Inn, Lily and FOOD!

The situation now stable, Grant decided not to say that he looked 100 % like an elf girl… He did really look androgynous, but somehow leaned towards the girl side more than boy side and he did not really see Poe enter the bath…

Well that done, Grant decided to move on though still a little curious.

"For now what about getting something to eat? I know a great inn run by a friend of mine just a few streets from here."

Poe looked towards Grant with a look of adoration or maybe it was just greed thinking Grant could buy him food… Well either way it looked like Poe had agreed to follow him.

"Yes! Let's go!"

Grant just managed to catch on to the last few words, before Poe had left the house where he was and was now eagerly awaiting Grant exiting the house and feeding… Treating him to a meal at the inn.

"Okay, okay we will go to the inn to get something to eat, for now calm down a little first."

Saying that Grant exited the house, Poe who was reprimanded by Grant on the other hand quickly calmed down, before looking at the ground in shame.

Poe really did make quit a scene when he was running out of the house earlier, but he had not eaten for god knows how long and was hungry. Hearing Grant would treat him just made him a little too excited… Yes, that was it

The rest of the walk towards the inn Grant knew went on in silence, Poe did not say a word after Grant told him to calm down and neither did Grant.

Coming to the inn, Poe noticed that it was quite large compared to other inns that he saw on his way here. Maybe it was a high quality inn?

"Hello, would you like to eat or… Ah it's Grant, so how many people or is it just you again?"

Saying so, a busty girl with short brown hair walked up to grant.

"Two people this time, Lily."

Saying so, Grant signaled to the short elf behind him. The short elf in question however, was too busy drooling while looking towards the dining area with a longing look in the eyes…

Grant who saw this could not stop a sigh from escaping his mouth. Lily on the other hand looked a little shocked that Grant who always came to eat alone actually brought a cute little elf with him this time around.

"The table is this way!"

Lily quickly reclaimed her calm and put on a smile as she showed Grant and Poe to their table.

"What would you like to have?"

Lily said as soon as Grant and Poe sat down at the table making Poe flinch a little.

"The usual."

Grant said as he looked towards Poe who was looking over the menu. Poe who was looking at the menu intensely for a good minute looked like he finally came to a decision.

"The same as Grant!"

Saying so, Poe looked towards Grant before looking at Lily who looked down on a note in her hand as she wrote something down on it.

"Anything else?"

Lily said after she finished writing on the note.

"No that is fine, thank you as always Lily."

Saying so Grant smiled at Lily, before turning around and exploring the inside of the inn and Poe who had only noticed and looked at what people ate at the time did the same.

The inn was clean, neat and had a stylish look to it. Other than that, it had many people dining on the same floor as Poe and Grant.

The inn looked like it was a popular dining spot… Thinking this Poe looked even more forward to the food he was going to eat soon.

After waiting for what seemed like years to Poe the food finally arrived at the table. Poe looked at the food for a while before asking Grant what was on his mind.

"What is the name of this?"

Looking over the food, Grant started to explain what it was.

"Round ball is called a potato while the meat is from pig monsters that roam close to the town, it taste great grilled. The sauce… What is the sauce I never really got to ask, Lily?"

After explaining most of the food, Grant looked towards Lily who was just about to leave.

Lily looked over at Grant before shrugging and giving Grant the 'who knows' face before leaving.

"And you call yourself a waitress…"

Grant mumbled lowly to himself before looking at Poe who was about to eat.

"Well the sauce tastes great, I personally recommend that you eat the potatoes with the sauce on them and the pig monster steak alone."

After saying so, Grant began eating his food while dipping his potatoes in the sauce before eating them. Poe, who also started eating, soon followed this example and did the same.

As they soon finished eating, Lily came back to the table after a few minutes.

"That will be a total of 20 copper."

Saying so Grant took out some coins before giving them to Lily who turned to leave afterwards.

Copper was the lowest currency in the world, it was what you normally used to pay for things like food and other small things.

In Poe's favorite book, there was also a page explaining money and if Poe remembered correctly, it went:

100 copper = 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold

1000 gold = 1 magic coin

100 magic coins = ???

There was something above magic coins, but the book said you would learn about that later and for a mage, material objects such as money did not matter. The most important was the mages magic!

After having paid for the food, Grant and Poe left the inn and returned to Grants house.

Luckily, for Poe, Grant had a spare room with a grand bed in it, as Poe expected all of Grants money went into his beds and his bathroom…

Thinking this, Poe laid exhaustedly down on the bed that was quite fluffy.

Ah… This is just as fluffy as a fluffy rabbit's fur. Wait! Maybe that is what they used to make the bed?

This was Poe's last thought before sleep finally came and claimed him. Fluffy rabbits were indeed useful~