Ivy the fire lord!!!

Having come to the decision of hunting monsters together with Lucia and Ivy, Poe soon found himself in front of the entrance to the little town of sorts.

With him was both Lucia and Ivy.

"So what tunnel are we going to? Wind tunnel, fire tunnel or something else?"

Lucia asked, looking towards Poe.

"What do you mean?"

Poe asked, sending a questioning look towards Lucia.

"Ah! This is your first time to the training grounds right? Each of the four doors lead to 4 different floors of the guilds training dungeon and on each of the floors are different tunnels leading to places with different monsters. When I say wind tunnel or fire tunnel, I mean the monster are from the wind element or the fire element. Supposedly there is a time tunnel on the 4 floor, we can go and check it out after Poe reaches at least level 10."

Lucia said, as she again turned to look towards Poe.

"O-okay? But you can just decide what tunnel we go to!"

"Then we will just go to the ice tunnel, sister will be able to kill ice monster quit easily!"

Saying so, the group made their way towards the ice tunnel.

[Rock golem, lvl 11]

Of course, they had to deal with the monsters on the way there. Ivy was not that much of a help against the rock golems, as they were made up of rock the fire did not really do much to them, even the explosions from fireballs did not do close to the damage Poe's mana ball did or Lucia's earth spike.

Overall, Ivy was deemed useless against the rock golems.

[Gained 33 EXP + 5 EXP: for killing higher level enemy]

Looking at how little EXP Poe got from killing the rock golem, Poe got confused. Looking up at Lucia, Poe decided to ask her.

"Why did I get way less EXP from the rock golem? Normally I would get more."

Poe asked as he looked towards Lucia with confusion clearly present on his little face.

"Ah! This is your first time hunting together with others, right?"


Poe said as he nodded towards Lucia's question.

"Well when you hunt in a group you will get less EXP. The more people helping to take down a monster. The less EXP you will get, but if you for example dealt most of the damage; you would get most of the EXP from the monster killed."

Saying so, Lucia turned away from Poe and started making her way towards the ice tunnel in the distance.

"I see! So that is it."

Poe said as he followed behind Lucia.

The Ice tunnel could be seen from quite a distance away. The reason for this was simple. The ice tunnel literally formed a domain of sorts around itself making everything around it an icy wasteland of sorts.

Without waiting for Poe or Lucia, Ivy started to walking towards the ice tunnel and soon entered it.

"What are you 2 doing? Come on!"

Saying so, Ivy's head poked out from the icy tunnel and gestured for them to come over.

Lucia and Poe looked at each other before walking towards the ice tunnel. The place was really cold, Poe and Lucia clearly did not like the cold and a certain someone wanted to take advantage of her being a fire mage.

"Poe you can come here to big sister~ I will definitely keep you warm~"

Ivy's expression fit a bandit taking advantage of a young maiden more, than a good-natured person wanting to help those in need…

Well Ivy was Ivy…

Poe had already known what Ivy wanted, so he chose to splendidly ignore her. Lucia also sent a slightly disgusted look her way, but Ivy did not seem to care the least.

Coming out on the other side of the ice tunnel, Poe, Lucia and Ivy saw a lot of monsters, but only a few mages spread around the place. Looked like this place was not as popular as the water tunnel Poe entered.

That might also be understandable, as it was cold to an almost unbearable degree inside the ice cave.

Though looking at the ice crystal sprouting from the ground and the snow-white landscape, Poe could not help thinking it was quite a beautiful place to train.

[Ice rabbit, lvl 13]

[Ice golem, lvl 14]

[Lesser Ice spirit, lvl 13]

There were 3 different kind of monsters in here, compared to the water tunnel, this place really had more to it…

Without waiting for Poe or Lucia to get ready, Ivy charged towards the closest monster burning it.

[Gained 20 EXP: Group member killed monster without your help]

Well at least they still got EXP for doing nothing…

With Ivy having started, Poe and Lucia also followed and started to hunt the monsters.

Poe and Lucia mostly fought together, whereas Ivy just ran around throwing fire everywhere like a maniac…

This earned her the fear of the other mages present, as they clearly took a distance from them.

Poe did not know to feel sad or happy about this, as they could hunt easier with less mages around, but then again. The reason for this was a certain someone, who was indulged in slaughtering every monster she found.

Indeed, Ivy was a scary person. From now on, Poe would most likely end up submitting more to Ivy, as her killing spree in the ice cave might have left Poe with some kind of trauma…

After a good 5 hours of hunting for monsters, Poe concluded on thing. Only the Ice rabbit dropped something good.

[Ice rabbit meat]: Hailed as one of the best pieces of meat, even though the monster it comes from is low level, it is still hailed as one of the best pieces of meat found out there. No matter the race! Be it human, demi-human, demon or even monsters!

Oh, he also reached level 8 and was only 100 or so EXP away from level 9… Even though Poe himself killed a lot of monster together with Lucia, he still got more EXP from Ivy's slaughter. There was even one point where she cast some spell called fire strike and killed over 50 monsters at once… Ivy is scary…

His stat points of course went to his intelligence, but he was starting to waver on his path to become a true mage… Ivy's destruction as a fire mage was really scary, but also awesome…

The last thing that leveled up was his mana enchantment and mana ball barrage.