
The person Colt saw was a perfectly handsome young man with two wings on his back, those wing were half white and half black, but the black part seemed as a disease as it got bigger and bigger.

"Is this guy a fallen angel or something like that?" Colt took a guess, since he like fantasy worlds from young age his guess wasn't wrong.

"I will take my revenge on you! You bitch!" fallen angel was screaming with closed eyes, he seemed to be in a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from.

Colt tried touching him when suddenly a huge amount of information about the young man entered his head, from his name, to what lead him to his current position. Fury was an angel, one of the best ones, but one rises and another falls, some angels got angry at him taking their spotlight from God, they wanted to get him back so they tried provoking him, and they failed, they tried blackmailing him, and they failed, they got sick of him that they got as much releasing a Void Monster back to its portal, with that the Void Monster can tell his elders how to open the Void from the knowledge he gathered upon the long years he spent on the "End Prison", the angels blamed the Void Monster escaping on Fury, God was so angry, he couldn't think straight so he punished Fury even after all his evidence of not doing it, God place a curse on Fury as he sent him to the mortal world, his curse was that the first human that touches him will become his master, God wanted him to fall into the hands of slave traders, 'but how unlucky God is for giving me a powerful buddy that also wants kill you' Colt was laughing inside at his luckiness and unluckiness, but what concerned him most is the Void thing, if the demons are getting freed in 5 years, and the Void creatures are getting freed as well, won't thins world become a monster world? But those are things to care about in the future not now.

"Fury can you hear me?" Colt whispered in Fury's ears. It seemed that a ring was curved into Colt's middle finger as it got connected to Fury's neck.

"Who's that?" Fury finally woke up from his nightmare after making Colt his master.

"Your new comrade, you want to take revenge right?" Colt whispered the last sentence to Fury's left ear.

"How are you going to help me when you are just a mortal? How can I even trust you?" Fury developed some trust issues thanks to the angels that schemed against him.

"Right now you don't have a choice, either be my comrade or be my slave, you can choose one of the two, so… which one you like the most?" Colt had a smile on his face.

"The binding curse! FUCK THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" Fury screamed as he looked at his wings that turned black some time ago, there was no white color on them, they were just black, pitch black.

"You already turned to a fallen angel, as I said before, you can trust me and me alone, or do you want me to force my trust onto you?" Colt knew that Fury doesn't have a choice if he want to get his revenge.

"You won't betray me?" Fury knew that this kid was his last hope.

"I would never betray someone first", 'Most of the times at least' Colt thought to himself.

"I trust you then… Colt, I will bet my life on you, and in return I want you to let me get revenge on the four fucks and God that did this to me" Fury was full of hatred.

"I will let you take revenge on the four fucks or whatever, but God is mine, if I don't defeat him I can never be a God myself."

"As you want, just thinking of their desperate faces, begging for life makes me shiver, we need to hurry as well! The Void is going to open" Fury was scarred to remember that the Void would open.

"When is this Void going to open?" Colt didn't really think much about the void, but after remembering how God was terrified upon hearing the news he paid them some heed.

"I don't know exactly when but it's from 8-12 years from now, we don't have much time! We need to find a way to close it" Fury still had some justice in his heart, trying to protect this world by closing it, but he didn't have any master, he had a little devil as a master.

"Why would you want to close it? Won't it be more interesting if after some years after the demons are out, new creatures come out of the Void? I don't want to close it!" Colt had some weird thoughts that maybe there might be a beauty amongst the Void creatures.

"The world would end if we don't find a way to close it, God must be searching with his hardest now" Fury somehow still had sympathy for God.

"If God can't find a way to close the Void how can we find a way?" Colt tried disheartening Fury instead of changing his way of thinking.

"Yeah…but…" Colt's plane was working as Fury started stuttering on his words.

"And what if we found a way but we didn't have the strength to execute it?"

"Then we need to get stronger!" Fury had a burst of determination to get stronger.

"Didn't your strength got weakened after what just happened?"

"Yeah… I got degraded to level 160, and I can't get stronger than the master, what level are you?" Fury knew how the binding curse worked, he will be on level 160 until Colt reaches level 160, then they can both upgrade themselves.

'System' Colt thought as a list of information popped up.

Name: Colt

Title: Angel Tamer

Race: Human?

Age: 10

Killing intent level: 18

Cultivation level: 65

Points: 3150

Abilities: Souls Devouring

Taming (Lvl.1)

'I got another ability? So can I start taming beasts now?' Colt thought as he clicked on the Taming Ability.

Taming (Lvl.1): Can tame weak beasts (Rank 2 bests and less)

'If I remember correctly Rank 2 is equivalent to a cultivator about level 30, so that isn't that bad. "I am level 65" Colt coldly said to Fury.