Volume 1: Monster Encyclopedia!


[Fluffy rabbit]: a fluffy rabbit.

[Wild dog]: a big dog that lives in the wild. It likes elf meat.

[River fish]: A fish in a river.

[Cave bat]: a bat in a cave

[Cave spider]: a big spider that lives in caves. Is the size of a dog?

[Cave spider queen]: A giant spider that is normally the leader of hundreds of other cave spiders.

[Cave bat king]: A giant bat with a crown on its head, leader of hundreds or even thousands of cave bats.

[Fluffy rabbit, KING FLUFFY]: king of the fluffy rabbit. Have been named king of fluffiness by all that have touched him.

[Fluffy rabbit guardian]: It is a fluffy rabbit, just silver. Have stronger defense.

[Wild goblins]: Are seen as monsters and will attack all other races no matter what, but this is not what earned the wild goblins the title of monsters, no, what earned them this title was that they also seek out other races to attack villages and the last is that they don't have a language and can't communicate with others. That is why they are seen as monsters and not an intelligent race.

[Wild goblin fire mage]: A wild goblin with the fire mage class, because of racial limits its fire spells damage is lowered to 80 % of the original damage.

[Rock golem]: a golem made of rocks

[Lesser water spirit]: The weakest spirit of water.

[Lesser Ice Spirit]: The weakest spirit of ice.

[Ice golem]: A golem made of ice.

[Ice rabbit]: A normal rabbit that has taken on the ice element. Can cast simple ice magic and is well known for it's delicious meat.

[Giant snake]: A big snake.

[Poison snake]: a poisonous snake. Knows poison magic.

[Forest snake]: Mostly harmless, lives in the forest and will not attack without being provoked first.

[Water snake]: This snake knows water magic.

[Sky snake]: Poe's worst enemy! A flying snake with wings. Knows wind magic.

[River snake]: This snake normally hides in a river waiting for prey.

[Bird of the sky]: Bird of the sky is white. Can use wind magic. Can devour the essence of the bird of the earth and bird of the sea to evolve into a majestic bird of the world.

[Bird of the earth]: Bird of the earth is yellow. Can use earth magic. Can devour the essence of the bird of the sky and bird of the sea to evolve into a majestic bird of the world.

[Bird of the sea]: Bird of the sea is blue. Can use water magic. Can devour the essence of the bird of the earth and bird of the sky to evolve into a majestic bird of the world.

[Majestic bird of the world]: Evolved after one of the 3 birds of sky, earth and sea combines the essence of all 3. Can use earth, wind and water magic. Feared because of its strength, even a level 20 majestic bird of the world can kill a normal level 35 monster, sometimes it is even stronger!

[Fluffy rabbit shaman]: A shaman of the fluffy rabbit tribe. Knows spirit magic and can communicate with its dead ancestors. Carries bones of its dead fellow tribesmen to honor them.

[Ancient fluffy rabbit spirit]: The spirit of a fluffy rabbit that has long passed on, a delicacy if mixed together with soul grass and high dragon meat!

[Living log of wood]: A log of wood that is somehow alive… Kills people by rolling over them… Pretty easy to kill off, just need to dodge the roll attack!

[Slithering sand worm]: A worm that is between 1 - 200 meters long, depending on how strong it is. Can go beyond 200 meters if it evolves! Loves slithering over sand.