Dual Cultivation Technique

[What? Do you really sell Plot Armor?] Trevon asked. He had never known it could be purchased.

"Yes! I have one-chapter Plot Armor, two-chapter Plot Armor, and even the famous 50-chapter Plot Armor!" Master Rabbink advertised.

Master Rabbink also had something like 5.000-chapter plot armor, but most its students didn't survive even the first 50 chapters. Trevon was survived this long because he stayed in the first town all the time.

"You only needed to unlock them in my store."

[Good, I want the 50-chapter Plot Armor.] Trevon had heard how powerful a plot armor was.

[Special Master Rabbink Mission Unlocked.]

[Lv 80 Master Rabbink Mission: Kill the entire Heavenly Phoenix Imperial Families.]

[Mission Reward: Master Rabbink will add 50-chapter Plot Armor on the Universe Store.]

[Mission Rejected.] Trevon didn't wait to reject the mission.

"Hey! That was a special price." Master Rabbink complained. "Do you want to see the real mission?"

[No, thanks.] Trevon had already seen the Master Rabbink real mission before.

[What is the mission for one-chapter plot armor?] Trevon asked.

"Well, at your current cultivation, you could defeat 50 Primary Rank 2 demon beasts for me." Master Rabbink answered.

[No way!] Trevon wanted Plot Armor to protect himself. [I will die because of the mission.]

Trevon didn't want those plot armor anymore.

"Fine, it is up to you!" Master Rabbink said. "All missions are optional. Gwahahaha."

[Thanks to you, I have a hidden enemy somewhere.] Trevon didn't like dangerous hidden opponent.

"You also had a potential Rank 4 maid." Master Rabbink wanted to show the other side of the same coin.

"Young Master, where do you want to go?" Jerry carefully asked. Their young master seemed to lose his way after he exited the gang headquarter.

[It seemed Plot Armor is a really powerful treasure to make him unfocused.] Jerry thought.

"Erm..." Trevon realized he had walked without a goal. "I want that." Trevon used his most famous finger. He pointed to a strange candy at one of the shops.

"Yes, Young Master." Jerry was confused, but he went to purchase the candy.

"Here is, Young Master!" Jerry took the candy to Trevon.

[This is your first cake Rabbink!] He took the candy to his storage ring. Master Rabbink could take things in his storage ring anyway.

"I want cake not candy." Master Rabbink complained.

[This is the same.] Trevon said. Both were sweets in his opinion.

"No. 1.000 different cakes. No negotiation." Master Rabbink said.

[Fine.] Trevon went to a nearby winehouse. Jack and Jerry knew this habit of their young master. He would then strangely look into the crowd below.

Trevon was led by an attendant to one of the VIP rooms with windows.

"Jerry, I want you to buy 1.000 different cakes for me." Trevon ordered Jerry. "I don't care about anything else, as long as they were all different." He gave some gold coins to Jerry. He also poured some foods for Nana. The mouse quickly devoured them, before she fell into sleep.

"Yes, Young Master." Jerry said.

[Satisfied?] Trevon asked Master Rabbink. [So, tell me where the sword is!]

"I want the cakes first." Master Rabbink said.

[Do you know where that Kyle goes?] Trevon asked. He needed to talk with Master Rabbink in his head since this VIP room had an open window.

"Hm..." Master Rabbink seemed to check something. "You can't know the answer. It was a heaven's secret."

[So, there is something that you don't know.] Trevon smirked.

"Do not try to provoke me!" Master Rabbink said. "I could tell you the information, but you will get a more dangerous forced mission."

[More dangerous forced mission?]

"Everything has karma. With the information, you can avoid a trouble. However, you will get even stronger trouble. For example, the previous owner of the ring asked me to help him and his girlfriend escaped from the mutated demon beast. They ended met with high-ranking Bandits."

[Why didn't you help him again?]

"I have some limitation. This body is only a small part of my real body. If I helped you with a problem, other than you get a more dangerous trouble, I will fall into sleep mode for 1 months." Master Rabbink said.

[Good! I am ready for the trouble. Tell me where he is!] Trevon finally found a way to escape from this Rabbink even if it was only for a month. [Finally, a holiday without rabbink.] He thought.

"You!" Master Rabbink materialized multiple hammers and hammered Trevon.

"Aw!!!" Trevon screamed.

"What happened, Young Master? Jack quickly saw his young master suddenly fell.

"Nothing!" Trevon cried. He couldn't say that he was just defeated by a rabbink.

"If I sleep, you will never know new core features if you unlock it! You will never get the special mission, and Master Rabbink mission. Haven't this Rabbink helped you to meet Nana and Aya?" Mr. Rabbink felt wronged.

[Fine. I will ask you later on.] Trevon smiled. [At last, I found the way, if I don't want to be spied during joining time. Hwehwehwe.]

"Who wants to watch you joining? Do you love to watch chickens reproduce?" Master Rabbink complained.

[Who knows if you have a fetish for chicken!] Trevon argued.

"Look while I couldn't help you directly, I could cough if you are in danger." Master Rabbink advertised its capability based on Trevon's needs.

"What danger I will face? I always stayed in a city most of the time."

"For example, when Raina comes when you have fun."

"I have Jerry and Jack for that."

"Erm... When your father comes when you play in a gambling den."

"If my father knew that I am in a gambling den. He would be happy since I couldn't make big troubles there." Trevon proudly said.

"Erm... When your future wife comes when you were in a pleasure house...Oh, my Rabbink tail." Master Rabbink regretted to say the last sentence.

[Good Rabbink! I am sorry for being harsh to you, Master Rabbink.] Trevon quickly shouted to Jack. "Jack ordered the best dishes and the most expensive wine."

Trevon totally forgot about his cold war with Master Rabbink.

[Do you want more cakes Master Rabbink?] Trevon tried to fawn Master Rabbink.

Master Rabbink almost wanted to cry. It was the most powerful creature in the entire universes behind The Light and The Dark. However, it turned into a Guard Rabbink for cheating purposes.

A servant served some dishes for Trevon. Of course, Master Rabbink would say never say no to food. The foods quickly disappeared.

2 hours later, Jerry came not long after bringing multiple cakes. Trevon acted as he collected those cakes into his storage ring. While the truth was a Rabbink happily eat those cakes.

"Good! Let's go!" Trevon had found the location of his sword. Master Rabbink gave it through spiritual sense.

It was thrown into a tree near the demon beast market. He would go there to collect it soon.

Trevon brought Jack and Jerry to the area near the demon beast market.

[Why does young master suddenly want to go here?] Jerry asked Jack through the spiritual sense.

[Perhaps, he wants to buy another demon beast.] Jack answered.

[But, the demon beast market is that way.] Jerry complained.

[Just follow him! He had acted strangely after the hostage situation.] Jack said.

[Ok.] Jerry replied.

They continued the journey. Of course, Trevon 'purchased' lots of strange things on the way. He was a treasure grabber Trevon.

[Lv 6 Job Mission: Scout 10.200 different people.]

[Job Mission completed.]

[User got 1.000 very low chances to increase your job level.]

[I completed the job quest.] Trevon had scouted beautiful girl while walking.

[I didn't level up.] He felt luck was too involved in leveling job. [This is a scam!] He thought again.

"There is tomorrow. Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink laughed.

[I want to check my current missions.] Trevon thought.

[Lv 1 Job Mission: Find a person with talents at least 66.]

[Lv 3 Job Mission: Recruit 5 people with talents at least 51 to your organization.]

[Lv 1 Job Mission: Recruit a person with talent at least 25 to your organization.]

Trevon couldn't believe he had never seen any other person with talent at least 66. It was hard to find that in the city. Meanwhile, the new mission didn't seem to hard.

Trevon also checked his mission. Since he had rejected seducing mission, the new mission should already appear. Its cooldown wasn't long like the Lv 100 mission.

[Lv 2 Mission: Find a flashy martial art to practice.]

[Lv 0 Mission: Force a merchant to give you a pear.]

[Lv 0 Mission: Kill 5 boars in Redwood forest.]

[Eh? This is too dangerous.] While the mission was easy, he needed to go to Redwood forest. The place was considered dangerous since the mutated beasts appeared.

[I will keep the mission for now.] Trevon thought.

[Mission accepted.]

He tried to see all his missions. He actually wanted to practice the flashy martial arts, but he was too lazy these past days.

[Master Rabbink, do you have any flashy martial arts?] Trevon asked. [Rather than diligently learning martial arts, I should just purchase one from Master Rabbink.]

"I have a lot." Master Rabbink smiled. "This Rabbink has '100 Rainbows Flash Sword Arts' or this 'I'm Gonna Be A Star'." Master Rabbink told about his products. "Other than that, I also have over 1 quadrillion flashy martial arts."

[That is too many! Don't tell me I need to defeat the strongest dragon in the universe for those martial arts?] Trevon asked.

"It depends. Of course, the more powerful the art, the harder the unlocking mission."

[What is the martial art which is easy to unlock?] Trevon didn't want to do those impossible missions.

"I will remind you beforehand. After the Basic lesson, these are 10 maximum lessons that you could learn using instant learning. After that, you will just get the knowledge. You will need to practice to master them in the future."

[What? This is so inconvenient.] Trevon complained. [This Master Rabbink isn't as supreme as its claim.]

"This is a fair limitation." Master Rabbink declared.

"Instant learning is only for helping apprentice God to learn the lesson quickly during their mortal days. It will help to reduce the time spent to learn martial arts and supporting skills. After you become immortal you will have all the time in the world. This would prevent those apprentices to become bored after they became an immortal. Imagine what you are going to do if you have an unlimited lifespan and nothing to learn!" Master Rabbink taught Trevon.

[Hm...] Trevon started to imagine. [Hwehwehwe.]

"Not that joining imagination!" Master Rabbink materialized a hammer on top of Trevon head.

[Auch! That hurt!] Trevon screamed in his heart. His bodyguards strangely looked into Trevon.

"I can't believe you plan for that." Master Rabbink was devastated. [This boy only thinks about that thing.]

[This is normal. If I have an unlimited lifespan that will be the one I dream.] Trevon proudly declared.

"Consider I didn't tell you anything!" Master Rabbink facepalmed itself. "Do you still want to instant learn a martial art?" Master Rabbink asked.

Trevon thought about the limitation. Other than martial arts, there were numerous hard to learn skills like inscription making, pill connoting, beast training, and some strange skills in this world. He could use the instant learning for very difficult things.

"I need to think first." Trevon was not in a hurry.

"I agree. This Rabbink would suggest you search for martial art manual and allow this Rabbink to improve it. You wouldn't need to do the extra mission from this Rabbink. I am a good Rabbink. This Rabbink even tells you this." Master Rabbink felt a bit lost, but it was in the manual. [Who wrote this manual? I had to smack that clone.] It thought.

[Master Rabbink do you sell superpower?] Trevon asked while Master Rabbink thinking. He learned about superpower in web novel.

"I could sell you." Master Rabbink thought for a while. [Some superpower wouldn't destroy the story, right?]

[Good! I want to purchase invisibility. Hwehwehwe.] Trevon had dreamed of this skill.

"What?" Master Rabbink should realize Trevon dreamed of this thing. "No! Pick a better one. I have telekinesis, super strength, physical attack invulnerability, super speed, weather controlling, super self-healing, and many more." Master Rabbink promoted other useful superpowers. It couldn't offer some crazy superpower like time control that was the realm of celestial being.

[I am only interested in invisibility and X-Ray Vision. Hwehwehwe.] Trevon smiled.

"Fine, I will sell the Very Very Very Basic Lesson on Invisibility." Master Rabbink gave up. At last, invisibility was useful for hiding.

[Special Master Rabbink Mission Unlocked.]

[Lv 80 Master Rabbink Mission: Defeat the Redwood Forest King.]

[Mission Reward: Master Rabbink will add Very Very Very Basic Invisibility Lesson on the Universe Store.]

[What is this mission?] Trevon didn't believe a Very Very Very Basic lesson would be this hard.

"Invisibility is connected with light law. It used the law of light to change other perception. I have made some discount based on your current cultivation." Master Rabbink said. "When you are an immortal, you could start to learn the basic of law. Yet the mastery is another question."

Trevon felt a bit surprised by Master Rabbink's answer. [Then, I could learn invisibility later on?] Trevon thought.

"Yes, but mastery is another question." Master Rabbink repeated the important thing.

[Good. Hwehwehwe.] Trevon planned to learn the law when he was an immortal. He wouldn't be able to do the mission now. All Master Rabbink missions were crazy hard. This was especially for the good things.

[Mission Rejected.] Trevon decided to reject the impossible mission.

[I am just asking about the lesson available first.] Trevon said. [Erm... Do you also sell that legendary lesson?] Trevon asked.

"What legendary lesson?" Master Rabbink didn't know. "I sell legendary martial arts like Toad Stance, Jade Flute Swordplay, Finger Flicking Skill, Yiyang Finger, Pre-Heaven Skill, Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms, Dog Beating Staff Technique, Jade Maiden Martial Arts, Dugu Quibai's Swordplay, and even the powerful Melancholic Palms."

[I will have to pay a royalty if he picked these arts.] Master Rabbink thought. [I will charge appearance fees if he picked these arts. Gwahahaha] It had planned to get its rental fee from Trevon.

[What are those?] Trevon hadn't read about those legendary martial arts. [I want this legendary art called dual cultivation technique.] He read them in some best web novels.

"It is no use for you." Master Rabbink declared. "You have walked the path of destiny, it is the fastest. While the dual cultivation technique could be used as a supplement, it is barely useful for you."

[I don't care. Hwehwehwe.] Trevon laughed. He knew Master Rabbink had those arts.

[Look! I can't live alone, I must help my wives in their cultivation journey.] Trevon made some excuses.

"..." Master Rabbink didn't want to sell these arts to Trevon. They would turn into a dangerous thing for this planet. However, as a guide for an apprentice God, it needed to sell if it had something. The biggest problem, of course, Master Rabbink had some.

[I will just need to repay another karma in this planet.] It thought.

[So, what is the mission?] Trevon asked.

[Yeah! I could just use the mission. Gwahahaha.] Master Rabbink smirked. "You know that some arts could not be divided." Master Rabbink started its plan.

[Special Master Rabbink Mission Unlocked.]

[Lv 300 Master Rabbink Mission: Become a God.]

[Mission Reward: Master Rabbink will add all Lessons about Dual Cultivation Technique on the Universe Store.]

"I am a generous Rabbink." Master Rabbink felt proud of itself.

[What is this mission?] Trevon was incensed.

"This is an easy mission. Look! I add all lessons I had in dual cultivation technique. There are over 5 billion arts." Master Rabbink proudly declared. "Those arts are only the top of the top, the cream of the cream. Every single of them could create destruction and havoc on the land. Countless immortal would die, and numerous divine beings would disappear."

Trevon felt scared with what Master Rabbink said. [I didn't realize these arts would create so much havoc.]

"Yes! Who doesn't want dual cultivation technique? There were even numerous Celestial Readers open this chapter because of this title." Master Rabbink proudly declared.

It had used click bait title to add more clicks to its novel. "Because of this, only a powerful person could wield these arts. If you are only a weakling like this, how could you protect the arts?"

Trevon felt Master Rabbink words were agreeable. However, he felt something annoying about it.

"How about that?" Master Rabbink said.

Trevon hesitated.

"I will give you a free lesson for your partner. You will only need to purchase the lesson for yourself." Master Rabbink said.

"It is 1 get 1 free promotion. I will even add some training dummy." Master Rabbink felt he just needed to order a dummy from an eastern country in its own planet.

[I also need to buy for my partner?] Trevon didn't realize that.

"Yes, dual cultivation techniques are martial arts for 2 people. Do you want the single version? I have Heavenly Chicken Chocking Cultivation, Divine Monkey Spanking on the Meadow Art, and many more."

[Who wanted that single version?] Trevon didn't like to play single player.

"Then you need in-app purchase to unlock multiplayer version." Master Rabbink said.

Trevon didn't know what Master Rabbink said. However, he needed to purchase extra lesson if he wanted the legendary dual cultivation technique.

[Mission Accepted.]

"Master, where are we going?" Jerry started to stress. Their young master had been walking around in the area for 20 minutes.

"I..." Trevon just realized. He was too focused on talking with Master Rabbink.

"I want you to cut that tree down." Trevon pointed to the tree that he had seen in Master Rabbink spiritual sense message. It was a huge tree in the city where land was expensive. The tree was 3 meters in diameter.

"We can't just cut any tree down. It is a thousand-year-old tree." Jerry explained. "It is a property of Redwood City."

"Huh?" Trevon needed to tear the tree down. His sword was sunk inside the tree trunk. It was thrown above and stabbed the tree at its core. Trevon thought of an idea.

He reactivated his famous mission.

[Lv 1 Mission: Walk a direct line until you bump into something.]

He quickly ran.

[Mission completed.]

"Destroy this tree! How dare it stand in my way!" Trevon shouted.

"..." Jerry looked into Jack.

"..." Jack sighed.

"This tree intentionally blocking my path. It must plan something rebellious to humanity." Trevon said. "This tree had attacked a cultivator. The punishment is death."

People around started to crowd the area.

"What happened?" A passerby asked.

"The young man argued the tree intentionally blocked his way."

"Who is that young master?" One of them asked another.

"I don't know, but he has a McArthur insignia on his robe. But I haven't heard him before."

"I have heard a visiting young master in McArthur family. I also heard he came from Bluestar."

"Don't tell me he is Trevon McArthur, the number 1 young master in Bluestar?"

"If he is that Young Master, it is nothing strange." One person said.

"He is Trevon McArthur. I have a friend in the fruit business. He is very famous and fits the description." A person suddenly shouted.

Trevon didn't hear all those people gossip. He was a tiger who didn't need to hear what a rabbink talked.

Jack and Jerry could do nothing but to destroy the tree. Even the Redwood Family would never protect such tree who had 'attacked' a young master.

If the tree could think, it would definitely cry blood if it had blood. The tree had done nothing but it was accused of the crime attacking a young master. All it had done was standing like always.

Jack and Jerry worked diligently. They asked for an axe from a nearby house. As cultivators, they managed to tear the tree down in no time. A 3-meter tree was nothing for them.

Trevon looked into the crashing tree. He pointed to a certain area. "Cut around this area!" He declared.

Jack quickly followed. Until he heard some clank sound. It was a metal hit another metal. [What is that?] He thought.

Trevon looked into a black metal inside the tree. He quickly sent his spiritual sense and using his storage ring absorbed his sword.

[Finally, I get the sword back.] Trevon thought. "Report this tree to the law enforcement. I want the report of its criminal investigation." Trevon acted.

"Yes, Young Master." Jerry could only obey the order. He went to a nearby patrol who had come to check the crowd. [This is crazy.] He thought.

The patrol could only smile bitterly when he heard the reason for such an incident. He could not charge the young master. At best he would charge the tree with attacking a young master. Other than that, he would also need to 'investigate' the tree's other mistakes to report them to the McArthur family.