Fatty Khan finally understands

"I would like to see you try!" the elder wasn't happy anymore.

"I am just kidding, don't you have any humor master?" Colt knew he would have a chance against the soul of the elder only if he wears the best armor and best weapon in his inventory and activating his killing intent, but since he can't access the system he had to be a rascal.

"Oh really? I mean- I knew you were joking haha, of course I have humor, what do you think I am some depressed old man that only laughs at wrong time?" the elder was describing himself, he didn't want his only disciple to think that he is depressed.

'Hehe idiot, he is an easy target, I can get this easily done with now' Colt was happy to see that the elder took the bite as he said "So master, can you tell me how to get back into this space? I need to get out of the mine to continue searching for my revenge!" Colt placed some hatred on the last two words.

The elder totally trusted Colt since he was his disciple and said " the exit is right there" the elder pointed at one of the light doors surrounding Colt and him.

'When did these appear? I should focus more on my surrounding' Colt wanted to know more about the other doors so he asked "master where are the other doors leading to?"

"They are places I left my teleportation stone in, since I am a space mage I can teleport between them, if someone is high enough level he could teleport to longer distances with more people"

"Ok, I will see you later than master" Colt happily said as he started marching towards the door, he first placed his head through, he could see the mine from the door, so he putted half his body out and the other was in, he looked at the elder with a smile that turned from innocent to evil, "Goodbye retard see you in never BITCH!" Colt screamed as he jumped from the door and fell from the ceiling of the mine, the last expression that he saw on the elder's face was complete shock and disbelief, it gave Colt a mesmerizing feeling to troll people like this.

Colt didn't scream in fright, he just had a calm expression as he fell from the ceiling, when he got to the ground he had some scratches but nothing serious.

"What should I do now? I don't want to take the elder's soul because I am afraid he could summon me to that place again" Colt didn't want to see the elder again so he just continued on absorbing all the other souls, he got faster and faster at absorbing them, at first he needed 5-10 seconds, but now it took him just a moment to take everything they had, of course he stole all their weapons, shields, armor, he stole everything since it could be useful to his blacksmith profession later on.


In the camp that the army gathered in, Zain was on top of a small stand, in front of him were all that was left in the army other than the duke, it even had Ivy and Fatty Khan.

"Does anyone here knows a kid named Colt?" Zain asked in a high voice to everyone, three people raised their hand, they were Fatty Khan, Ivy and Zilean, Fatty Khan didn't raise his hand until he saw Ivy does it.

"You three come with me" Zain said as he lead the three to the far distance with no one but them.

"Firstly, introduce yourself and your relation with Colt" Zain asked to the three.

"My name is Zilina, I am an assassin sent by the Dark Shadow Sect, I have a special relationship with Colt" Zilean was blushing as he said the last sentence.

"Umhm!" Zain nodded, he thought that Zilean was a beauty of a girl, 'Colt actually knows what to choose' he complimented Colt in his head.

Ivy and Fatty Khan had weird looks when they heard "special relationship".

"My name is Ivy- Ivy Cougar, I am… I was a miner in Yarison's mine, I have a special relationship with Colt as well" Ivy looked proud with challenging eyes towards Zilean, Zilean didn't really care if Colt had more lovers. she was about to say something else after she said "I am", but she quickly changed it, as if she had a secret

"My name is Aiden Khan, I was a miner, I am Colt's… Colt's…" Fatty suddenly remembered what Colt really is to him, he was about to say that Colt is his love rival or enemy, but only now did he remember that Colt saved his life from the guards, he made him a human again by getting him out of the mine, he encouraged him to not be scared and to protect the ones he love , then he remembered how bad he was treating Colt this day, he would hate whenever he sees him again, or when he interrupts his conversation with Ivy, 'Ivy is his, why is the only girl I picked interest in made me hate my one and only best friend?, he saved my life! And I turn his kindness to me with such shitty treatment? I deserve to die for what I was thinking when I saw him last time, I wanted him to die so I can have Ivy, because of one girl I wanted him to go through hell, what have I become? I don't deserve him as a friend! I am an asshole! He does his best to encourage and save me from this shithole and I do him like that? Why? Why? WHY?' Fatty Khan finally understood what he was doing, 'I need to apologies, I need to get punished for my sins!' Fatty Khan understood what he should do! His road was in his eyes.

"I am Colt's most disgraceful and ungrateful friend! He saved again and again and again, but all I did is get frightened when he was in trouble, he wasn't mad at me but even encouraged me! But then when he got Ivy I was jealous! Hatred took my heart from me, instead of thinking of my friend I was selfishly thinking of myself! I am such an ungrateful piece of SHIT!" Fatty wasn't scarred anymore, he finally understood that his fear is the only that that held him down, his only thing that made him hate his friend was jealousy.

"Khan…" Ivy felt bad for Fatty Khan, if she knew things were going to turn like this she would have been so friendly with him, she felt as if she is the reason for this.

"It's not your fault Ivy! You are not the reason for this, it was me! Everything was done by me! But don't worry I am going to follow Colt's words, he told me not to become a wimpy little bitch, then I shall become the complete reverse of a wimpy bitch! I will never cry nor feel disheartened by anything that happens to me! I will keep pushing until I fall apart!" Fatty Khan's face wasn't the same as it became more mature now. Zain looked with wide eyes at Fatty Khan, his respect for Colt went up with bounds and boundaries after what Khan said about him.

"What are you going to do now kid? Stick to Colt and let him take care of you like a little child? Or be a man and start from zero by yourself?" Zain wanted to be sure that Fatty Khan knew his road.

"Don't worry old man! I will never count on anyone from now on! I need to be strong enough that Colt needs me! I want to be good enough to be by his side! But if I stay by his side I will count on him in everything so I need to train alone! I will never sleep until I feel on death's door, I will never ask for someone's help if I am on trouble, I will count on myself and myself alone!" Fatty was determined to start his life, "Old man do you know where Colt is? I need to apologies and bid him farewell"

"He is still in the mine, if you don't find him go to the third squad leader's chamber, he should be there.

"Fatty started running towards the mine, even though he was fat his speed was better than level 1 or even 2 cultivators. 'Why would he be in the woman's chamber?' Fatty Khan had a slight question in his head about Colt and the snake lady, but he suppressed his curiosity since there are better things to do.