Demonic Portal

"Or… NO! you received the Demonic Element! How is that even possible?" the old lady's voice suddenly got stronger as her shock in this young man.

'Demonic element? Maybe I got that from the Demonic system' Colt thought to himself, it looks like he can determine if he wants his thoughts to reach the old lady or not. 'you didn't answer me, who are you?' Colt wanted to know who this old lady could be.

'I am the tree of life, I gave the energy you humans call 'Qi' to this world' the old lady didn't sound proud of what she is at all.

'WTF? So she gave this boring world Qi? Then why would she need my help? Is the Qi she has getting so low that she might die or something?' Colt seemed to think of a reason for her begging, 'why would someone or something like you want my help?' Colt asked in confusion.

'it's all because of the 'Life Tournament', they take the fruits that I produce once a year and make a tournament, of course the strongest takes the Life fruit which can upgrade the Qi of that person by bunds and boundaries, it's the biggest and most popular tournament in the northern kingdoms. I make those fruits as a way to give the air Qi but since they take these fruits and put them in a tournament, all that Qi end up in one person's hand instead of feeding the Qi in the air, and in return I start taking some more Qi from the air, but since the fruits I produce all go to one person the Qi In the air keeps getting smaller and smaller which leads to kingdoms have more condensed Qi then the others, the northern kingdoms have way more condensed Qi than the one in this southern kingdoms just because of this.' The old lady didn't seem tired anymore as she talked about her problem to Colt.

'But that's not that much big of a deal' Colt thought.

'Yes! But the dangerous part that no one knows about is that I have a demonic portal inside me, I am closing it thanks to the amount of Qi I still have, but if things keep going like this in about 5 years I will not be able to block it, which will lead to demons, succubus and the most dangerous one the demon lord to get out!' the old lady seemed afraid of what she just said.

'What is the strength of the demons and demon lords?' Colt was curious how strong can the demons and the so called demon king be.

'There are millions upon millions of demons, and the weakest of them can annihilate the whole Xale Kingdom!'

'WHAT?' Colt didn't think that a normal demon can destroy a whole Kingdom, even though it's still one of the southern Kingdoms which are way weaker than the northern Kingdoms but that's still something that not a lot of people can do right?.

'But what can I do to help? I am one of the weakest in one of the weakest kingdoms, how can I help close the Demonic Portal?.

'As I said there's still 5 more years if you can stop the tournament from taking my fruits in the next 5 years I should be able to close the portal' the old lady seemed apologetic to put such heavy responsibility on Colt's shoulders.

'Why don't you just transmit the same message to the head of someone important in that tournament, or transmute it to the current strongest person in the world, won't that be faster?' Colt knew that he won't do such a thing, even if he could. Since the second he heard of the demons strength he wanted to meet them, he wanted to kill them, he wanted to take the head of the demon lord, and then become one, he wanted to conquer the world. 'Maybe the old tree thinks I am some kind of nice guy that would like to stop the world from getting destroyed, but won't that be ridiculous I don't have any attachment to this world so why would I need to stop it's destruction? Instead I want to be the new demon king that will conquer the entire planet while in the other people's eyes I am a nice guy, that would be amazing!' Colt finally knew what he wanted to do in this world, first : get as stronger as he can be, second : treat everyone nicely so they think that he is someone nice, but when he gets tired of them he throws them out the window, third : become the demon lord, but be a God In people's eyes instead of a demon, those were his three reasons to live In this world, 'and of course I need some beauties to take care of me' Colt didn't forget the most important thing.

'Because they don't have a demonic element, I was waiting for a creature to have a brain, but all the demonic beasts are idiots, I was waiting for thousands of years for a demonic beast with a brain to be born but to my disappointment he didn't, but then a human got the demonic element, and that was you, I know you weren't born with it, I want to know how did you get it but I won't ask if you don't want to tell me' the old lady waited a bit to see if Colt wanted to tell her or not

'I am sorry but I don't know how did I get it, but if I knew I would totally tell you!' Colt seemed to tell the truth in the old lady's eyes but he didn't tell her the truth since he knew that he got in thanks to The Demonic System.,' What should I call you btw?' Colt was feeling a bit awkward since he can't just call her life tree.

'I don't have a name, maybe you can give me a name?' the old lady's voice seemed to get younger all of a sudden.

'I knew it! She can change her age however she wants, since she is a life tree I bet she is one hell of a beauty, I need to wait 5 years to let the demonic portal open, I hope she will get turned into a human body, then I can have her!', Colt was thinking out the box for once and it looks like it didn't disappoint him. 'What about Hayat, it means life in Arabic'

'I love that name thanks but What is Arabic? I never saw an ancient language with such a name' Hayat loved this young man from the beginning since this is the first time she talked with a human.

'Oh no never mind, you won't know it, so how did you get in this world in the beginning?' Colt wanted to chat with Hayat to get closer to her, meanwhile he just finished sucking the soul energy that was in the soldiers body.