Torture (1)

Colt waved at Fatty Khan, when he noticed that Fatty Khan changed his direction he hid right at the entrance with Ivy, "don't move okay? Just stay here and watch your husband do all the work" Colt had a serious face even when he said that he is her husband.

"HiHi ok" Ivy chuckled a bit before staying silent, the Guards screams where getting closer and closer to the cave, suddenly a Fat shadow went right from the entrance to the deepest part, after moments all the guards followed him, there were 6 guards at the beginning but now there are only 5.

Colt just took one Guard without being noticed by the others, he putted hand over the guard's mouth so he couldn't scream for help, this process was so fast, and the Kidnapping skills that Colt had in his past life didn't betray him in his current life, he quickly snapped the Guards neck and went after Fatty and the other guards.

Fatty was cornered, when he looked back he found the other 5 Guards looking at him while heavily panting as they barely kept with this Fatty's speed, some of them even got scared that his strength may be higher than theirs,

Colt was behind them but he didn't move, he just stood there seeing what's happening, one of the guards went close to Fatty, he wanted to punch him, the Fatty covered his face with his hands while shouting "help someone please!", but what made Colt didn't help is his thought that maybe the Fatty didn't know but he has some secret strength, because his speed isn't something a normal human can have, Fatty didn't disappoint Colt, as when the guard punched Fatty he didn't feel any pain but the guard screamed from pain, his hand didn't look like a hand anymore as his bones got completely shattered, Fatty was still hiding his face from fear, but he didn't feel anything so he thought that the guards weren't going to attack him anymore, but when he took his hands off of his eyes he saw the guard's hand, he almost vomited from the look of it, the other guards stood there speechless as their biggest fear and that is that this Fatty is not only better than them in running but his strength is far superior to theirs, they wanted to run but saw cold red eyes in the shadows from the way to outside, they felt a pressure so high that their faceplanted the hard ground.

Colt stood there watching when he saw the guard that attacked Fatty he had a big grin on his face and he started getting more exited he wanted to see their pained faces more, as he didn't care about it before but now that he saw their faces he just discovered a new fetish in him which is to torture his enemies, his eyes started getting more red as his body had a demonic aura around him and that's what frightened the guards.

Fatty looked at what was frightening all the guards, even thought the pressure was only on the 5 guards but as soon as he saw the yes he felt his heart tighten as he suffocated he couldn't breathe a bit and before he knew it he fell unconscious.

Colt saw Fatty Khan falling and thought that it was one of those guys that poisoned him or did something bad to him; this made him even angrier, his eyes started getting redder that it looked like the Devil's eyes, his heart was full of hatred towards those guards,

The Guards couldn't move as the pressure got bigger and bigger that it was impossible to even breath, Colt looked at their red faces which looked to be suffocating so he made his pressure a bit smaller because he didn't want to kill them while unconscious, he wanted to see their tortured faces, he wanted to hear them screaming for help but no one coming to help them just like them not helping the miners.

Colt started walking out, when the Guards saw that the one making all of this pressure is actually just a kid their hearts eased a bit since kids are the most kind out of people, but these thought disappeared as soon as Colt went in front of one guard, he took his pants off and sliced his third leg.

"Ahh!" the guard screamed while thinking that his life is ruined by this little kid

But Colt didn't even care about him as he took all the guards and put them side by side, and he sliced all their third legs, he wasn't a professional torturer or anything like that so this was his first time trying this, but it felt the best to see their desperate faces.

"Please no more please let me go I have wife and kids please!" one of the guards started crying while asking for forgiveness, but Colt wasn't any weak-hearted person so he got closer to the guys face with a big grin across his face "I truly pity you here you are free" Colt took his pressure off of the guard, the guard was so happy even though he was still bleeding from his third leg area he started running as fast he can.

"I have kids as well and I am a lone father!"

"Me as well I am married!"

"My parents are sick I need to take care of-"

The guards started giving excuses to get away from this little demon but what made them stop was that after the other guard was about to reach the entrance, Colt took the rusty dagger he had in his inventory and threw it at the guy's skull, it penetrated through, from the back of his head to his forehead, Colt walked slowly to the guard, took his soul energy and threw his corpse to his right as if it was just garbage, the time he took to devour the guard's soul energy was longer than normal humans since he as a cultivator and he had Qi, but what made Colt a bit surprised is his sudden strength boost as he before couldn't penetrate a normal human's body but now he can even penetrate a cultivator's skull