Chicken Salad, Public baths and Cecilia

Sitting in by the side of the terrace on the roof of the restaurant, Poe looked out over the town while he was waiting for the food.

The town itself was bigger than any town Poe had been to before and even though the town looked big when he was walking in it, when looking at it from high up, it looked enormous.

Compared to the town Poe was in before coming to the training grounds, Poe discovered that the houses here were denser together and higher. He also noticed that Ivy and Lucia was not as impressed with the high buildings and dense buildings. Thinking this was a little weird Poe decided to ask.

"I-is the city here big?"

"Not really… it is more like a small town, why do you ask?"

"I-it's the biggest town I have seen so far, I was just amazed by how big the buildings were and how dense this town is… The town I lived in only had a few hundred people and most of the buildings were small. The only really big building was the town hall…"

Poe said while trying to hide his head a little. Maybe he got a little shy over not having been to any big town and the place he grew up could most likely not even be called a small town with how few people lived there…

"You never saw a big town before?"


Seeing, Poe saying no, Lucia's eyes started shinning for some weird reason, it was like she had seen something that interested her greatly. Ivy also looked at Poe as if she had seen some sort of rare creature.

Was it that unnatural to have never seen any big towns before?

While thinking this, Poe spotted Cecilia coming over from the distance with their food in her hand.

"Hello again, Poe and Lucia's food is done, I will come with yours soon Ivy."

Cecilia said while smiling towards Ivy, Poe felt it was not a coincidence Cecilia brought his and Lucia's food, but not Ivy's food.

Ignoring Cecilia who most likely formed some kind of hostility towards Ivy, Poe decided to start eating the food in front of him.

"What is it?"

Poe asked as he looked at salad in front of him. This was Poe's first time seeing a salad with meat in it, so he was quite interested in what it was.

"This? It's called a chicken salad. It has pieces of chicken, salad, some special dressing made by this restaurant and some other spices in it."

Saying so, Poe looked over the salad and it did indeed look good, so with no further delay he decided to start eating. Eating good food really was the pinnacle of life~

Lucia also looked over her food for a bit, before also starting to eat, as for Ivy, she looked satisfied enough watching Poe eat.

Cecilia on the other hand noticed that Ivy did not seem to be down at not getting her food, but somehow looked happily at the others eating with a somewhat disturbing smirk on her face.

Finding out that it did not work on her, Cecilia soon came back with Ivy's food.

Having gotten her food, Ivy soon started eating as well.

Poe and Lucia on the other hand had just finished eating, so with no other choice, Poe got some more food and managed to finish it just before Ivy.

"Okay now that we have finished, do you have anything you want to do, Poe?"

Lucia asked Poe while paying Cecilia at the same time.

"No, why?"

"Well, we have spent most of the day hunting monsters, but it is way too early for sleeping, so I was thinking, if there was something you wanted to do."

"Well, I could use a bath… But Ivy…"


Saying so, both Lucia and Poe turned around and gave Ivy a suspicious look.

"W-what? I-I won't do anything inappropriate! I-I p-promise!"

Ivy's creepy smiling face was 100 % saying she was up to something, even Cecilia at the side seemed to have noticed.

"H-how about this, Poe can go to the public bath together with me. My shift is over soon anyways."

Surprised, Poe turned towards Cecilia who volunteered to help him out.

"That is fine, but you only need to help Poe enter the bath, while I watch this one."

Lucia said as she send a judging look towards her big sister.


Having figured out the problem with who was watching out for Ivy, Poe and Lucia both let out a sigh as they left the flying kitten.

They had decided that they would meet with Cecilia at the public baths in another 15 minutes or so.

Luckily, they also found out that there was a public bath just a minute or two away from the restaurant.

Having waited for a while besides the entrance to the public bath, Cecilia soon showed up. This time she did not wear a uniform from the restaurant, but was instead wearing casual clothes.

"So? Should we get going?"

She said, as she entered the public baths before any of them got to answer the question.

Having entered the public baths, Lucia paid for two private baths. One for Cecilia and Poe. The second was for Lucia and Ivy.

"I will try to control my big sister. You two just enjoy yourselves."

"Okay… Be careful!"

Poe said as he waved goodbye to Lucia and Ivy, as they disappeared into the bath area.

"Let's go."


Having acknowledged Cecilia, Poe soon followed her into the bath area they paid for.

The bath area they had were split into four bath rooms, Poe took up one, while Cecilia took up one as well.

They soon finished cleaning up and left the bath area with no problems nothing much happened and they were able to talk with each other, as the bath rooms was close to each other only having a thin wall separating them.

Lucia also managed to keep Ivy under control, so the visit to the public baths soon finished with no issues or problems happening, it was quite refreshing.