Stay away from me.

Throughout the entire day, someone preoccupied Alex's mind. Melanie Hart. Every time he tried to be with another it would remind him about her.

Just like today as he stared at Lauren, yet he saw an image of Melanie in his mind. The two of them look nothing alike. Alex tried to shake his head, hoping that Melanie would disappear from his mind.

Lauren came over with a bottle of water, and with her other hand, she held a cup of coffee for herself. "I should forget all about her, and move on with my life." He thought.

For a moment, Alex became lost in his own thoughts, Lauren held the cup in hand and paused for that moment. She tried to pass Alex the water bottle, however, he was unresponsive towards her. "Alex?" She called him, but still no answer. "ALEX!"

Lauren's loud voice had snapped Alex out of his thoughts, "Sorry," he realized he had spaced out again. He felt like it was improper of him, but he couldn't help himself. He thought apologizing once wasn't enough, so he said it again, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something, it wasn't important."

"Why did you think about it then?" Lauren said in a cheerful tone, her upbeat voice was pleasant. Lauren has her hair tied up in a side-ponytail. It revealed her lovely white skin. Lauren wore a low-cut V-shape T-shirt, the neck cut was so low, and it revealed her bra. Pink; it wasn't just any pink, it was a bright hot-pink.

Eye-catching and seductive, as Lauren leans her body closer to Alex's arm, she gave him a smile again and asked, "Why don't you tell me more about your days as a cop?" She was so close that her breast would brush up against his arm.

Lauren wanted to seduce him, Alex wasn't stupid and he could tell. So when she smiled at him and felt his cold hands, he reciprocates by wrapping his big hand to hold on to her. Then, he took the initiative and leans in to kiss her.

Lauren's lips tasted like a sweet strawberry. The taste came from her strawberry-flavoured lip balm. They had their eyes closed as they enjoyed a few moments of this sweet tenderness. Then, slow and steady, as Lauren's hand crept their ways up to Alex's pants.

Lauren's action surprised Alex; however, they still continued their kisses. Gradually, their kisses became much more passionate. Lauren had reached her hands into his pant and stroke him. Alex reciprocated by fondling her breast as he sucks onto her tongue hard.

After the incident that happens with Melanie, it was hard for Alex to get an arousal. So, even with a beautiful blond like Lauren, stroking him. Alex was unaroused, but that didn't stop her from continuing. Lauren released herself from their kisses and went down on her knees. Alex remains seated on the couch. Lauren pulled his zipper all the way down.

He was still big even though he wasn't hard yet. Lauren lowers her head down to lick him, as she rubs his cock with her right hand, sucking it like it was candy. Alex moaned when Lauren sucks on his tip. Alex closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the pleasure.

"Having fun?"

Alex jumped from a sudden voice.

"What's the matter?" Lauren asked? She thought perhaps she had hurt him. "Did I hurt you?"

"No… It's nothing." He said. When he heard Melanie's voice, he thought perhaps it was in his mind. Lauren smiled at him and continued to suck on him. Alex tried to close his eyes. He tried to enjoy it, however, he heard the same voice again "So, is she good?"

Alex jumped up from his seat, and said, "I'll be right back, I need to use the washroom." Then he left in a hurry. He rushed into the washroom as he passed the small hallway. As he rushed into the washroom and closed the door. He went to turn on the faucet.

The running water seems to have calmed him down. Alex tried to cool his mind. It frustrated him, he couldn't understand why. At frequent times, he'll hear Melanie's voice. He washed his face several times. Trying to get his mind together. He took a deep breath and asked himself. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

A loud knock, "Alex?"

"Coming!" Alex replied and opened the door after he turned off the faucet. "Sorry, I needed to go.

Lauren laughed as she leans in and whispered in his ears. "You can cum in my mouth you know."

"You're a wild one aren't you?" Alex laughed and show her his handsome smirk. Then Lauren closed in and kissed him again. This time, she was rough. She sucked on his tongue hard, and her hand was busy making their way into his pants again. As she got a hold of him, she played.

She rubs him and pulled his pants down. Alex would kiss her all over, her neck seems to be her sensitive spot. Then Alex creeps his hands down her pants and pulled them down.

As he was kissing her, he crept his finger inside her underwear. Lauren was already wet Alex is a handsome man. Lauren had never met a man as handsome as Alex. She wanted him to pound her hard. Just as he wanted to enter her. Melanie pop into his mind again. He could hear her voice like she was there.

"So you wanna fuck this slut now aren't you?"

Alex stopped what he was doing, and his entire body jumped away from Lauren.

Melanie. It wasn't her voice this time. Alex could see her. Standing right beside Lauren. With her pretty face. Her beautiful brunette hair, curls and shoulder length. She dressed as she did on their first date. She wore a beautiful royal blue dress just like she is now. Fancy, and elegant.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Melanie smiled back at him. Before he realized it, she was right before his eyes. "You want to fuck this bitch? As you already know it. I'm so much better than her." Then she laughed and laughed.

"Shut up! Shut up!" He held on to her and pushed her right against the wall hard.

"That hurt!" Lauren screamed and Alex's roughness had Lauren confused. Confused about everything. "Alex!"

Alex snapped out from his illusion. This time, it horrified him. He doesn't know what to do. He pulled his pants back up and told her. "Sorry… Just stay away from me." He panicked and rushed out the front door.