City and guard

Waking up after falling asleep atop the tree, Poe looked around himself. Branches and leafs… Well he did sleep atop a tree, so not really unexpected.

Jumping down from the tree he slept in, Poe landed on the ground in front of the tree.

Just as he landed on the ground, Poe somehow managed to land on one of the trees roots causing him to fall headfirst onto the ground.

Being greeted good morning by the tree, Poe gets up from the ground, now with a bleeding nose.

Cursing the tree for a while, Poe quickly recovered before starting to take in where he was. It was still the forest, just less trees. That means he was getting closer to the exit of the forest, he thinks.

With that in mind, Poe continued walking towards the direction with less trees. Whether it was right or wrong, nobody knows.

As Poe walked, he noticed that there were less and less trees around him. Looking at this he could not help but be happy. This meant what he thought of earlier was most likely true.

Moreover, just as expected after another few hours of walking, Poe finally exited the forest.

Coming out of the forest one of the first things Poe saw was a road. Not like the grass road back in the forest, but a proper road. From the looks of it there might be a human settlement nearby.

Why a human settlement?

Simple, humans are everywhere. On land, on water, underground… You can find humans everywhere.

As for race like elves. They were rare even in forests let alone outside of them and there were only few elven villages left… Wait were he not some rare creature?

Why did he become a homeless if he was so rare? Well in the village, there were only elves, so he was not rare…

Elves as a race were know to be the best mages, because of the [Part of the elven race] title, but it was also because of that title that they were known as splendid glass cannons. Not being able to take damage at all.

Ironic how their racial title made them the strongest race with most firepower, while also making them the most fragile race. This was also, why you would never see an elf with the warrior class.

It was also for this reason that you would never see someone from the giant race becoming a mage and that they just love hitting stuff.

Humans on the other hand were average in everything and could therefore easily take whatever class they wanted. The downside was that they could never be better than elves as mages or giants as warriors, but they could still chose between a lot more classes.

To Poe who wanted to become the greatest and best mage ever, being part of the elven race was the best choice for him and as fate would have it, he was indeed an elf.

As Poe finished thinking that being a part of the elven race was the best ever, he started following the road leading away from the forest towards a possible human settlement.

Walking along the road for only half an hour or so, Poe spotted what looked like a wall in the distance and the closer he came the more it started to look like a wall. After another 10 minutes of walking, Poe discovered to his surprise that the wall was indeed a wall.

The thing was just that the wall in front of him was at least 50 meters high towering into the air. This was indeed the biggest wall Poe had ever seen; there was just one problem with it. No gate or entrance with guards showing you the way inside, just a giant wall.

Looking to the left and right, there were still no entrance. Feeling a little lost at the prospect of there being no entrance at all, Poe quickly got into a better mood remembering that to get in they needed a gate. Thinking this, Poe turned towards his left and continued following the wall that way.

After walking for a while, Poe discovered that there were indeed people stationed on the top of the wall and even though he could not see, what they looked like behind their armors it was most likely humans.

To his surprise, he also finally saw a gate in the distance. At this point, he was really suspecting that this wall would go on forever without end. Luckily, that was not the case.

Coming to the gates entrance, Poe saw no line standing in front of the gate waiting to enter. The only thing there was two guards. One of them sat on the ground leaning up against the wall half-sleeping. The other guard had spotted him and was making his way over towards Poe, who was also making his way towards the guard.

[Human warrior, lvl 47]

[Human warrior, lvl 51]

The one coming towards Poe was the one with the level at 51; Poe was indeed still at a low level, but he was after all only 15.

"I need identification for the guild you are afflicted with, if you don't have any I'll need your race, age and where you are from"

The guard that came towards Poe said in a very serious manner compared to the carefreeness shown off by his co-worker.

"I-I don't have an identification card, but I want to get one from the mage guild in the future."

Poe answered the guard quite nervously. The guard on the other hand had most likely already seen his race, so he showed a slight smile before talking to Poe again.

"No worries, even though this is a frontier city, as it is afflicted with the mage guild and warrior guild it is outside the influence of any kingdoms, as for joining the mage guild. You can do that at the guild building, just inside, giant tower with the mage guilds symbol on it, I just need your age, race and place you came from."

The guard was much nicer than what Poe expected, so he quickly answered the guards question.

"I'm an elf from the Spiritual Woods, 15 years old."

Poe kindly answered the guard's question. The guard first looked a little surprised before starting to speak again with a little more passion in his voice.

"The Spiritual Woods, huh… To think there was an elven village in that forest. Well for one as young to leave and come all the way to here you must have had quite the journey, well that is all I needed; you can just go ahead and enter."

Just as Poe entered the city, a voice called out to him from behind.

"Remember! Look out for the high tower with the mage guild symbol on it! Just keep walking straight and you will see it."

That guard was indeed kind. Thinking that, Poe entered the city and started going straight as the guard told him to do.