Mage guild card

Luckily for Poe, he did not have to wait for a long time before the blonde woman came back to the counter for registrations. The only real difference was that she had some papers with her, most likely the form for registration.

"You just need to fill out the form. When you are done you can just hand the form over to me again."

The blonde woman said as she handed Poe a pen and a paper.

Looking over the paper, Poe saw that it was basic things such as birthplace, age, race, class and level. It was not asking too much so Poe left things he could as blank such as class and level, but other than that, he filled out the rest.

When all was done, he handed the paper over to the blonde woman, who looked over the paper a few times before heading to the back again.

"What is she doing this time?"

Poe asked as he looked towards Grant, who had been silence this entire time.

"Wha-… ah, she is processing the information to get a mage guild card made for you. After that, you will be an apprentice of the mage guild. To become an official member you will have to get a mage class and raise your rank from apprentice to newbie mage. Newbie mage pretty much just means you got a mage class, to raise your rank further than that means reaching a higher level or just being as strong as someone on the required level."

Grant just finished talking when the blonde woman came back with what looked like a card in her right hand.

"Here you go. If you have any other questions ask them now!"

After saying that she handed Poe his mage guild card. The card was blue with ranking showing 1 star.

[Guild/Clan: Mage Guild]

[Name: Poe][Race: Elf][Age: 15]

[Level: ???][Class: ???]

[Rank: 1 star]

Finding the star a little weird, Poe decided to ask about it.

"What is the 1 star shown from my rank?"

It was not the blonde woman answering, as Grant was faster than she was and answered his question.

"Every guild call the different ranks different thing, so in order to establish a universal ranking the star ranking came to be. For example from the warriors guild the 1 star ranking is called trainee, where it is called apprentice at the mage guild, I myself am 3 star which is good for my age."

Hearing Grants answer, Poe also thought it made sense this way, as it would be easier to know a person's strength level from simple stars than remembering all the guilds different ranking systems.

"Last, what is the clan on the card? Is it different from the guilds?"

Poe asked the last thing that was on his mind, Poe had never read about something like a clan before, so it interested him quite a lot for something to have the same standing as the guilds.

"Clans is the same as guilds, just that instead of only taking in warriors like the warriors guild or the mage guild only taking in mages, a clan takes in people from all classes. A good example would be the black wing clan, even though they take in people from all classes they focus on people focusing in the darkness element. Like a dark elemental mage or darkness knight. So even though they take in people from all classes they tend to focus towards a specific element instead of a guild that focuses on the class more than the element."

This time the blonde woman answered his question, before signaling for him to leave if that was all.

Poe who had no more questions to ask left the counter and sat down on a sofa nearby with a table in front of it. After sitting down, Poe went over all the things he learned like the star ranking system and the clans.

This was all new to Poe; he had not even read it in any of the books at the public library. Maybe it was something newly introduced? Thinking that, Poe decided that was how things were.

Well… Elves were unfriendly, never left their forests and long lifespans. This was also the reason why they tended to forget about the outside world or just ignore it to enjoy a quiet life. This had made them isolated as a race, almost no new information from the outside world came back to the elven villages and cities, as those who left the elven cities, and villages normally never came back again.

As Poe finished arranging his thought and the new things he learned, he saw Grant coming towards him from the distance. It looked like Grant stayed behind and talked to the blonde woman after he left.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

Grant asked Poe as soon as he came over to him. Poe looked up at Grant as if he was stupid before answering.

"Hunt monsters of course!"

Poe said as he proudly puffed his chest forward. Grant who saw this could not help but laugh a little before asking Poe another question.

"Then might I ask where do you sleep? Where do you get your food? From what I have seen you most likely don't have any money and your clothes have seen better days."

This might be great time to announce that Poe only had some ragged clothes on plus the robe of the bat king. He looked quite bad and really did need to clean himself and get some new clothes.

Looking down himself Poe could not help but feel a little shamed as he really did look like something a stray cat had brought in. If it were not for the splendid robe of the bat king, he would have looked even worse…

Thinking to here, Poe was thankful that the bat king gave him a robe, at least he could hide his worn out clothes a little this way.

Grant who seemed to have noticed Poe gave him an offer he could not refuse.

"You can stay at my place for now, I still have some clothes from when I was younger laying around, you could use those instead of the rags you are walking around in."

Having heard the voice of heaven speak, Poe could not refuse and followed Grant outside the mage guild after he finished his request.

Well normally, you would not follow strangers home, but Poe is Poe. Lucky that it was not someone intending to sell him off and just someone who wanted to help. If Poe really became a great mage in the future, he would still remember Grant from the past.