Ye of Little Faith (5)

Suddenly, Eevie heard the pitter-patter of footsteps.

She turned to the sound and saw a small shadowy silhouette moving on an elevated platform before her.

She assumed correctly that it was the stage. The shadow moved around until it found its intended spot and just stopped.

Eevie waited a beat or two for something to happen but everything was still.

Emily had sat not a word since she shuffled onto stage so Eevie couldn't help but wonder what kind of performance she would be giving.

Then, she heard a scratching sound like paper rubbing upon paper.

A flicker of flame appeared on stage before the 'performance' started in earnest.

Following an ear-splitting scream, the stage lit up in a ball of fire.

The flames lit up the hall like it was daylight and Eevie could finally see clearly what was happening.

On stage, a small figure was wreathed in a violent ball of fire. However, for some curious reasons, the fire was contained with a small spot where the figure stood, it appeared like it was unable to spread.

Perhaps angered by this limitation on its nature, the flame turned to punish its burning victim.

Every inch of the small figure's body was touched by flame, from the top of its head to the small of its feet. It looked like the person was being seared alive, or at least, it certainly sounded like that was happening.

However, it felt beautiful how sometimes, the worst tragedy can inspire the most beautiful artistic creation. This was the very definition of living art. The flames danced like they were an extension of the little girl's body.

The flickering tendrils of the flame danced and twirled like fiery sprites frolicking in the sun. The screams of anguish that hadn't ceased added curiously to overall artistic nature of the "performance". The contrast of pain and art was awe-inspiring to say the least.

Eevie felt a twinge of guilt for appreciating the performance considering the pain little Emily was in but the artistic talent could not be denied. Furthermore, Eevie had not forgotten this was at the end of the day, only a figment of one's imagination. Everything was as real or as fake as the dreamer wanted it to be.

Then Eevie did something that was at the same time appropriate and inappropriate considering the unconventional performance. Even though she was the sole spectator in the large hall, she proceeded to give Emily a standing ovation.

The gesture came as much as a surprise to Emily as well because the screaming had suddenly stopped. Even the crackling of fire had ceased. It appeared like the performance was frozen in time.

Other than the sound of Eevie's clapping that reverberated through the hall, the place was completely silent.