Harvard village history

"Very well, I see master Ikki is not a bad person, so I will tell you about this village. Actually, we're here are runaway slaves from many different kingdoms around here. To be exact, there's Gauls Kingdom in the north, the Anglos Kingdom in the west and Franka Kingdom in the east. Southern ward is sacred forest Gorm, no human inhabitant there. Those three kingdoms are not on the good term on each other, that makes frequent wars happen and the most victim, of course, is us, civilians. Most of them were drafted as soldiers, and fate waiting for us is either die in the battlefield, captured and turn into slaves, or for luckier can back home safely. I was an ordinary citizen of Anglos Kingdom before sent into the battlefield and captured. Lucky when we're about to send to the slave market, we managed to escape and arrive here. Basically, in here is no man's land, we're not under the governance of any kingdom".

John Harvard take a sip from his goblet before continuing his story,

"First time we arrive here, it's only 50 people with me. We decide to live and make a settlement here, the village was named after my name, because other people think that I'm suited their leader. Since the place has no strategic values for those three kingdoms, we can live peacefully here. Right now we have around two hundred people live in this village. That's why master Ikki, I quite surprise with the place where you came from since I've never heard that name before. But that's maybe also because of my limited knowledge about this world. Most news about the outer world came from some merchants that passing by this village."

"Maybe master Ikki wondering why I use respect manner toward you, right? That's because first, I thought you're an emissary or nobles from a certain kingdom. As you can see, we in this village only can afford to wear this coarse linen for the dress. And your dress looks smooth and durable although I don't know it's made from what material. Second, your appearance is different from us. If you're an emissary that sends from your country on a diplomatic mission to those kingdoms I've mentioned before, offending you might cause calamity to this village. We're having nothing to defend ourselves if one of those kingdoms wants to attack us. But to see our fellow and children become the slave again is not something I want to see".

His explanation is answering all of my questions before. From my view, they just people who tired of the conflict between their countries and dreaming to live in peaceful condition. Still, I need their help to remove the massive boulder that covers the cave entrance in that forest.

"Uncle Harvard, you thinking highly about me. In fact, in the place where I came from I'm an only ordinary student. I'm not a noble or aristocratic family moreover an emissary from my country. I'm just common people that get lost in the forest and maybe need your help to find my way back to my home"

I decided to speak frankly with him because they seem to look good and sincere people. John Harvard looks at me with confused eyes.

"Master Ikki, is your country a powerful country? If you're only ordinary people like what you just said, but in here you already look like a noble, then I can't imagine what nobles in your country will look like"

Well, I currently wear like what people wear when they about to climb the mountain. T-shirt, long pants, jacket, snickers. That ordinary dress seems like luxurious goods here.

"Ehm, if you said powerful, may be compared with kingdom here maybe my country is powerful, but in the place where I came from there are other countries that more powerful than my country"

"They didn't make war to your country master Ikki?"

"To make war to another country is not a simple thing there. Without a solid reason, a country can't declare war on other country or they will face consequences. That's why my country already in the peaceful state for several decades"

When John Harvard hearing 'peaceful state for several decades' his eyes glimmer with admiration. That's natural for people who live in the warring state, peace is something they long for.

We are still in the discussion when suddenly my belly is sounding a loud growl. I don't know how red my face when hearing that, fortunately, Silvie already go inside and not hearing that. John Harvard only laughs wryly while saying,

"Ah, my ignorance, Master Ikki must be tired and hungry after walking for a long time, my wife and Silvie already cook something for dinner, if master Ikki doesn't mind let's have a meal together. After that, master Ikki can have a rest here"

Well, since I'm obviously hungry, it would be rude if I reject their offer. Besides, I'm also curious about the cuisine in this world. I wonder if I will found a new ingredient here.