The Army Is Close

Ivy woke up to find that Colt has already went out, she wasn't worried that much about him after witnessing his power. "I need to ask him how is he so powerful" Ivy told herself. "What did you say?" Ivy suddenly heard someone talk, she looked to her side to find the Fatty that Colt helped yesterday looking at her. "Hi my name is Ivy" Ivy said with a smile, she already made a desicion to follow Colt since all her friends are dead, so a friend of Colt is her friend as well, an enemy of Colt is her enemy as well even if the whole world is against Colt she would still be by his side.

"Oh… my name is Aiden Khan, you can call me Fatty Khan just like Colt" Fatty Khan had a smile on his face, even though he was a bit nervous since this is the first time he talks to a girl, but he wanted to strengthen every part of him even the woman part!

"Do you know where did Colt go?" Ivy didn't want to get out of here since Colt told her to stay in this chamber for now. "No… I just woke up so I don't know where he has gone to" Fatty Khan was getting more and more confident as his nervousness started fading bit by bit.

Fatty Khan and Ivy continued chatting for now since there's nothing else to do. While at it Ivy asked Fatty if he knew anything about Colt's strength but to her surprise Fatty didn't even know when did Colt get this power to begin with.


On the deserted land, about 20km from the south west of Yarison, there was a big army consisting of at least 10.000 soldiers, there were three people at the front who were horse-raiding, the leader in the front had two people in his right and left sides, they both had excuisite clothes as if they didn't come here to fight, but these clothes were full of enchantments to secure the safety of those two people, the army was marching at a rather high speed that normal soldiers in earth wouldn't even dream of reaching, they were sure to reach Yarison in less than 5 minutes, even though their speed was high they were still well-aranged.

"Marshal we are about 5 minutes from the capital City Yarison." A soldier rushed from behind as he whispered in the leader's ear

The Marshal had his eyes closed but after hearing what the solder told him his eyes opened slowly, the marshal was about 50 years old, he had a big build but the shiny armor he was wearing hid it, he had swords-like eyebrows, his blue eyes gave a chill to everyone that would look at him.

"Don't worry brother, they won't dare to do anything bad to young master" The marshal looked at the man on his right with a small smile that most people wouldn't even notice, the man to his right was the duke of the Reigh Kingdom.

"I know they wouldn't dare… But if they did anything to him order all the army to anhiliate Yarison's population down to zero!" the duke had bloodshot eyes. Even thought his child had broken veins which made him completely useless as a cultivator but he took his mom's life to be born which made him like a treasure to the duke, so the duke was willing to risk his life to rescue the child that took his bloved wife's life.

"As you want" the marshal didn't oppose the duke at all.


The leader went to Colt's side to help him while the other two guards went inside the inner-room of the warehouse, the guard putted Colt's arm on his back to help Colt move to safety. Colt took the dagger from his inventory as he activated his killing intent he stabbed the guard as hard as he can.

"Agh!" the guard screamed as he saw all the blood coming from his chest. Colt didn't give him a chance to scream for help as he went fast to him and tried stabbing him in the mouth, the guard tried blocking the dagger but it got straight through his hand."COME HERE, HELP ME" he took the advantage of the dagger slowing down due to his hand to scream for help.

"That's the leader, let's go!" the two guards that just went into the inner-room rushed back out. Colt didn't wait anymore as he pushed the dagger even harder which made it go through the guards mouth, the guard fell down, not being able to breath or talk, he just lied there in silence until he died. The guards were rushing but they weren't fast enough to stop Colt.

"What have you done?" one of the guards had bloodshot eyes as he looked at Colt. "I killed him of course" Colt had a smug face while looking at the guards, the second the leader came to help him at first, he knew that he can't beat him so he used dirty tricks to get him, and now he needed to end those two guards and he would be safe, he knew that this place is the least popular place so even if the two guards screamed for help they wouldn't get one, which made thing easier for Colt.

Colt rushed at the guards with his killing intent activated at it's maximum value, the two guards felt a shill go down their spin, as their movements slowed down a bit, they looked at each other nodded slowly, this nod was the death flag nod, which means that they will die, but they will die fighting.

Colt had a spear in his hand instead of the dagger, it was one of the weapons that he stole from the warehouse, a this is not a sneak attack so the dagger would just give him a disadvantage against two swords.