Returning to Bluestar

Trevon sat in the moving wagon. His cabin was five-meter-long and three-meter-wide. The cabin was large since it was usually a room for a McArthur elder.

His bodyguards were sharing a smaller cabin with bunk-bed. A cabin was taken by Aya and Qadr. Another cabin was for Marcus and his fiancée. It was a four-cabins wagon. Meanwhile, a common guard from the family took turns to drive the wagons. Those common guards had a special wagon for themselves when they wanted to rest.

Trevon lay down in his bed. He looked around his wooden cabin. Other than a spirit jade bed enough for two people, it only had a small table, a chair, and a cultivation mattress. The cabin was kept simple since those elder would bring their own things in their storage ring. A wide space for training was better for cultivators.

The floor was covered with some rugs made from demon beast skins. While some Shining Pearl installed at several points to ensure the room had enough light. Those shining pearls could be controlled with a simple formation on the table.

Trevon took his time to read some novels using the rented tablet. He saw Master Rabbink published a new novel about another God apprentice, but Trevon still believed his story would be more popular. [Who wants to read this emotionless hero?]

The caravan moved together with some merchants' wagons. Those merchants had already paid some protection fees to McArthur family. There were one hundred wagons moving together performing a very big and long caravan. It was a long dragon, headed by the greatest family on the continent.

McArthur family was the leader in the protection business. Everyone in Heavenly Phoenix would use their premium protection service.

Even this journey to the capital wasn't just a simple journey to visit the tournament. The family planned the journey to allow the younger generations to understand their roots. McArthur family was started as a protection mercenary family. This was a family mission for those young generations, to protect the caravan.

[This long travel is boring.] Trevon decided to reread the first chapter of his own novel.

His travel back from Bluestar to Redwood two years ago was a fast one since his father was hurried to Redwood for the meteorite. His regret was he could barely see many things and played with them. Nevertheless, the Six-Men would spit blood if they remembered that journey. They would vomit blood if they knew Trevon still felt he didn't play enough.

Trevon had received the travel plan. The caravan would require forty-five days to reach the capital. This was because they would wait and merge with other family caravans at some checkpoint. They would make a super large and long caravan.

Those Merchants' wagons also moved at a slower pace since their wagons were pulled by Iron Muscled Buffalos instead of Fire Alogos. The buffalo was slower than a Fire Alogo, but they had higher pulling power and stamina.

Transporting items were an expensive and dangerous business. This made some products became very expensive like Trevon's favorite 1crowbar products. Those 1crowbar products had to be imported from the Capital.

Their group speed would decrease if Trevon made some disasters. Trevon had decided to be a good boy during this journey. He couldn't wait to find out his fiancée. The young master in love already got a rumor about his fiancée. His soon to be fiancée was the only daughter of a noble family's branch. She was one of the beauties in the capital.

Trevon couldn't wait to hug the lady and made some paintings together. [Hwehwehwe.] He smiled when he thought about the girl.

[I should focus on reading.] He continued to read his novels. It was already two years without any new update since the clock of the Earth hadn't moved during this time skip. Every time he opened the apps, it was still the same day without any new chapter. The Rabbink always managed to take a free rental fee this way.

[I really envy those Celestial Readers. They could read the novel daily. My last read was two years ago.] The young master thought. He had to reread those novels after the time skip. Luckily, he was a very fast reader.

The journey from Redwood to Bluestar was circling the Redwood Forest. They would need to enter the forest in some small parts.

Nevertheless, the area had already been contracted with the Demon Beast King for human traffics. There might be one or two stray demon beasts who didn't follow the King. However, most powerful demon beasts wouldn't appear.

There were some shortcuts through the Core forest, but these wagons wouldn't be able to pass the terrain. Only powerful Rank 3 warriors could pass those areas. If a Rank 4 warrior came, the warrior could directly move between Bluestar and Redwood in less than a day. Even Zhang Lang, the Forest King wouldn't stop the Rank 4 warrior from passing through the forest core area.

Trevon read many novels for three hours. He took his time to reread many novels. After he had enough, he turned off the tablet and saw the outside windows. He could see a wide grass field on his window.

[I had some family contribution points for that fruit.] Trevon remembered about the fruit he found on his journey before. He had checked it with the internal department after he read Chapter 1 two years ago. However, he was rich in contribution points after the transactions business. He even could pay his penalties for his disasters with contribution points to the ire of the disciplinary department.

Trevon went to call Aya. He wanted to use this time to draw some paintings.

No. He couldn't draw Byeontae painting with her. While her body had started to get stung by mosquitoes or bees in certain areas, he was a man of promise.

What made Trevon liked Aya was that she didn't slack on her cultivation. The girl wanted to become strong enough to protect herself in this world.

[That meant I got a powerful follower. Hahaha.] Trevon thought while he saw Aya in front of him. Aya was cultivating when Trevon called her.

[Name: Aya]

[Age: 15 Years]

[Sex: Female]

[Species: Human]

[Potential: 11/83]

[Determination: 91]

[Cultivation Speed: 86]

[Loyalty: 90]

[Decision Making: 30]

[Talent: Stealing, Disguising, Counting, Cooking]

[Ability: Flame Punch (Earth), Twin-Heaven Sword Combination Lv 1 (Man), Piercing Wind Dash (Man), Jade Body Strengthening (Man)]

[Affiliation: The Guardian of Trevon]

Trevon felt satisfied. She was as powerful as he was when he came to Redwood.

While Aya started late in cultivation, she had an improved cultivation technique from Master Rabbink. Trevon also spent some of his profits for her and the other bodyguards. If she was a family member, she would be considered as above average talent with her achievement. Average talent cultivator kids were around sixteen years old when they became Middle Rank 1 warriors.

Trevon even left Berger with a good amount of resource. He managed to recommend the cultivator kid into the Redwood Branch. Berger had become a vice-captain in McArthur family guards with several kids from the gallery added to his squad.

For the other kids, he gave a huge severance pay to those kids. That would be enough to pay for their debts to the gang. However, Master Rabbink told it was useless, those kids would be back to the gang soon.

"I want to paint another painting." He said to Aya. The girl nodded. She wasn't as timid as before, but she still a silent type. Yet, she rarely rejected Trevon's request.

Trevon continued his painting. While Aya cultivated and became Trevon's model at the same time.

Three hours later, the caravan took their first rest.

"We will take a rest for fifteen minutes." A guard shouted outside the window.

Trevon and Aya stopped their activity. Aya had to prepare some hot water and cook during the break. They couldn't use fire during the journey. Their foods were cooked during the break and ate later in the caravan. During this time, some family servants would clean and remove the wastes and trashes from each family wagons.

Trevon decided to walk around the temporary camp. He met with Edward, Luis, and several other young masters and ladies from the Redwood branch of McArthur family. Similar to Trevon, those common young master couldn't avoid but participate in the tournament.

"Do you enjoy the journey?" Edward spoke to Trevon. He was a bit disappointed that he needed to leave Redwood City. In the last two years, he was already engaged with Luciana White, his dream girl. That was thanks to Trevon's help in the banquet.

"Yeah! The wagon is good. I have a cabin with huge space." Trevon took his fan and fanned himself. He loved to look cool around people.

"I heard you will meet your fiancée in the capital."

"Hahaha. It is just a duty to the family. My marriage will make the family had a better connection with the noble family." Trevon acted cool. He didn't want people to know that he really hoped for this engagement.

"I heard the girl got six names to choose."

"Really?" Trevon slowed his fanning from the surprise.

An engagement in the cultivation world was often for benefits. Most people from cultivation family couldn't marry for love. A family head might some concubines or boytoys if one wanted the love.

As for the partner, they wouldn't dare to take one publicly, but they could have some in secret. Nevertheless, it would be a big trouble if they had children with their secret lovers. Luckily, a certain pill could protect them from an accident.

Nevertheless, those families wouldn't want potential marriage conflicts between their descendants later. They wouldn't force their descendants if they had the options.

The family with a bigger number of descendants would check whether they had some young masters or ladies who were ready for marriage. They also checked whether their descendant's standing suited the other family's standing. One couldn't marry a genius with an ugly duckling and vice versa. Then, a marriage proposal that contained their history would be sent to the other family.

The other family then would give the proposals to their own marriable young masters and ladies. If some had some interest with the proposal, then a marriage meeting would be conducted.

The couple would try to know each other at that time. If both parties could accept each other, both families would make an engagement contract. Otherwise, they would go towards meeting the next candidates. The problem would arise when there were no other suitable candidates, some young master and ladies would be forced to marry without any interest.

Sometimes both families would marry their descendant to each other families. So, two marriages for each connection. This would make the relations balanced and stronger.

Only through this blood relationship, both family benefits could be trusted. It was a bit old-fashioned, but it was commonly accepted things in Heavenly Phoenix. It was said the tradition came from the Central Continent.

[My fiancée is the only lady in her family.] Trevon fell into a thought.

His potential fiancée was the only lady in her family, she would get an option to choose since there was no other candidate in her family. While the young masters in the McArthur family could decide whether they would send their marriage proposal to the other family.

However, this was the first time Trevon heard that he had five other competitors. This meant that his engagement wasn't absolute. While he was the front-runner, the girl might ask for a meeting with other candidates.

If this happened that would mean disaster for Trevon. It was hard for him to get a good lady from a cultivation family to be his girlfriend. Trevon felt some uncomfortable feeling.

[What should I do then? I am not like brother Edward, who has a girlfriend.] He unconsciously fanned himself again faster.

People who managed to have a girlfriend or boyfriend from a suitable family often freed from the marriage arrangement. The family would just engage their already coupled children similar to Edward and Luciana. Of course, the problem was the suitable word. It wasn't easy to be a young master or lady from a cultivation family. Their partner must have similar standing at least.

"Yes. I heard from my father the family gave the girl six marriage proposals including yours."


"Do not worry! I heard you will be the first one to meet her. This meant you already win half the battle."

Trevon grew more confident with this distant cousin's words. "Hahaha. It would be her luck if she chooses me." Trevon didn't want to look cheap. "Hmph... If she chooses someone else, then I would just find another beautiful lady."

"Hahaha." Edward was forcing himself to laugh. He had heard how hard for Trevon's parents to find a family who would accept Trevon's proposal.

Trevon himself didn't write the proposal himself, but his mother said through the letter that she was a beauty. It didn't take long for the young master to give his agreement back with a letter to his mother. The young master always agreed to his mother's suggestions as long as he heard the rumor that the lady was beautiful.

[Well, the word that she is one of the top beauties in Royal Academy is good. Hwehwehwe.] Trevon smiled when he imagined the beautiful lady chose his proposal first.

Both continued their small talk about Edwards's dating experience with his fiancée. The older young master gave some tips from his experiences, while the younger generation studied from the older.

The caravan continued their journey after fifteen minutes rest. It was planned for the Travel from Redwood to Bluestar to take six days. Far longer than when Trevon came with his father.

Trevon sat before a painting canvas. Aya was busy preparing foods with Marcus's fiancée and Qadr.

"What? You looked uncomfortable." Master Rabbink laughed. Since Trevon came from the break, he didn't manage to make a single stroke. The painting canvas was still white and blank. While the paint on his brush had already dried for a long time.

"I will get a wife, right?"

"Maybe. Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink said. "Everything depends on you. I have said about this before, right? My main body had searched and planned for the best girl available for you." Master Rabbink was told by its main body not to tell everything to Trevon.

"Do you have a lesson in seducing a woman?" Trevon asked Master Rabbink. He would kowtow and break his promise if it was necessary. All Master Rabbink's lessons were great.

"What? This Rabbink is not going to teach you that. You have to kill a Divine Dragon for me for a lesson about that." Although Master Rabbink had that lesson, the Rabbink couldn't allow Trevon to obtain that. It would be a danger to womanity everywhere. "You just need to become a better man. You are almost seventeen, the time to become a real warrior loved by the ladies."

"I don't like fighting and danger." Trevon was more afraid of a Divine Dragon than having no girl. Fighting against a Divine Dragon would mean his sure death. He also didn't think the harsh, boring, and dangerous cultivation path suited him. If not because of the easy table pointing cultivation from Destiny Path, he might never cultivate again.

[I only cultivate because it is fun to order people around with Destiny Path. Sigh...] Trevon went to his deep thought again.

[At the worst, I could accept one of the unruly but beautiful girls for my wife.] He thought.

While Heavenly Phoenix was open about joining before marriage or engagement. Pure and chaste young masters and ladies would often have bigger benefits and status during a marriage proposal. They would be partnered with a higher standing partner.

They had no added potential problems for the connection. Of course, the same pure young masters and ladies would prefer the other party also pure like them. It wouldn't be good if you had to struggle for power and love in a new family after you just married.

[No. I have kept myself pure. I want a pure main wife too.] He thought again.

If Trevon or his parents would lower their requirements, it wasn't hard to find some unruly young ladies who wanted to be with Trevon. Since those ladies also found it was harder to be selected. Nevertheless, Trevon had sworn that he was still a virgin. He even dared to perform the test ritual to prove that. This made his standing increased.

"But, do you think I will get a wife?" Trevon once again asked the same question to Master Rabbink. He was a bit unconfident. While he managed to keep his chastity intact, he was famous for his debauchery actions.

"You get the chance, but nothing absolute." Master Rabbink said. "Destiny is not always fixed, even a Destiny God like this Rabbink could only change a bit. Only the Light could guarantee your success."

"I will be a diligent cultivator if I get a fiancée."

"Is that a promise?" Master Rabbink was interested to ask his main body for if it could get a promise. The Rabbink knew the worth of Trevon's promise.

"No." Trevon didn't believe he could keep this promise. However, the young master wanted to make that promise. [Ahhhh... Diligent in training. Impossible. But...] The young master went into self-dilemma.

The wagon kept moving following the wagon in front. The journey from Redwood to Bluestar wasn't dangerous. Only Trevon the Disaster who magically managed to make things harder for Alvaro, Cyde, and the six-men. Without a Disaster creating the problem, the caravan didn't meet any troubles in their journey.

Trevon and the other young generations would only need to help when they entered the forest. They, their bodyguards, and family guards would encircle the caravan from danger. Unlike a human, most demon beasts didn't care about family insignia or fame.

Meanwhile, the Red Hand Bandits had to make way after seeing McArthur family insignia on the caravan flag. They already knew about this caravan. McArthur family as a professional in protecting business had some dealings with the Red Hand. Some people even rumored that the bandits were one of McArthur family subordinates.

The caravan made some way through stone roads. These roads were built by the Imperial family. Its maintenance was their responsibility as the ruler of a country. The better the economy was the better the tax for the imperial family. A better road also made it easier for the country to protect its territory.

Six days later, the caravan arrived at Trevon's birthplace. It was the Lakeside City, Bluestar.