Welcome to Greenforest City

Finally, some guards came to Trevon's wagon. Aya knocked Trevon's room to wake Trevon from his novel-reading time.

Trevon went outside and five city guards in armored robe greeted Trevon.

"Good Morning, Young Master. We want to check your wagon." Their captain gave a hand and fist salute to Trevon.

"Please!" Trevon gave a hand gesture allowing the guard to check his wagon. He wanted to hear the gossip about the search.

"Thank you for your understanding, Young Master." The captain gave a hand signal to his squad.

The guards nodded and started to check the exterior of his wagon.

Trevon stopped the captain from moving. "Please wait a moment! I am very thankful for your hard work to ensure public safety. Please consider this as my wish to treat some drinks for the public heroes!" Trevon took five copper coin pouches. He gave them to Marcus.

Marcus seemed uncomfortable. He looked at Aya and his fiancée. But both only replied with a smile.

The handsome guard showed a forced smile and gave each guard the pouch. Marcus was uncomfortable with bribing officials. It could be said Marcus was the anti-Jonathan. He couldn't hide his uncomfortable every time he had to do something against his moral.

"Brother Guard, could you tell me what happened in the city?" Trevon came closer toward the captain.

"It is something major, Young Master." The guard frowned. "Three days ago, several families in the city received some attacks."

"Attacks?" Trevon could already imagine the Debt Collector. They were the crazy group which could destroy a family.

"Yes. Those families disappeared on a night. This is similar to what happened in Hillbridge and Goldcave." The guard looked around. "Based on a gang rumor, they are still in the city, aiming for their next target."

"Their next target?"

"Yes. The rumor said that they wouldn't stop until the families totally destroyed."

"Is there any survivor?" Trevon asked.

"I am sorry. I can't say that." The guard panicked.

"Oh!" Trevon couldn't force the guard. "The city must be in a disaster without those families leading it?" He changed the topic to a more comfortable topic. [Next, I can just praise him for his work.]

"Young Master must be new to Greenforest. Our city isn't led by a family or sect. We have a hunter council. Every year the best one hundred hunters who lived in the city will make the important decision. The attack made us lose some hunters from those families, but we always had new hunters in the city."

"Ah!" Trevon forgot the sentences on the guidebook.

"Report! There is nothing strange outside." One of the guards gave a military salute to the captain.

"Please allow us to check the inside!" The captain gave a fist and palm salute to Trevon. His conduct was far friendlier after the pouch.

"Please!" Trevon invited the captain inside and followed the guards. Marcus and the rest followed behind him.

Trevon asked something more about the city from the captain. He hadn't got the chance to ask Ainsley the best place for night entertainment in the city. The young master also hadn't met Rado after that day in winehouse, so he used the chance to ask the captain.

[Hunting Night.] He thought after receiving the answer. While the name made him afraid, but he believed his family pleasure house should be the safest place in the city. His family must have one or two Rank 3 warriors guarding the place. The young master didn't want the same thing as in Melody Cave happened to him again.

The captain and his squad searched Trevon's wagon for around five minutes. They gave a friendly salute after they checked Trevon's wagon.

It was another thirty minutes before the last wagon in the caravan checked. Their caravan started to move into the city. Trevon returned to his room and smiled. "I win, Rabbink. Where is my reward?"


"What? The gate is near. This is already close to the city." Trevon complained. He couldn't believe the Rabbink was that petty.

"Nope. Even if it is inside the city, you have lost. Check your rooftop! Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink laughed.

[Grr…] Trevon went outside his wagon. He climbed his wagon.

Trevon wanted to vomit blood. A common lightning pigeon was perched on top of his wagon. The bird enjoyed the moving wagon and seemed to snooze with the rocking.

[Is this real?] Trevon couldn't believe he lost because of a single pigeon. It didn't even attack his wagon.

"Yep! You lose. Gwahahaha." The Rabbink floated next to him.

[This didn't count.] While Trevon didn't care about the energy reward. Losing was a bad feeling.

"Nope. The mission clearly stated no demon beast touching your wagon."

Trevon glared to the bird. He dashed toward the bird and captured it with both his hand. As a Peak Rank 1 warrior, it wasn't hard for him to suddenly catch the bird.

[I have to make a bird stew out of you.] He looked at the bird. His eyes turned a bit red.

"Kooo!!!!" The bird panicked with the sudden attack.

"Wait! Scout it first!" Master Rabbink shouted.

Trevon scouted the beast.

[Age: 1 Year]

[Sex: Male]

[Species: Lightning Pigeon]

[Potential: 6/56]

[Ability: Peck]

[Affiliation: Greenforest]

[Eh?] Trevon saw the potential. The pigeon was a demon beast with the potential to become a Rank 3. He scouted it again to make more panels appeared.

[Name: Unnamed]

[Age: 1 Year]

[Sex: Male]

[Species: Lightning Pigeon]

[Potential: 6/56]

[Determination: 31]

[Cultivation Speed: 46]

[Loyalty: 87]

[Decision Making: 5]

[Talent: Flying]

[Ability: Peck]

[Affiliation: Greenforest]

"Koo!" It tried to peck into Trevon's hand.

"KOOOO!!!" Trevon slapped the demon beast in revenge. The bird was unconscious from the slap. Trevon was a Peak Rank 1 warrior while the pigeon was only a Beginner Rank 1 demon beast.

[Hmph…] Trevon looked at the unconscious bird and quickly returned to his room.

He still held the pigeon in his hand. It wasn't the time to move the demon beast to his universe. His butt had experienced the pain of a sudden fall in Redwood. That was only a small carriage while currently, he was on the second floor of a wagon.

Trevon transferred Nana outside. The mouse was enjoying the service of her followers when Trevon took her.

"Squeak!" She said that she was busy. Nevertheless, she answered Trevon's transfer.

"I have an important mission for you, Nana." Trevon showed the unconscious bird.

"Squeak!" Nana thought of a bird stew. She had enjoyed demon beast meats after the dungeon.

"No! You can't eat it. You only need to watch him. We will teach him who the boss is." Trevon took a rope from his storage ring and tied the bird.

"Squeak!" Nana sat on the bird. She was a bit larger than the pigeon. The mouse seemed happy with being a boss. "Squeak!"

"You want some snack to wait? Fine. Here is your snack." Trevon took some spirit foods.

"Squeak! Squeak!" Nana enjoyed her snacks while pressing the pigeon under her.

"Good. If he wakes up, you can smack him again." Trevon stopped caring about the pigeon.

Trevon looked at the windows. He could see his wagon was passing a ten-meter-wide river. That was a natural boundary given by the forest. Behind the river was twenty-meter-tall walls covered with green vines and moss.

Trevon and his wagon entered the city. An annoying notification reminded Trevon.

[Mission failed.]

"Grr…" He looked at the purple pigeon below Nana. Trevon flicked the unconscious pigeon.

"Squeak?" Nana was wondering why her master did that.

Trevon looked at the city. Greenforest was different from Goldcave, Hillbridge, Bluestar, or Redwood. It gave a calming life with many green trees grew in the city.

The ground was covered with soil and grass. While the buildings were located between the tree. In some place, the tree itself even used to make some treehouses with eaves.

Based on the guidebook, those treehouses were created by hollowing out the tree trunk. Many bridges made of tree branches connected one tree to another. Those were called the skywalks in by the locals.

Common formation buildings in this city, even covered by vines. As far as he could see, he barely saw any pavilion in the city. The guidebook also mentioned the people preferred something high to stay in this city.

Unlike in other cities, there were many branch bridges which turned into the skywalks on the air. This allowed people in the city to move from one building into another without walking on the ground. Therefore, this reduced the advantages of living on the ground.

Trevon even saw some people jumped from one level into another. The citizen easily used the hanging vines from one level into another. They used the vines to delay their drop or used them to climb higher. There were also several skywalks which connected lower and higher levels.

The young master even saw few people used the vines to swing from one place into another.

[That sounds fun.] Trevon thought. He checked his guide.

[Ugh…] The young master found the warning against swinging using the hanging vines. There were many deaths reported from vines tangling. He wouldn't dare to do that in the busy city.

His wagon slowly walked along the street. Although the street was wide, it looked dark and gloomy with many skywalks covered it. The wide street was empty with only wagons and large carriage moving around. He didn't see any pedestrian walking on the street.

The street was only filled with dirty looking people. Trevon had seen several muggings and thieveries in the city.

[Is the city guard didn't patrol the street?] Nevertheless, he could see those dirty looking people didn't dare to get closer to their caravan.

They continued to enter the city and arrived at the McArthur family pavilion. Trevon felt strange seeing the pavilion. It couldn't be called a pavilion. McArthur Greenforest Pavilion was a treehouses complex made from several trees.

His wagon entered the area around the pavilion covered with two-meter walls. Trevon could see the staffs arranged the wagon to park.

He waited for his turn to park, then the young master took the unconscious pigeon and Nana to his universe.

While he couldn't transfer an unwilling demon beast. He could bring an unconscious demon beast together with him. That was the method he used during the past two years to bring animals into his universe before he unlocked the transfer demon beast panel.

"Nana! You teach this bird who is the boss!" Trevon told his favorite mouse.

"Squeak!" Nana received the unconscious pigeon. She sent a signal to leave everything on her claws.

Trevon returned to his wagon. He exited it and the damp and cool air of the city welcomed him.

The young master breathed the air. The air was very fresh and clean. He also could sense the spiritual energy was thick, bringing more energy to his body. It was similar to other big cities like Bluestar, Redwood, Hillbridge, or Goldcave.

Nevertheless, he couldn't feel enough sunlight. Only a bit sunlight passed the forest canopy. Several large shining pearls were installed to brighten the pavilion. Trevon looked above. He saw the sky was covered with dense leaves.

"The people must prefer to stay on the high place for the sunlight. The sun gives the power for life." Master Rabbink commented about the city. It also saw the tall forest canopy.

[At this place, I also want to stay at a high place.] Trevon thought. As a young master, he always preferred a room on the first floor in a pavilion. Staying on the first floor was a prestige only for the rich. However, he admitted he missed the warm sunlight in this city.

"The city has some problems. We will rest for three days in this city. The city guards didn't allow us to travel outside." Trevon could hear Grand Elder Pieter talked for every member of the caravan using spiritual sense. He continued to explain the plan for the caravan.

Marcus, his wife, and Aya followed behind Trevon. As a young master, Trevon had an accommodation in this pavilion.

"Please wait, Brother Trevon!" Saffron McArthur called Trevon. The girl smiled and took a small luggage with her.

"Sister Saffron!" Trevon smiled. He enjoyed the beautiful lady companion. That day she was wearing a light green robe which suited the place. She looked like a flower in the dense forest.

"Do you have a free time? Let's look around the city!" The girl smiled when she asked Trevon.

"Erm…" Trevon wanted to visit the Hunting Night. It would be difficult with a lady with him.

"Ah! I am sorry, I may have disturbed, Brother Trevon." She quickly shook her hand.

"No. No. I also want to check city." Trevon wouldn't reject a companion of a beautiful girl. [I can return her to the pavilion before checking the Hunting Night. Hehehe.]

"I will put my belonging on the pavilion first."

"Let me help you, Sister!" Trevon acted gentlemen. He took the luggage from Saffron. The young master then he gave the luggage to Marcus.


"Hm…" Trevon looked around and grabbed one of the pavilion staffs. "Where is the lobby?"

"Greeting, Young Master. The lobby is on the fifth floor in the main tree." The staff pointed toward the tall tree.

Trevon looked at the tall tree. "How can I get there?"

"Young Master could use that ladder to climb above." The staffs pointed toward another direction. Trevon could see a large ladder made from wood. It was connecting every floor in the treehouse complex.

"Let's go, Sister Saffron!" Trevon gave his arm for Saffron. The lady happily linked her arm with Trevon.

Trevon walked toward the higher floor. The ground soon didn't fascinate him. Greenforest City was more alive on the fifth floor. He could see a skywalk connected his family pavilion toward a busy skywalk. Some McArthur family guards protected every skywalk connected to the family pavilion.

Finally, he entered the lobby. And a young female attendant received him.

"Good Morning, Young Master. What could I help?" She could see the insignia on Trevon's robe.

Trevon took his family token. "Trevon McArthur and my cousin Saffron McArthur. We came to find our room. I also need two rooms for my private squad."

"Please wait a minute, Young Master." The attendant took the token. Trevon felt happy. The staffs didn't change expression hearing his name. [It seems she hasn't heard about my old fame. Hahaha.]

"Do you want this Rabbink to spread that? This Rabbink could give you a free service. Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink smirked.

[No! No! Please don't! I have decided to become a better Trevon. Hahaha.]

The Rabbink wouldn't believe that. "Impossible. Gwahahaha."

[From this Greenforest, my image will be Young Hero Trevon!]

"Fine. Let's see whether you could keep that title! Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink floated toward the snack bar.

Trevon looked around, the lobby was busy. Many people came and an attendant received them. Most delivered some parcels. The other was other brothers and sisters who were looking for their room too.

The young master looked at the clock in the room. [10:00. I still have some time to check the city before lunch.]

The attendant took two keys and put them on the table. She called two servants. "Show Young Master and Young Lady to their rooms!"


"We will meet here again later, Brother Trevon." Trevon told Saffron.

"Ah! Young Master Trevon. Please wait a moment!" The attendant called Trevon after he waved his hand at Saffron.

"Yes?" Trevon asked in a sweet voice. He smiled. [Hahaha. Without my bad image, I am popular.]

"Um…" The attendant felt surprised by the young master's behavior. "It is… I want to inform Young Master that you have a letter and your private squads were recuperating in the Medical Room."

"A letter and My private squads?"

"Yes. Here is your letter." The attendant gave a sealed letter to Trevon. "Young Master's private squads came with the previous caravan. They are still in the city since we have a city blockage."

"Fine. I will visit them later. Ah! While I remember, I also need a guide for this city too." Trevon had seen the confusing paths in the city.

"Hm… I will send someone who is free to your room, Young Master." The female attendant smiled.

"Good." Trevon was led by the servant to his room in the pavilion. The servant continued to bring Aya and Marcus to their rooms.

In his room, Trevon quickly opened the letter. It was delivered via a lightning pigeon three days ago.

[What? The tamer was defeated by the cat?] Trevon started to feel some pressure. He quickly wrote a request for a mission. The young master would reward the one who managed to capture it with fifty spirit stones.

Trevon finished writing the letter when he heard a knocking sound on his door.

[Ah! This must be the guide.] He went to open the door.