The glorious snake race!

After Ivy confirmed with Poe that, she had indeed become a fire lord of some kind in his eyes, she started to demonstrate her great fire arts in an attempt to impress Poe.

Sadly, Ivy did not know that she had become the evil kind of fire lord. Reigning with terror as the core…

[Gained 20 EXP: group member killed monster without your help]

[Gained 25 EXP: group member kil…]

[Gained 2…]

Ivy was indeed doing her best to demonstrate all of her beautiful and deadly fire arts on the poor rock golems on the way, she even seemed to start hunting them down on their way to the nature tunnel, delaying them quite a lot…

This time, Poe and Lucia had decided to go to the nature tunnel. The reason for this was quite simple, when Lucia asked where to go, Poe simply asked what tunnel had most monsters that dropped meat and so the nature tunnel was decided on.

The nature tunnel had more monsters than the ice tunnel. This also meant there would be way more people and of course, the nature tunnels monster were great for Ivy to deal with. Especially the plant type monsters… according to Ivy, they burned quite well, a perfect place for her to demonstrate her firepower.

Some time passed with Ivy hunting the poor rock golem, but in the end, they still made it to the nature tunnel.

The nature tunnel was excessively different compared to the ice tunnel. The ice tunnel had transformed everything around it into a frozen wasteland, while the nature tunnel had transformed everything around it into a jungle, if not for the path going straight through the tight jungle area around the tunnel, it would be hard to find it.

Going through the jungle was quite relaxing, as the monsters and animals around here were quite harmless… harmle… har…

[Peter the snake, lvl 2]

[Titles: Good boy; innocent; friend of humans]


[Inspect has reached level 3]: You are now able to see some lower level enemies titles and names.

Seeing a dreadful being suddenly rearing its head destroying the tranquility of peaceful forest, Poe could not help screaming, running towards Lucia and using mana ball barrage on the dreadful being.

Both Lucia and Ivy was surprised at Poe's sudden breakdown. Looking towards the predator, Lucia and Ivy could not help letting a little laugh escape, while on the same time trying to calm down Poe.

[Gained 0 EXP: enemy was seen as nothing but an innocent snake passing by in its home territory as it always did, but compared to the other mages that chose ignored its tiny self; you decided to end it, even if you got nothing from it]

"It's okay Poe, it is dead and it was only level 2. There is no need to worry that much about."

"Haha~ what a cute scream. Come let big sister help relieve your fear~"

After hearing Lucia's voice, Poe calmed down and looked towards the now dead snake.

"Y-you didn't say anything about snakes!"

Poe said to Lucia in a shaking voice. Poe really did not like snake or spiders… Well there is a lot of thing Poe does not like, but snakes is most definitely in the top 5 of the list.

"Well… This is a nature tunnel, so there will 100 % be snakes in there… Do you want to change the tunnel?"

Lucia said while looking worriedly towards Poe, she would most likely change the tunnel they go to, even if it delayed them for some time. Poe who saw the caring and worried expression of Lucia stopped what he was about to say puffed up his no existent chest.

"W-well, I'm not scared o-of some s-s-snakes! L-let's go fast!"

Saying so, Poe dragged both Lucia and Ivy towards the nature tunnel.

"The pretending to be brave Poe is also cute~ hehe~"

Ivy was enjoying it all the way to the entrance of the tunnel, just thinking of Poe getting scared of the big snakes in the nature cave, come running towards her while screaming "big sister Ivy, help me~" got her fired up.

Having entered the nature tunnel, Poe, Lucia and Ivy soon found themselves in the nature cave.

Compared to what you would expect, there was not a tight jungle or trees everywhere. The reason for this was simple, it would be a bother and as mostly, all mages were girls, what girl would enjoy crawling around a forest to hunt for monsters?

The nature cave had a few trees here and there. Nothing really standing out in the cave other than the size being bigger and monster being everywhere.

"The reason the nature tunnel is like this, is because a royal princess once came to the training grounds and ended up hating the nature tunnel, because of its tight forests. Soon when she grew older, she pushed a reform in the mage guild to remove the forests inside the training grounds nature tunnels."

Just how much did she hate forests? Poe thought to himself, while also feeling thankful towards the royal princess at the same time.

[Giant snake, lvl 13]

[Poison snake, lvl 13]

[Forest snake, lvl 12]

Without that royal princess, Poe would never have seen all the different snakes that existed in the nature cave…

[Water snake, lvl 15]

[Sky snake, lvl 14]

[River snake, lvl 13]

Even a flying snake!? And it had wings. For some reason, Poe never wished for such a thing to exist…

Looking at all the snakes flying, swimming, slithering and borrowing underground, Poe could only think of one thing.

Thank you so much royal princess-sama…


"W-what happened?"

And so, Poe fainted.