Breakfast and hotcakes!

Having left the restaurant behind, Poe had tasted the best desert ever and even got a goal for when he left the training grounds in the future.

The rest of the day was spent with Poe and Lucia exploring the town, Ivy was gone for the entire day and only turned up when it was time to sleep for them. Lucia feared that Ivy went out to create a reputation for herself and in a new place where people did not know her; she could get away with many things.

Compared to the 3'rd floor where most of the people took the extra time to go around her and judging by her satisfied smile when she came back, Ivy most likely established her reputation around town already.

When morning came, Poe was lucky enough to convince Lucia that they needed to eat breakfast on the flying kitty, so with all things set in order, Poe proceeded towards the flying kitty with Lucia and Ivy following behind.

"Ah, It's you three from yesterday!"

Hearing a voice as soon as they entered the restaurant, Poe, Ivy and Lucia looked towards the direction of the voice and to their surprise, the same cat girl from yesterday welcomed them.

"Cat girl!"

"Ah… My name is Cecilia, not cat girl…"

As Poe called out to cat girl, she decided selfishly that she was not cat girl, but Cecilia. Poe of course ignored this, as he thought the name cat girl fit her better way better.

"A table for three?"

"Yes, thank you. The same table as yesterday would be nice, if it was free."

Lucia said as she sent a kind smile towards Cecilia. A small blush from the young cat girl rewarded Lucia more than enough for her smile.

Seeing this, Poe realized that blushing meant something. Maybe a feeling, but he was not sure what feeling it was and it might be a dangerous one, as Ivy sometimes looked towards him or girls on the street with a blush on her face.

Seeing the cat girl blushing while also being happy, Poe decided that blushing had something to do with being happy. That would also mean a certain pervert got happy easily…

Now that Poe was thinking about it, Lucia easily made girls blush. Maybe Lucia was good at making girls happy?

Thinking about it this way, Poe's admiration for Lucia soared even higher than it was before.

"T-this way please!"

Saying so, Cecilia led the way to the top of the restaurant. All while showing her best possible smile to Lucia.

On the way up the stairs, Ivy got a few disgusted and scared looks from some of the customers; it looked like her reputation in this town was already spreading… Ivy did not flinch or feel down at the looks she got; she only blushed and looked quite happy in response to the attention she got.

Having made their way up on the terrace on top of the restaurant Poe, Ivy and Lucia got the breakfast menu and Poe quickly decided to get something called hotcakes.

Without waiting for even 5 minutes a plate full of hotcakes came out and greeted Poe.

The first thing Poe thought about when he saw the hotcakes was the thing called pancakes. Once upon a time, Poe was lucky enough to taste pancakes from a nice lady selling them on the street back in his home town, she of course gave them to Poe for free. Maybe because he was starring so intently back then…

But! There was one major difference compared to the pancakes Poe remembered and that was the shape.

From what Poe remembered, pancakes were thin big circles that could be stuffed with all the good stuff you could think of, like jam! This so-called hotcake on the other hand looked like fat small circles stuffed. It was already so small and fat, so you could definitely not stuff this thing with all the good stuff and most likely ate it without filling it with things like jam…

Just as Poe was about to become sad in the face of all the missed opportunities, he saw cat girl taking out some kind magic bottle before slowly letting the content inside of it out on top of his hotcakes.

"W-what is this!"

Poe said as he looked at the magic liquid slowly flowing down the sides of his hot cakes.

"This is syrup, it's normally used on hotcakes and it tastes great!"

Hearing the cat girl's explanation, Poe relaxed a great deal and let her finish pouring the syrup on top of his pancakes.

Having finished pouring the syrup on the pancakes, Cecilia took another plate out from who knows where.

The plate Cecilia took out was filled to the brim with all kinds of fruits and berries. Having taken the plate out, Cecilia picked out some berries and put them on top the hotcake tower and she even remembered to put some berries and fruits on the side of the hotcake tower, just to make it look more delicious than it already did.

Poe also accepted this, as he got more food this way.

The decorations now complete, Cecilia turned to leave the three.

Poe took this opportunity to start eating his food, while ignoring the hungry looks Lucia and Ivy sent him.

They had after all not gotten their food yet, but Cecilia soon came back with their food and all three of them could indulge themselves in eating the food in front of them for a while.

Having finished eating after a moment of peace, Lucia paid for the food and all three of them left the flying kitty behind while saying goodbye to Cecilia.

"It is time to hunt monster again!"

"That is true Ivy, but what tunnel do you think we should pick for the first monster hunt on the 4'th floor? The time tunnel might be the rarest one, but it also the most dangerous one, so I think we should start at one of the easier tunnels first!"

"Then how about we try a wind tunnel? They should be quite easy as most of the monsters in wind tunnels hit hard, but have close to defense!"

"True… And most of them are melee attackers, so mages have an advantage there… What do you think Poe?"

Saying so Lucia turned to Poe, who had remained quiet for this entire conversation.

"Huh…? Y-yeah sure."

Poe answered without really knowing what he agreed to…