Entering the Third Floor

After walking for another few minutes, they soon made it to the clothing store Cecilia talked about earlier.

The clothing store was bigger than the restaurant Cecilia worked on and was several floors high, but that was not the only thing that impressed Poe when he saw the building.

Giant glass windows was everywhere around the building allowing people passing by to look in easily and see the clothes on display around the store. There was even a small price tag by the side of the things displayed in the giant windows of the store.

This was Poe's first time seeing windows that big in his entire life and they were only used for displaying the things the store sold. This impressed Poe and at the same time disappointed him, because why would you use windows that big just to display some clothes.

Poe, however soon changed that mindset as he looked at the description of one of the clothes displayed in the giant windows.

[Cherio series 5: Flame resistant dress]

[Requires: 10 STR, 35 INT and 10 WIS]

[Gives 25 % resistance to fire that deal a maximum of 750 HP and below. Will defend against level 20 and below monsters]

[Costs: 19 Gold]

The dress Poe looked at was sparkling red in color and it looked like it was magic clothing, seen as it gave the user fire resistance and would not be destroyed by level 20 monsters and below, but it still needed 10 STR, which Poe did not have.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go in!"

Poe was starring helplessly at the Cherio series 5: Flame resistant dress, when Lucia called out. Apparently, Poe stood in front of the window, just starring at the dress for quite some time.

"N-nothing. I'm coming now"

Saying so, Poe followed Lucia into the clothing store. Cecilia and Ivy had already entered and was looking at some clothes while chatting happily together with each other. The earlier hostility from the restaurant was nowhere to be found, it looked like the two had made up and were on good terms.

Poe seeing this thought he should be happy that they had made up with each other, but instead he got a sudden bad feeling, as if something bad was going to happen to him very soon.

"What is it Poe? You are shaking all over, is something wrong?"

Lucia said, as she noticed Poe suddenly started shaking all over.

"N-no, it is nothing; I just suddenly had a bad feeling."

"Well, if anything happens, just tell me! Okay?"

The concerned look from Lucia gave Poe no chance to dodge the question and he could only answer Lucia's question.


Having gotten that out of the way, both of them made their way towards Ivy and Cecilia, who for some reason put down the clothes they picked up and stopped talking. This made Poe sure that they were hiding something or at least had something they did not want to tell him.

Maybe, Poe was being a little over sensitive, but nothing involving Ivy was safe, so Poe decided in his mind that he would stay close to Lucia until they got back to the sleeping quarters.

"Okay, so here is the plan for the rest of the day! First, we need to find some clothes for Poe. After that, we can go to the flying kitten, get something delicious to eat and go to sleep! How does that sound?"

"Yay~ dressing up Poe~"

"I don't need to work anymore today, so I will join you for the dinner."


Lucia made a great speech and soon all three of them were excited for their own reasons. Lucia was also quite happy seeing her short speech being so successful, even if her big sisters comment felt wrong in some ways.

"First let's check out the dresses or robes that needs 5 strength or less."

Saying so the group asked a man working there and was showed a spot at the third floor, where he said all the clothes with 5 strength and below were kept.

Poe was quite happy to see that they had an entire floor filled with clothes that need less than 5 strength, but this soon turned into disappointment, as he looked at the description the clothes displayed.

[Gary The blacksmiths disappointment series 9856: Some random robe, which did not turn out, as it should]

[Requires: 1 STR, 1 INT, 1 WIS, 1 AGI and 250 VIT]

[Gives 0.1 INT, 0.1 STR, 0.1 WIS, 0.1 AGI and 2.9 VIT]

[Costs 1 silver]

[Note from the creator: Someone please take this, because of the contract I am under, I cannot throw anything I create out, as the warrior guild owns it. Given how useless this thing was, it was most likely sold somewhere remote. Please buy it and destroy it, this thing has stained my good name, as a blacksmith!]

This was most likely where they put all the useless stuff…

"P-Poe, don't worry, I'm sure there is something good in here… Probably…"

Lucia said to Poe half-heartedly, clearly not believing what she just said.

Looking at the robe, it was in several different colors, like someone tried to fit an entire rainbow on a single robe, with all the colors mixing together here and there, if Lucia had not seen it here in the clothing store, she would have thought it was part of that weird "art" she heard about before.

Ivy and Cecilia had also disappeared somewhere along the way, Poe's suspicion about them being up to something, was growing by the minute.

"Should we also take a look around?"

"Y-yeah let's do that…"

Having looked at the "interesting" clothes at the entrance of the third floor, Poe and Lucia decided that they would not find anything there and entered the third floor to look for some useful clothes for Poe to wear.