Ye of Little Faith (2)

Three "Essence of Lust" cards emerged from within Eevie's sleeves. She laid them down gingerly on the notebook's cover.

A few seconds later, the cards disintegrated and were seemingly absorbed by the notebook.

Eventually a short paragraph appeared on the book's cover, "Level Two Decryption: Completion 80 Percent." After that, the notebook twirled in mid-air before it returned back into the drawer and the file cabinet slammed shut.

"It appears like we still need one more essence to reach the next level," Eevie observed.

Mona nodded wordlessly. He scratched behind his ears and after some time, asked, "Eevie, you've been doing this for quite some time, but I don't think I've asked you this before. Why do you do this?"

Mona swept his paw across the office, signalling that it was the business, if you could call it that, that he was referring to.

Eevie turned around to study the cat. Mona didn't seem to be in a hurry to hear her answer. He took the time to preen his whiskers and groom himself.

"No particular reason, I guess you can consider me a curator of sorts, I like to collect knowledge and what is more interesting and encompassing than the world's sins?"

Mona nodded noncommittally to Eevie's answer as if he knew there was a bigger reason that Eevie wasn't revealing.

Regardless, at that moment, Eevie's computer sounded. She got mail!

Dear Auntie Eevie,

I have a school play to perform next week and I've been having nightmare since the beginning of this week. My daddy says it's because of nerves so I tried all the ways to calm myself but the scary things won't go away. My mummy told me to not focus on it and it'll go away but the more I try to not focus on it, the scarier my dream becomes. They kept on telling me that they will slowly fade away but I want it to go away now. My mummy says I need to sleep at night if I want to perform well for the play but I'm afraid to fall asleep. I will leave a dollar under my pillow so you can take it like the tooth fairy.

Love, Emily

"Is it a potential client?" Mona's voice floated from behind her.

"It quite possibly is..." Eevie concluded with uncertainty.

"Then, why don't you reply this person and find out more?" questioned Mona.

"Cause from the sound of it, we're dealing with a very young woman here. I don't want her to go to her parents with my reply because that will lead us into many unforeseeable trouble with, for one, the law."

"Then, should we just abandon this client and save us the trouble?"

"I can't possibly ignore the pleadings of a young girl," Eevie grumbled before she decided, "I think I will go take a look into her dream for myself. I mean, what nightmare can a young girl possibly dream up?"