Aggrieved city lord

Xin Fan walked over to the snake and took out a small knife. He wedged the knife between the gaps of the scales and pushed up. The steel blade snapped upon the slightest bit of pressure and fragments created a mess on the water covered floor.


Xin Fan generated some blades on his arms and used that to slice between the flesh that was between the scales. As it was dead, there was nothing there forcing it to regenerate. Xin Fan repeated this until he removed a couple of rows of scale from the snake's belly. With only the second layer left, Xin Fan stabbed in with his blade. However the blade could not pierce through the hard layer of scales. The blade simply chipped away after a few hits. As he attempted to break through, Tianfei pulled him away.

"Move aside let me do it."

Tianfei wiped away the saliva around her lips. Her hands ignited into blue flames as she touched the scales. After a while of heating, she slammed down with an icicle with her other hand. The scales slightly cracked allowing her to pry it open and get to the flesh underneath. A small opening appeared allowing her to stick a knife in it. She slowly dragged it down widening the hole. Before she could do anything more, Chilong stopped her.

"Careful, you will spoil the meat."

Chilong took hold of the knife and masterfully gutted the beast. The snake was surprisingly easy to separate once you get through the initial defenses. Blood spilled all over the water slowly getting diffused in the water. He ripped out the guts and removed the head of the beast and also skinned it within the span of 10 minutes. Somewhere in between Chilong became Chitian. Chitian washed the knife in the water and handed it back to Tianfei.

"To be honest, I only want the guts and venom. I can make some medicine out of it."

The team unanimously agreed that the organ would be given to Chitian. Tianfei stared at Xin Fan and stared at the meat sitting in the water. There was a glint of desire that was visible in her eyes. Xin Fan sighed before nodding.

" can get the meat. I'll take the skin...on one condition."

Tianfei's ears perked slightly as she looked back at Xin Fan.

"I get to store it until we get out and I cook it. That goes for you too Chitian."

Chitian shrugged before allowing Xin Fan to put the whole carcass in his inventory. Xin Fan walked over to the hole in the ground and stared in. He stuck his head into the water with his eyes opened. There was only a moment where he felt water before he felt air around his face once again. There was only darkness inside. Xin Fan stuck his hands into the hole and ignited a small flame. He shot the flame to judge the distance to find that the ground wasn't too far off and it was only a 5 meter drop. Xin Fan hopped it with Chilong and Tianfei following close behind. Xin Fan landed on the ground with a soft thump and looked around in the darkness.


"On it!"

A small voice called from before before a ring of light started to illuminate the area. The whole area was different from the rest. For one, the sky now could not be seen. It seemed completely out of place for where they were. In the abyss, even the darkest of caves would be illuminated by the starlight in the sky. Of course this may not be real starlight but it was close enough. In the distance, there was a wooden door that seemed to be connected to nowhere. There was no back or front. Just a door. Xin Fan slowly walked up to the door and gripped the handle. He felt the undoubtedly real sensation of cold brass touch his hands.

'This door is real.'

Xin Fan turned the doorknob


Few days earlier

"Where are they!"

Wang Mei stared at the empty road in the projection. As soon as the mist cleared, the road was cleared away, as if there was not a trace of the children. The old man too did not know what was happening. This was a precedent and there was nothing to tell them what to do. Wang Mei hurriedly ripped a scroll in her pocket. A few runes were released into the air and floated around her head.

"Reporting and emergency. We lost sight of team [ Conviction ]."

The runes shot up phasing through the roof and headed to somewhere else in the city. After a couple of minutes, a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in."

A man with a thick mustache walked in wearing a formal suit. He sat down on the couch and stared at the old man.

"What happened Abyss Scholar?"

The old man took a sip of his tea before responding.

"There was the mist of a Abyss Merchant,"he started.

"And then?"

"There may have been a transaction, we can't say for sure. Our surveillance formation was blocked by the mist. When the mist cleared up, the children were gone?"

"I see...what do you propose we do..."

The old man looked at the other with an annoyed expression.

"What else. Send some of your men out!"

The man grit his teeth as he looked at the abyss scholar.

"Don't push me...You realize how much this would cost."

The old man honestly didn't care for the other's words. He sipped a bit of tea. He slightly cracked his neck.

"Does this face look like one that gives a damn. I am 86 and I will still whoop your ass. Who were the ones that said 'Oh our surveillance system is the best. Nothing will go wrong.' Bullshit."

The old man mocked the other without even giving him a chance to talk. The mustached man flushed red as he pointed at the elderly. His fingers shook however no words could escape his mouth. He had no way to retort as it was his promise that brought this whole project to fruition. Anything that went wrong was in his hands. He stormed out with fury restrained within him. A servile solider knelt down by his side.

"City Lord...."

"Mobilize our forces. Send ten captain ranked men down to the abyss. I don't care who. Just send who ever is available."

"But that would mean."

"Shut up...Just take it out of my pocket."

"O..Okay sir!"

The soldier ran off to comply to the city lord's orders.

"That damned Abyss Scholar...Just because he is protected...It's only a goddamn grade 2 abyss what could go wrong!"

The city lord muttered some curses under his breath before heading back to his office at the center of the city. He climbed the tower to the top floor and laid there on the couch with his hands over his eyes.

"Ahhh! There is going to be so much paperwork!"


Xin Fan walked up to the altar to see something sitting there. It had no face just like the Abyss Walkers. However instead of robes, it wore some sort of armor. It sat with one leg upright and leaned on his saber. There were scars and traces of battle all over the armor. Xin Fan stood there not daring to move. A soft voice could be heard.

"Intruders shall not pass...hehehe...haven't said that line for a while."