Calamity Strikes


A loud noise reverberated throughout the whole mountain range. What was that? Xin Fan felt a chill crawl up his spine as he blocked a blow from a Tong Hu. He cringed as he felt his bones slowly getting snapped like a twig. Not once did he dare to look up to check what was above.

"This guy is mad!"

Tong Hu on the other hand didn't seem to notice the noise that seemed to get louder and chased Xin Fan in hot pursuit. While he hadn't lost his mind completely, he wasn't that far off as his sole focus was on Xin Fan.


It was only until the noises became unbearably loud did Xin Fan even bother to take a glance up. As punishment, Xin Fan felt the excruciating pain of a couple of his ribs getting shattered. However he didn't have time to bother with the pain. 'Why is that here?' His pupils dilated as he pulled out his scythe out of his inventory. Sure it was against the rules but seeing what was occurring right now, it was safe to say that the rules meant nothing to him.

"Why is there so many?"

Xin Fan flicked his scythe forward slamming the shaft straight to Tong Hu's chest knocking him backwards while simultaneously flashing backwards. A black winged figure slammed to the ground where the two would have been, sending a strong gust outwards. Tong Hu at this moment also snapped out of his primal state taking notice of the situation. Up in the skies, hundreds, no thousands, perhaps even more beasts blanketed the skies in darkness.

"How unexpected..."

Tong Hu took out a pair of leather gloves from his clothes seemingly out of nowhere and fit them snugly over his hands. The knuckles were tipped with steel spikes that can cause some extreme harm if a good punch were to land. His eyes were glued to the bat like creature that was about to take off from the ground. He hopped a bit before dashing forwards landing a clean punch the the beast's face while simultaneously sending his projection to uppercut it into the air. At the same time Xin Fan flashed upwards cutting down the beasts wings like knife through butter.

"I take this as a truce?"

Tong Hu simply nodded not speaking a word.


Down at the bottom at the courtyard panic was everywhere. Tianfei looked at the sky in confusion.

"H..hey..isn't that...the thing from the abyss?"

Chilong looked just as mortified as he unconsciously released his aura. It was common knowledge after all, what lives in the abyss, tends to stays in the abyss. Sure demonic beasts exist however swarms such as these are unprecedented. He gritted his teeth. Usually he would be battle hungry but even he knew how bad the situation was. At this point, both Tianfei and Chilong were both equipped with their normal gear.

"I'm afraid so..."

Around them the teachers urged everyone to stay calm. In the distance there were shouting and screaming. Anger, fear, confusion, every emotion possible could be felt at that moment. It was truly a moment of chaos.

"What happened to the barrier! Why are they simply slipping right through!"

Three large bats landed onto the courtyard causing confusion throughout the entire area. Chilong's axe glowed as electricity pulsed at the end. Chilong jumped forwards slamming the blade onto the neck of one of the bats decapitating it cleanly. He heard two shots behind him hitting something.


A bat fell behind him with two holes cleanly blown off by a bolt of energy. Tianfei blew the smoke off her rifle and smirked.

"Don't let your guard down..."

In the background flames could be seen everywhere. As more beasts came down, the teachers stood their ground and disposed of them easily. Wang Mei shot through the skies with her fists in flames grabbing whatever she could and burning the beast in it's entirety. While the beasts were weak, the numbers didn't seem to dwindle at all.

"Xin Fan is still up there we must find him!"

The two nodded to each other and rushed back into the forest. Wang Mei who was still in the sky saw them rush in and gritted her teeth.

"Stupid brats"

Despite this, she did nothing to stop them. She had a job to fill and if she didn't people will get hurt or worse killed.


In the skies above the clouds an army of faceless soldiers floated. While there were many of them, they all had a shared mind. They looked down upon the world as the dark horde descended causing havoc.

"Soon this realm too will be ours."

In the distance, a shining light descended from the sky. It carried an aura that didn't seem part of this world.

The abyss kings immediately reacted watching where the light was headed to.

"Puny gods... They must be on their last straws now. I'll go."

One of the abyss kings descended to where the light was going to land. As it descended, It found itself descending towards a plateau on top of a mountain. It sensed two life forces on top. They were weak, so puny that it would mistake it for a mere insect. No, in it's eyes, even insects had more weight than the two that were on their last stand on the mountain.


The two boys had the backs to each other staring at the skies. Xin Fan could barely stand and had to hold himself up with his scythe. Tong Hu was no better and had to used his projection to keep himself standing. At this point all he did was use his projection to fight. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight with his body but it was that he couldn't. Xin Fan was no better with him using the minimal of his Qi to keep fighting. Even with his large amount qi he was getting depleted and had to conserve energy.

"You know...If we continued to probably would have won..."

Tong Hu smirked. It was strange to be honest. Despite not knowing much about each other, they felt a strong kinship. It was a pity that such bond was developed at their last stand. Or perhaps it was because it was their last stand that they could be completely open.

"And why are you saying this now...?"

Xin Fan shrugged. He looked at the figure in sky and sighed.

"Probably because this next one will probably the last one...before we go"

A fully armored figure descended right before them. It's face was empty. It's helmet had five spikes, a feature that Xin Fan was all too familiar with.

"It's an Abyss King..."