Adam's Fever Dream (10)

Adam's heart skipped a beat, worried that the nightmare would come back in full swing but Father John continued gently, "Because child, we all are. As the good book says, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Adam turned his face up and Father John offered him an encouraging and understanding smile. He could feel tears pricking his eyes.

"But more than that, child, I wish to apologize to you, because in my occupation to impart upon you all the knowledge regarding our rituals, I have forgotten to teach you the one important message of our faith. It is a universal message that has survived the test of time, it is the message of forgiveness. Ours is a faith built upon the message of forgiveness. Forgive your neighbors but most importantly, forgive yourself as God in Christ forgave you."

Father John patted Adam lightly on his shoulder. "My time has arrived. May your road be straight and righteous, my child."

Father John's hand started to smudge like he was made of water color and the painter was washing him out.

Adam nodded and whispered through his tears, "Thank you, Father..." Like before, Adam started to flicker as well, a signal that this dream was ending for him.

As Adam blinked out of view, Father John dissolved to a little girl that held a pink card that read Lust Level One: Mirage in her fingers.

As the card disappeared, Eevie thought, "God, I wish Adam will forgive me for that deceit. Although I guess technically he couldn't be hurt by what he doesn't know."

The shifting of the church and panicked screaming of children brought Eevie back to more pressing matters.

She quickly took out another card and this time it was a gold one that read, Greed Level One: Loan.

After it disappeared into thin air, a large faint gold seal materialized way above everyone's heads. It was as if the seal was superimposed onto the church's ceiling.

Few seconds later, everything returned to normal. The children started playing again and Eevie thought, "Isn't it time for the bride to show herself already?"

Right at that moment, the bell started to chime. Pealing of the bell silenced the children and the atmosphere inside the church reached a critical peak, the tension was palpable.