
"Who's there?" Grave's angry voice sounded behind the door as if Colt just interrupted him from something important.

"I brought you food" Colt was so excited to kill Grave but he still tried to stay calm in this situation to not make it clear.

"Get in" Grave knew Colt's voice. When Colt opened the door he saw Grave putting a shiny green stone on the table, he knew that the stone was some kind of cultivating tool just like the firestone, but this shiny stone Felt way more intimidating than the firestones, Colt almost fell asleep when he looked at the shiny stone. Colt's eyes turned greedy all of a sudden, he wanted this stone!

"You can put the food bag in the floor" Grave wanted to get back to cultivating as soon as possible, but deep in his eyes there was a hint of admiration towards Colt, because he reached here way faster than yesterday, and this time he didn't faint or anything but he looked completely fine as if he didn't run at all. Colt did as he told, he putted the bag on the floor then he headed towards the door but befor he could reach it Grave's voice sounded again. "How did you reach here this fast?" Grave couldn't hold his curiosity.

"I just ran as fast as I could since I didn't want you to starve" Colt had an innocent smile as he looked towards Grave as if he was his father, but deep down his killing intent was so close to rushing out.

"Come here for a second" Grave channeled his Qi into his eyes and looked towards Colt but he didn't fell any Qi from Colt which meant Colt is still a normal human being, but he didn't believe that, since it's impossible for a normal human being to be this fast even if he trained day and night.

Colt was a bit confused since he ran at the same speed he did yesterday to not bring any suspission, but then it struck him, the chefs aren't always open, the normal opening time should be about 3 minutes ago, 'so Grave thought that I ran all this distance in 3 minutes? Now that I think about it… even some cultivators would have a hard time doing so, and I just arrived here without showing any signes of exhaustion, I am truly an idiot I let my anger take a hold of me again, I need to have a better ability of controlling my emotions'.

"Okay" Colt didn't want to piss Grave off since the day that he would do that is going to be his last day. Colt went next to Grave as he sitted down.

"Sit like this" Grave said as he showed Colt his stance, Colt mimicked Grave's sitting position but the second he did it he felt a big amount of energy in the air, it was the same energy in the firestones but the energy was a lot more condensed in the firestones than the air, but then again the energy in the air seemed limitless as he could channel it forever without it diminishing in the slightiest amount, Colt forgot that Grave was right next to him as he started sucking the energy without a stop.

Grave was shocked when he looked at Colt, it seemed as if he started cultivating a long time ago, but in reality this is his first time cultivating, Graves closed his eyes but what he felt next gave him an even bigger shock, he felt that all the energy in his whole chamber was getting sucked rapidly by Colt, 'This speed… Impossible it's almost on the same level as those in the northern Kingdoms, what kind of talent is this? If he continues like this in less than an hour he can break through to the first level of Qi refining, but what Grave didn't know is that Colt is already at the fourth level by refining only 3kg of firestones in less than 15 minutes.

"Hey kid wake up!" Grave stopped Colt from cultivating as his thought of Colt changed drastically, he changed his thought from killing this little fucker slowly, to helping him reach the highest points on the world.

"Oh… sorry squad leader, I am sorry for sleeping on your chamber!" Colt was so happy that Grave tought him such an easy method of cultivating so he can now cultivate whenever he wants wherever he wants, but his intention of killing Grave didn't diminish at all.

"Here, try doing the same thing that you did to the energy in the air to this stone." Grave took the stone that he putted on the table and gave it to Colt with a smile, Colt found it weird that Grave's attitude changed drastically towards him but he still accepted the stone since he would never say no to a free object.

Colt closed his eyes again as he started sucking the energy in the stone that Grave gave him, this stone had way more condensed energy than the firestones that he absorbed yesterday and it was easier to absorb this stone as well.

Grave almost cried from happiness, as he was the one who found out this demonic talent, most people in the world absorb about 45% of the energy in the elemental stones and they could absorb 60% of the energy from an elemental stone if it had the same affinity as the persone absorbing it. Geniouses could absorb 60% of elemental stones and about 80% if it had the same affinity as them, but Colt absorbed 100%! Not even one small bit of the stone's energy was wasted in the air, as all of it went instantly towards Colt's body as soon as it flew out of the green shiny stone.

Grave didn't disturb Colt this time as he went to open the bag and started eating the food in it, he was just silently observing Colt the whole time. Colt continued absorbing the energy from the green stone even after hearing 'Ding!' in his head multiple times.