Losing Their Way In The Mushroom Forest

Running through the mushroom forest, Poe, Lucia and Ivy had already entered deep into the mushroom forest.

"W-wait, Lucia. Stop!"

Poe said as he was starting to grow exhausted from all the running.

The walking mushrooms were left in the dust after running for only 5 minutes, but Lucia had just kept going deeper and deeper into the mushroom forest. By now, they had entered the deeper parts of the mushroom forest for sure.

Hearing Poe, Lucia finally slowed down a bit as she turned and looked at Poe.


"T-the walking mushrooms are gone… We outran them almost immediately after we started running away…"

"W-what did you say…?"

"The walking mushrooms are not following us anymore, we can stop running!"

After hearing Poe and coming to a realization that there really were no walking mushrooms chasing after them, Lucia finally stopped running and looked cautiously behind her.

It looked like she did not dare to let her guard down again after seeing the massive army of walking mushroom from earlier that gathered by one single walking mushroom screaming.

"Let's rest here for now, it looks like it is safe and we really could use a rest."

Saying so, Lucia used earth magic and created a simple chair for Poe, Ivy and herself. Having done so, she pulled out a few pillows that she neatly arranged to make the chairs comfortable, before sitting down.

"Haaaa… Wake me up when we are leaving. Ivy you are on the lookout~"

Lucia really looked like she was enjoying herself… Her guard had once again disappeared, as she seemed to not pay any attention to her surroundings and soon enough a light breathing sound could be heard from her. Indicating that she had already fallen asleep.

Poe soon followed Lucia's example and went to sleep on the giant chair made from earth magic, with his small size and pillows everywhere, it was quite easy for him to lay down and fall asleep.

Ivy on the other hand was starring speechlessly at her little sister and Poe, leaving her all alone to keep watch in the deeper part of an extremely dangerous mushroom forest. Both Poe and Lucia's sense of danger disappeared quite quickly.

Time slowly passed and Lucia soon woke up, followed by a still sleepy Poe. Lucia got up and talked with Ivy for a bit, before turning to leave. Mostly because she needed to do something very important and really could not hold it in anymore.

"W-where are we?"

Looking around confused, Poe met Ivy is burning red eyes starring directly at him. Feeling an immediate danger, Poe quickly looked towards where Lucia was supposed to be.

Sadly all that greeted him was the empty giant earth chair, even the pillows that were once inside were now gone.

"Hehe, Lucia had some business to take care of, so she won't be back for a while. Both Lucia and you left big sis all alone~ don't you think it's fair to repay me for watching over you~?"

Ivy said, as she slowly moved closer to Poe with a dangerous light starting to shine more and more in her eyes the closer she came.

Poe got scared as he saw Ivy had entered her pervert mode and he was the victim to it. Trying to run away, Poe soon found out that his body was petrified in place unable to move even a little bit. Maybe it was her stare or maybe something else entirely; it could even be that perverts title acting against him.

Poe was lamenting over his poor fate of ending up in Ivy's clutches, when a beautiful voice drifted over from the distance, like an angle coming to his rescue, Poe turned towards the beautiful figure moving over from the distance.

"IVY! What do you think you are doing to Poe!?"

Ivy turned towards the evil voice from the distance, as her face distorted with all kinds of different emotions, unwillingness being the strongest one present.



"I just wanted to-"


"Just a little…?"



After repeatedly trying to make Lucia accept her way of showing love towards all cute things, it ended in Ivy's grand defeat. Looked like Ivy did indeed fear her little sister to some extend…

"Okay now that we are rested, let's find out where we are!"


Hearing Lucia's suggestion, both Ivy and Poe cheered her on. After running for so long for no reason at all, it looked like they had gotten lost, not that they knew where they were in the first place…

The mushroom trees around them were still the same, just bigger. Other than that, there were also lots of herbs and plants in the surroundings, not that different from what a normal forest would have.

Well, if the herbs were not glowing in all kinds of colors that is.

"C-can I eat them?"

Poe asked as nobody in particular, as he started to inspect the shining herbs and plants growing on the ground. Most of them grew close to the mushroom trees, so Poe decided to inspect one of those first.

[Glowing sneaky mushroom flower]: A small flower with leaves shaped like mushrooms, hides in the midst of glowing mushroom flowers, also smells like normal mushroom flowers. Known as heavens poison. "The sneaky mushroom flower have a 50 % chance to kill the one eating it, but at least it tastes like piece of heaven." Said by Gregor V. Lynix. Cause of death: eating a glowing sneaky mushroom flower.

Poe was once again struck speechless by his inspect skill, who was this Gregor person? And how could he trust someone who died eating a glowing mushroom flower? When Poe saw that the text given by the inspect skill was for once long, he expected it to be a little more useful…

Deciding that eating the glowing herbs, flowers and plants was not such a good idea, he returned to Lucia and Ivy.

"Ah, Poe, I was just about to call you over. I and Ivy decided that this place is not dangerous for now and that we will try to find our way back to the desert for now. What do you think?"

Saying so, Ivy turned to look at Poe.

"I think it's a good idea!"

Poe cheered, as he really had no clue at what to do in the first place. The most he could do would be to follow Lucia and Ivy…

Having decided what to do and rested for the last hour or so, Poe, Lucia and Ivy set off to find the desert they came from before entering the mushroom forest.

Sadly, they never really knew what direction the desert was and all they could see was giant mushrooms stretching up into the sky, blocking out the sun. The light they had mostly came from the glowing vegetation around them…