Number 1 Young Master in Redwood

At the same time in Redwood Forest.

Alvaro with a group of McArthur guard returned into the temporary camp. Hundreds of McArthur guards were installing mining equipment in the meteorite site.

Alvaro came and brought some demon beasts in a few huge cages. He had managed to capture a few mutated demon beasts again.

"These are the fourth group we captured today." One of the guards in Alvaro's team proudly bragged to his friend, a camp guard. He delivered some unconscious demon beasts in the cages to the guard.

The camp guard received the demon beasts and made some notes.

Alvaro and Cyde continued to the main camp.

Inside the biggest tent, Kleigh was waiting.

"Good Morning, Grand Elder Kleigh." Alvaro greeted.

"Have you heard the report, Elder Alvaro?" Kleigh asked while he was reading a document. His face frowned when he read the information in the documents.

"I haven't. I have just come from the forest, Grand Elder." Alvaro answered.

"The test has already shown the preliminary result." Kleigh showed the report to Alvaro.

Alvaro only looked for a while before passing it to Cyde.

"This is great." Cyde remarked. "Is this the result of the test ordered by Elder Charles?"

"Yes. From the 10 common rabbinks, 7 have shown the mutation signs. 1 rabbink even had turned into a new rabbink species." Kleigh said.

"So, the family headquarter will send some teams here?" Alvaro asked.

"Yes. This is bigger than I thought. I believe some Peak Rank 3 grand elders will be sent here. There will be more on the way. I even heard the Family Leader was interested in the mutated demon beasts. He will come to Redwood." Kleigh answered.

"I have discussed with the Elder Assembly. The decision was that we should stop the drilling process. We will only gather the broken pieces of the meteorite. Our priority is to capture more mutated demon beasts."

"What about the Redwood family?" Alvaro asked.

"There is no need to worry. They still have some problems after the accident in the coin exchange. We also got the report of a hurricane in the city. We are basically protecting the mining area ourselves." Kleigh answered. "We should wait for Grand Elder Assembly decision."

"Does Grand Elder remember the second information?" Alvaro asked.

"Which one? The beast waves?" Kleigh asked.

Alvaro nodded. He went to grab some drink from the side table and poured some wine for himself, Cyde, and Kleigh.

"I actually do not believe the information from an unknown source." Kleigh answered. "However, the latest information about this meteor proved to be correct."

"Lately, it is harder to find stronger demon beasts." Alvaro reported. "We have gone 1 km deeper to find the current batch."

Kleigh only drank his wine.

"I want your permission to check deeper into the forest. I believe I could find some early signs." Alvaro decided.

Kleigh frowned. He took some time to drink his wine.

After some consideration, He finally answered. "I disagree. First, you are only a Peak Rank 2 warrior. A demon beast king would be a Rank 3 at least. Second, this mission had changed into an SSS rank level. Therefore, all commands will be in grand elder assembly. The family most important grand elders will come to the city. We should continue to capture mutated demon beast. I believe the family leader will solve the demon beast waves himself."

Alvaro only nodded.

"What I worry is your son." Kleigh said.

Alvaro stopped his drink.

"The reason of us joined into guardian elder is because we dislike the family politics. However, your son is the only connection between us and that mysterious Rank 4 elder. He would enter the family politics." Kleigh said. "Even as a family, we are strong and connected. You should not forget that you and your son are considered in Grand Elder Douglas's camp. You know what I meant."

"..." Alvaro looked into the document inside the tent. It said about Trevon and the family's desire to get some advantages from the mysterious expert.

It was already 17.00 in Redwood City.

Trevon had done some scouting for today. He still hadn't managed to upgrade his Scout skill or completed some extra job quest. Yet, he managed to see some beautiful woman today. [Hwehwehwe.]

"Master Rabbink, let's go!" Trevon called Master Rabbink who was half asleep. It kept grabbing the snack while it started to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the VIP room.

Master Rabbink teleported and appeared next to Trevon. "So, the next schedule is painting?" Master Rabbink started to plan its painting.

[An egg foo young painting would be delicious.] Master Rabbink already imagined the delicious sour and sweet taste on its mouth.

"No, I want to go to the family library." Trevon said. [I have to check where is 'Millions Year Old Ash Forest'.]

"What to find the forest? You have to find a cool looking martial art too." Master Rabbink reminded him.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." Trevon felt the Rabbink was noisy.

Trevon brought Nana and went outside the room. He led Jack, Kevin, and Lance to the family pavilion.

He was in front of the family pavilion when he met with the most frightening being in Redwood.

"Hey! There are you, Coward Cousin." Raina called Trevon.

She wore a red robe with many shining crystals on it. A slightly pinkish outer robe with heavenly phoenixes and dragons painted on it decorated her slim body. Unlike in the normal day, Raina even beautified herself. If normally she could be called by everyone as a beautiful young lady; after she wore some makeups she could be called a heavenly fairy.

"Where are you going, Sis?" Trevon asked. He gulped a bit.

Trevon knew that Raina didn't like to wear makeup. He believed this is the first time he saw Raina wore a makeup. [She is so hot if she wears makeup. If only he could behave like Olivia, that would be perfect.] Trevon thought.

"I have tried to find you this morning, but you have already gone somewhere." Raina said. "Olivia invited me to her family party. All young masters and young ladies in Redwood City are invited."

"I didn't get the invitation." Trevon said.

"You just came to the city, so the Redwood family didn't send an official invitation. However, Olivia asked me to bring you over. Other than us, brother Edward and Luis were also at the party. They had already gone an hour ago."

Trevon didn't hear the last few sentences. [Olivia invited me?]

"Of course, I will go." Trevon quickly made some decisions.

"Good. I will go first. This is the address." Raina told the location to Trevon. She went to the carriage that had been waiting. She looked a bit into the white fat mouse on Trevon shoulder before she entered the carriage.

Trevon quickly went to his room, took a quick bath, and picked his best robe. This was a dark and dark blue robe with paintings of dragons that he purchased from a famous tailor from the capital.

He looked at himself in the mirror. [Handsome. Hahaha.]

Master Rabbink was looking for the toilet because it wanted to puke.

Sometimes Trevon wanted to thank his scary cold father for giving him such a beautiful face. If he was a female, he would even fall to this handsome face. He took his fan and fanned himself. "Hahaha."

"Ouekk..." Master Rabbink really vomited.

"Hmph... You, Rabbink has a bad taste." Trevon took his best fan. [This backward Redwood City should see how the number 1 Bluestar young master behaves.] He pinned a McArthur family insignia in his robe.

"Let's go!" Trevon went to the lobby area. He asked for another carriage to carry him to the party.

Inside the carriage, he remembered something. [I couldn't bring a big white mouse to meet with girls, right?]

He had a lower rate when he tried to hit a girl on the street today. All would scream "Mouse! Mouse! Mouse!" and ran.

Trevon wanted to keep Nana at home, but Freddy told him to bring Nana everywhere to make the bond between him and Nana stronger.

Trevon also couldn't take her to his universe since the portal only allowed him to return and no one else. [It is a one-way ticket for everyone else.] He thought.

Master Rabbink whispered something to Trevon.

"Nana, you should enter the universe first." Trevon took Nana to his own universe. He got some notification when he entered the universe with Nana. This was the first time he entered the universe with Nana.

Trevon quickly returned after he gave some foods for Nana and the rabbinks. The mouse happily ate her spirit foods while preventing the rabbinks to go near.

"Brak!.." Trevon appeared behind the carriage. He fell to the street.

"Wait for me!" Trevon shouted to the shock of his bodyguards and carriage carriers.

[Isn't young master inside the carriage?] They asked each other with their eyes. [Did he practice a movement martial art?]

Trevon entered the carriage again so he could be carried to the party. He wouldn't come in a low-profile way to a party.

The party held in one of the Redwood family buildings. Normally it was used for Redwood family weaponry. However, one of its halls was used for holding tonight party.

The building was decorated with several huge shining pearls. The Redwood family didn't escape from the cost. They added some sculptures outside the building.

A young and good-looking attendant received Trevon in front of the door. A tall tent was temporarily erected outside the door where one would disembark from the carriage. A long red carpet decorated the entrance.

"Good Night, Young Master." The attendant greeted Trevon.

"Trevon McArthur." Trevon said his name. This was the custom for a party. Since he hadn't been in Redwood for long, so it was normal for the attendant not to know his face.

"Oh. Young Master Trevon McArthur, please this way!" The attendant changed her attitude she showed her smile. Half was afraid and the other half was flattering. While many hadn't known Trevon's face, however, his debaucheries were famous everywhere. He was the number 1 young master in Bluestar.

[He is far more handsome than what the rumor said.] She thought. She led Trevon on the red carpet.

"Please follow me!" The attendant quickly brought Trevon to the hall. While she wanted to seduce Trevon, but she was also afraid of this young master. [It was said that he killed all girl that he had impregnated.]

Trevon would cry if he heard what the attendant thought about him. He wasn't that cruel. The number 1 young master in Bluestar was even a virgin. Trevon had never exchanged his yang with a girl's yin.

Trevon brought to a half-full hall. Many young masters and young ladies were in it. Most were talking with their close friends when he entered the hall.

Everybody looked into the newcomer.

"Wow, he is so handsome." A girl unconsciously said.

"Have you seen his robe? His robe is the new design from the capital." A fashionable young master said.

"I saw that in the catalog. It is over 300 spirit stones. That is not even a spirit robe." Another young master said with envy.

"He is the most handsome young master I have ever seen." Another young lady cried.

"His action is so graceful." Another lady felt her leg weak.

Trevon smiled hearing those praises. [HweHweHwe. I should get some ladies' name tonight.]

"You could just use your 'Scout' skill to get the name." Master Rabbink complained. It was only interested in the foods.

[Do not get too close to me! You are free to eat as many as you want.] Trevon didn't like this Rabbink destroyed his delusion.

"Finally, you arrive, Stinky Cousin!" Raina came to Trevon. She seemed to have been waiting for him.

[NO...] Trevon almost cried in his heart. He knew he didn't have a good reputation in the young lady circle. He wanted to introduce his name after a girl couldn't escape.

"Why are you so late, Trevon?!" Raina grabbed Trevon hand. She hooked her hand into Trevon's.

"Elder brothers are over there." She took Trevon to the other young masters from McArthur family. "You haven't met them since they were in cultivation this past week."

"He is THAT Trevon McArthur?" A girl was shocked. She turned paled. "I felt sick. Could you bring me to the infirmary?"

"I will help you." Her female friend quickly joined the drama.

Trevon heard the girl. He looked into the girl. [Who wanted to be with you?] Trevon thought. While the girl was beautiful, she couldn't even compare to his Margareth and Cecillia.

"I want another wine glass." A lady took her friend out of the way.

Another lady quickly turned her body acted like she was talking with her companion.

[Who wanted to seduce a girl with a monkey?] Trevon complained. His value was to never steal another man's girl. There were many beautiful single girls in the world. He wouldn't able to hug all of them with his two hands. [I only want 100 or 1 thousand. I must beat those heroes in the web novels. I think I saw one with 1.000.000 women. Hwehwehwe.]

Some other young ladies quickly moved from Trevon and Raina's path. They acted like they needed to go to the toilet, take some foods, and many more.

[...] Trevon could only sigh in his heart.

"Gwahahaha. You should not be so perverted. Your reputation was soooo bad." Master Rabbink said loudly from the buffet table. Only Trevon could hear it anyway.

[Shut up, Rabbink!] Trevon commented in his heart.

"Fine, I will continue to eat." Master Rabbink tasted another dish.

"This is your older cousin, Edward McArthur. He is the son of Grand Elder Kleigh." Raina introduced Trevon to a handsome young master. He wore a beautiful green robe. Similar to Trevon, he also pinned a McArthur insignia on the robe.

"This is my cousin Trevon, I have talked about him before." Raina presented Trevon to Edward.

"Night, Young Brother. I have heard from my father that you were involved in the last hostage situation." Edward opened some small talks with Trevon. While they were considered relatives, this was the first time Edward met Trevon. He was also almost 10 years older than Trevon.

"Trevon greets Elder Brother Edward. Thanks to Grand Elder Kleigh protection. I manage to return in a single piece." Trevon said. As a younger brother, he needed to politely greet Edward. He also had heard about the earth wall erected to protect his return.

"Who is this girl?" Trevon asked a girl who stood next to Edward.

"She is my fri..." Edward could only politely introduce the young lady next to him. She was a daughter of a small cultivation family. He had tried to woo the girl multiple times, but he was rejected each time. She was considered a talented young lady. Many young masters had tried to chase her.

"I am his girlfriend, Luciana White." The young lady wanted to use Edward's name to block Trevon. She had heard all the rumors about this special young master from McArthur. [He wouldn't dare to do bad thing to his family's girlfriend, right?] She thought.

"Oh, so you are sister Luciana. Trevon greets Sister Luciana." Trevon greeted her a bit before she returned Trevon greeting. Trevon continued the small talks with Edward.

Edward was so shocked. He had tried numerous times in the past year to woo this girl, but he failed. This time she was the one who declared that she was his girlfriend. There were some of his competitors around. [Did she just accept my dating proposal?]

Trevon parted way with Edward when Raina took him to his other cousin, Luis McArthur.

"This is our older brother Luis McArthur. He is the last son of Elder Lorry. This is Elder Alvaro's son, Trevon." Raina introduced him.

"Trevon greets Elder Brother Luis!" Trevon greeted him.

"Hai." Luis only greeted him a bit.

"..." Trevon was speechless. He knew some people who dislike the party. [So why did you come here?]

Unlike Edward, Luis was more introvert, so Trevon needed to be more proactive. Luis was unlike Trevon and Raina. He was an average looking compared to other cultivators.

Not every cultivator was good looking. While by cultivation, you could get more handsome and beautiful, everyone had a different starting point. The cultivators would only generally have better looking than commoners.

"Jose (Lucas/Regar/Leroy) greets Lady Raina!" Some young masters joined their conversation.

Trevon could see the dislike in Raina's eye. This kind party was usually for the less talented young masters and ladies. Most of them had low or even no cultivation. Even Edward and Luis were considered the less talented ones in the family. Because of this, from the big family of McArthur, only 3 young masters and 1 young lady came.

Raina was young and beautiful. Her genius talent was already famous in Redwood. Therefore, it is not rare for some spoiled young master wanted to try their luck. If they were lucky, they could become a carp turned into dragon following Raina's rise in her cultivation.

[This is the reason Raina waited for me.] Trevon realized he would be used as a shield. In front of him, those spoiled young masters could never brag. He was more handsome, more stylish, more elegant. He was also famous for his many mastery. [Hahaha.] Trevon felt happy seeing how he was better than those young masters.

"Who are them, Sister Raina?" Trevon asked.

"I don't know." Raina didn't care about these spoiled young masters. She was the pearl of McArthur family. Raina wouldn't want to waste her cultivation time for these spoiled young masters.

"I am Jose from Icemountain family." The leading young master greeted Trevon.

"Trevon McArthur." Trevon returned the greeting. "I am sorry I am new in Redwood, so I haven't heard Icemountain family." Trevon said. He really hadn't heard the family name.

"Oh. It is normal brother Trevon." Jose tried to speak closer to Trevon. "We are a new emerging family. We just moved to Redwood 100 years ago. We are famous for brewing the best ice wine in Redwood. I will send some to brother later."

"Then I should thank you, Young Master Jose." Trevon politely answered. He also didn't like for some unknown to get closer to him. Even in Redwood, only the top spoiled young masters were in his circle of brothers.

Jose could only smile.

Raina elbowed Trevon a bit.

"I am sorry, I still want to look around. I beg your permission, Young Master Jose." Trevon knew Raina's signal.

"Brother Luis, then I shall visit you some other day. Consider this younger brother owes you a cup of drink." Trevon politely excused himself from Luis. No matter what they were a family.

Luis only raised his glass showed his understanding.

Raina quickly took Trevon to other places. She didn't have many friends in Redwood. As a person who concentrated in cultivation, if she knew someone, that person would also be another genius. However, only a few geniuses would attend this kind party. Most of them like Raina was invited by Olivia.

"I need your help." Raina whispered Trevon.


"Beat this young master for me." Raina said.

"Do I have my rewards?" Trevon asked back. He wouldn't do things which didn't benefit him.

"You would improve your standing in front of many young ladies in Redwood." Raina knew Trevon weakness. "This guy is famous for his skill in playing music. If you beat him, all young ladies in Redwood will recognize your skill."

"Sounds good." Trevon needed some stepping-stones if he wanted to be the number 1 young master in Redwood.

"This is the first son of Guillerno family leader, Fredo Guillerno." Raina introduced him to a young master.

Fredo was a bit enthusiastic greeted Raina. While his talent wasn't bad, Fredo knew he would be categorized as a second-tier young master in his family. As long as his wife's family was higher than the Guillerno family, he would be allowed to join his wife's family.

"Fredo greets Young Lady Raina." Fredo quickly greeted Raina. "And this young master is..." Fredo asked about Trevon.

"Oh. He is my cousin Trevon McArthur. He is the best musician whom I have ever known." Raina started the fight.

Fredo understood Raina intention. She indirectly said. [If you couldn't beat my cousin, you should not dream to get close to me.]

[Name: Fredo Guillerno]

[Age: 23 Years]

[Sex: Male]

[Species: Human]

[Potential: 17/43]

[Determination: 61]

[Cultivation Speed: 76]

[Loyalty: 68]

[Talent: Qin Playing, Fighting - Qin]

[Ability: Earth Splitting Slash (Earth), One-Two-Three Step (Man), Guillerno Style Sword Stand 2nd Level (Man)]

[I know why he dared to try getting close to Raina.] Trevon saw he was one the better young master tonight. He had tried to check other young masters with his skill, but most of them didn't pass potential 25.

Trevon opened his fan and fanned himself. He showed his class.

"Look at his fan! That fan is the famous mountain and sea fan." A young lady said.

"I heard it was drawn by a Grand Master painter." Another lady shocked.

For these spoiled young masters and ladies who didn't focus on cultivation, they needed to learn arts and business. Some even took the those as their hobbies.

"Then, I need to learn from Young Master Trevon. Allow me to perform, I hope Young Master Trevon could give me some instructions." Fredo smiled and went to the music stage.

"Good night, fellow young masters and beautiful young ladies. I am interested in exchanging a few pointers with Young Master Trevon." Fredo spoke on the stage. He went to the qin on the stage. "As a Redwood citizen, I will embarrass myself to start first before the quest from Bluestar. I ask brother and sister's time to show my poor capability."

All young ladies were interested to see the stage. Fredo was more talented than the other young masters on the night. He had reached Top Rank 1. He was also famous for his qin playing ability.

Fredo played 3 songs. The songs showed the imagination of love.

"Ah... very beautiful." A young lady felt her legs turned weak.

"Yes. Young Master Fredo is the best in capturing the love song."

"He is so handsome." Another girl whispered.

"He is the dream man." Her friend agreed.

Trevon didn't like to hear those girls praised other young masters. In this party, Trevon could be considered on the younger one. But he liked those older and mature ladies.

Everybody clapped after Fredo completed his last music.

Trevon politely also joined in the clapping. [This is so-so.] He thought.

"I hope for Young Master Trevon to share some songs for my pointer."

Trevon nodded and went from Raina for the stage. He took his own qin from his storage rings.

"He has a storage ring." A young master said with envy.

"Only my grandfather had one in my family." Another young master said with envy.

"Even my family chosens don't have a storage ring." Another young master from a bigger family said with more envy.

"So that is a storage ring." Some young girl fascinated with the ring on Trevon's finger.

"I want that ring or I will end our relationship." A young lady asked his boyfriend.

"That is a McArthur family member." Her boyfriend cried.

"You only looked at the storage ring. His qin is also a famous qin." A young lady who loved qin said.

"Ah. That is the White Jade Qin." Her friend also recognized the qin.

"Is that qin famous?" A young master who didn't follow qin asked.

"Very. It was said the qin was used to be owned by the famous qin player, Grand Master Penelope." The lady answered. Her eyes were full of bright light.

Trevon took all the praises before he started to speak. "Good night, fellow brother and sister. I have just moved to Redwood from Bluestar. Some of you may have heard my name, Trevon McArthur. I hope brother and sister could introduce me to Redwood in the future. I will embarrass myself to show my poor piece." Trevon smiled.

"God! His smile." A young lady directly hit by Trevon's smile.

"Remember! He is Trevon." Her friend quickly reminded her.

"Gwah... Almost." She almost fell to Trevon smile. [This is really devil's smile.]

Luckily Trevon couldn't hear those conversations since he focused on his preparation.

Trevon went to the center of the stage and started to play a song. It was the famous love song in Bluestar. He learned the piece directly from the creator.

"This is the famous new song." A young master said. He had just heard this piece when he visited Bluestar. Of course, he heard it in the pleasure house. There were none in Redwood so he needed to visit Bluestar.

"Very beautiful." A young lady cried.

"I wanted to idolize him." Another young lady felt moved by the playing.

"Help me!" The girl who almost knocked out by Trevon smile at this moment couldn't protect her heart. However, this time her friend also fell into the trap called Trevon. They would need their friend who didn't come to this party to save them.

"He is a Master Qin Player." A knowledgeable young master said with envy. It was one thing if you have an expensive treasure, but it was also another thing if you could play it very beautifully.

"Truly worthy the title number 1 young master in Bluestar." Another young man had to admit.

"..." Fredo couldn't speak anymore. He could only slowly move to a side. He lost the confidence to woo Raina again in the future.

Trevon enjoyed the applause. So, he continued to play another piece. This time he played 'The Moon Represents My Heart', a classic piece that was a sure hit in the heart of young ladies.

The party turned even merrier. People started to enjoy the music from Trevon. Even the musician invited by Redwood family couldn't play as well as Trevon. Some young masters even used the chance to ask their loved one for a dance.

Trevon didn't care, as long as he could see some girls showed infatuated faces to him. [HweHweHwe.] He laughed in his heart.

He continued to play one song to another. There was no more young master who tried to challenge Trevon. Even if they could play some other musical instruments, Trevon had set the bar too high.

Trevon quickly took the Number 1 Young Master title in Redwood.

[Well, perhaps in the spoiled young master circle.] The Rabbink thought.