No... Fuck No!

The cold blade had rubbed against Alex's body gently for a moment. He trembles, he was not afraid that she would cut into his flesh. Perhaps it would probably be better if she finishes him off now. He trembled by the feeling of the cold blade, as she continues to slide it all over his body.

The coldness made his body trembles, and then when she slowly slide the back of the blade down lower to his groins. He cringed, and Melanie enjoys the look on his face when she slips it closer and closer to his penis. A sudden tap on his harden flesh made his screams. "Ah! It's fucking cold! You want me to lose my boner?"

"Did you?" She laughed, as she leans in closer to his neck to kiss him gently. Melanie slowly sticks her tongue out to lick the side of his neck, while she used her left hand to reach down his groin and grab hold of his dick.

"You're buddy here must like the cold. Just look at him, he's still so hard." She whispered in his ears. It tickled him, and because he was already so aroused, he wanted to ejaculate.

Nonetheless, he refused to beg her. She used her soft and warm hands to play with him. He was about to release all over her hand. Nevertheless, she stops.

Melanie was skilled, and she knew when he was about to ejaculate. Stopping right at the time when he was about to; was killing him. "Ah, you crazy bitch! Just kill me already!" he screamed. Alex would never beg for her to let him ejaculate. Never! He would rather die than to give her what she wants.

"So? You haven't told me if you have an affair yet."

"I can't have one when I'm not married, bitch!" Alex curses at her, and if he could, he would give her the middle finger. However, Melanie was not amused.

Then suddenly she grabbed on to his penis hard. So hard that she could squeeze it. She was a lot stronger than she looks. Alex cried out, but the pain helped cease his sexual urges.

Alex laughed out as she let go of him. "Thank for that! Now my boner is completely gone!"

"You welcome." She said as she smiled at him. Then she walks off into the dark shadows for a few seconds, only until she reappears again did she says, "I can't help insert this if you're hard."

Alex panic as he sees the tool in her hand. It was a bit long and thin, it looked to be like a screw. Was it? Alex looked at Melanie smirked up face, as she said, "Let's have some fun!"

Fun? What fun? It was certainly entertaining for her. However, as for Alex. There won't be any fun. What Melanie waved around in her hand as she showed him the tool. "You see this?" She asked him. "Do you know what it is?"

"No, what is that? A screw?" he asked. For sure, the tool in her hand looked just like a very thin and long screw. Melanie giggles at him, "Oh, this?" She pointed at it with one finger.

Attached to the top of the tool, was a ring that she can hold it with just two fingers with one hand. While the other, she pointed at the end of it and told him. "This here... It's a penis plug. You know it's kind of like a sounding. If you even know what that is."

"No… Fuck no!" he panicked and began to struggle again. "Take that fucking thing away from me!" However, Melanie walks closer to him as she purposely steps closer. Alex could have never imagined, that this? Would be her fun.

The first day he met her after he had waited at the office for two hours. She called out his fake name. "It's your turn now, have fun!" How could anyone have fun during a dentist visit? Alex never thought much about it.

However, when he met the dentist; Dr Wilson was an amusing man. At times he'll tell you jokes and make a humorous comment. "Okay, now I'm not entirely comfortable about telling a man to open wide. However, it is my job to do so, so open wide."

At first, Alex didn't understand the comedy in the dentist, only until he had opened up his mouth did Dr Wilson said, "Yeah, that's the stuff. If I ask my wife to open up like that, I won't put this stick in her mouth but my other one, if you know what I mean." Dr Wilson laughed as he gave a creepy wink at Alex.

Alex wanted to choke. Now he gets it. The dentist has a weird sense of humour. Nevertheless, he was quick and fast at his job. The exam took about 20 minutes, and Dr Wilson told him. "Your teeth are perfect. Damn, if only I were just as perfect as you."

"Thanks, doctor…" Alex wasn't sure he should be happy at the time or not. Dr Wilson's personality gave Alex a red-flag. Alex felt like he should dig into the dentist's background.

Alex shouldn't expect anything fun from her "Have fun!" statement back then. Although, he did think that Dr Wilson was indeed a humorous man. He laughed at his witty comments at times.

When Alex got out of the dentist room, and he glances over at Melanie. Then he told her, "That was fun, Dr Wilson is a hilarious man!" he attempts to charm her with his handsome smile.

At the time, she would give him a warm and gentle smile and said, "Isn't he?" she would laugh with Alex as they started small talks with each other. Alex thought that Melanie was just so perfect, he would like to know her better after he finished the case.

Alex was confident in his looks, and so he asked her, "Would you like to have lunch with me sometime?"

Melanie would smile back at him as she gave him a reply. "Sure." And so they exchanged numbers. Who could have thought, that was probably the first step he had taken in his current downfall.