained 15 EXP + 5 EXP: for killing higher level enemy x 2]

[*ding* level 3 reached]

Seeing the wonderful level up, Poe like always puts 2.5 into WIS and INT before he looks at his wonderful status screen proud of the INT and WIS stats.

Poe, class not chosen

Race: Elf

Lvl 3, EXP required: 292

HP: 15/15

MP: 120/120

STR: 1.5

VIT: 1.5

INT: 12

WIS: 15

AGI: 3

SP(stat points): 0

SK(skill points): 0

Active skills:

Passive skills: [Fall Resistance lvl 1]; [Stick Mastery lvl 1]

Titles: [Part of the Elven Race]; [Bookworm]

(Let us ignore the STR and VIT), Poe thinks to himself before closing his status screen and continuing towards the stairs in front of him.

Just when taking his first step onto the staircase, another notification greeted him.

[Gained Active Skill: Mana Manipulation lvl 1]: Due to having more than 100 mana you have gained the skill mana manipulation. The first step towards becoming a mage is of course controlling mana that fuels a mages spells. Able to manipulate mana inside and outside of your body. The higher level this skill gets the better you are to manipulate mana.


Poe could not help but scream with joy on top of his lungs, when he saw the notification in front of him. Finally, he had taken his first step towards becoming a real mage.

Calming himself down, Poe remembered the things he read about magic at the library back in the village.

Magic comes in many forms like elemental magic that uses mana to control elements such as fire, water, wind or earth. Magic can also be used other things such as neutral magic, neutral magic uses pure mana as its core to create unique spells such as mana bolt or arcane spike. The difference between elemental magic and neutral magic is that elemental magic uses the elements around them as a medium.

An example would be a water mage being stronger near a body of water, while an earth mage is stronger with earth around him.

There is many other ways to use mana to power magic, but elemental magic and neutral magic is the most commonly used methods for casting spells. A neutral mage would use more mana, but would also have more control over his or hers spells.

Thinking of the way he wanted to use magic, Poe first sat down and tried the mana manipulation skill he just got.

Feeling the mana travelling throughout his body got Poe excited. As he used a few minutes to calm down, Poe started to gather his mana towards his brain.

This was where a mage would create his or her mana core. A neutral mage would try to purify his mana while an elemental mage would only use mana from the element that they train in., as a water mage would only absorb water mana.

Poe on the other followed what his favorite book [Mages are better then everything] said and started to fuse the mana with his brain instead of condensing it into a core. A truly stupid person some might say, as doing this would in most cases kill the one doing it, but Poe was after all, an idiot.

As his favorite book was very descriptive about, was the pain the infusion of mana into the brain would inflict upon him.

Even though he was ready for it, it still could not prepare little Poe for the real thing. The biggest and most painful moment of little, Poe was after all when a wild dog bit him in the leg and even then, it was almost dead with no energy whatsoever left in it.


Letting out a scream of pain, Poe crumbled onto the ground. After a few screams of pain, he got into a fetus position before passing out while bleeding from ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

Poor little Poe. Having believed that he could take the pain ended up passing out after just half a minute.

After an unknown amount of time passed and Poe woke up with quite the headache.

Sitting up he used his mana manipulation to see what happened in his head and to his surprise, mana was filling up his brain slowly, like a small rain cloud in the middle of a desert. Even though the mana that fell had gathered and formed a small stream inside his brain, it was almost too small to be felt, even with mana manipulation.

Was this what his favorite book described as the ocean of mana filling up his brain?

A little too disappointing is it not? Poe thought this to himself before turning towards the notifications he got from creating the small stream of mana inside of his brain.

[Gained Title: Mana Stream]: an idiot infused mana into his brain and formed a stream of mana without dying in the attempt. + 0.5 INT and WIS per level. This title can be upgraded through a special action!

Well at least it is a start, with enough mana filling up his empty brain should be possible, eventually.

No wonder [Mages are better then everything] said to put all the stat points into INT and WIS… so this was why? Poe thought to himself before he let out a dejected sigh and continued up the stairs in front of him.

Well at least he gets more INT and WIS per level from now on.