This is a extra credit assignment that I did

The academy award winning movie that has a title that has a reference to Greek mythology is Icarus. I think that Icarus is an appropriate title for this movie because the Daedalus of the movie is Grigory Rodchenkov and, the Icarus is Russia's government and Olympians. Grigory Rodchenkov is the Daedalus because he makes the wax wings which in the movie are the dopes. Russia's government and the Olympians are Icarus because they try to use the dopes to win the Olympics. Like in the story the gods or in the movie the rest world shut them down. One other way is if Bryan Fogel is Icarus and Grigory Rodchenkov is Daedalus gives him wax wings which in the movie are how to dope without getting caught, but the movie turns around and focus on Grigory Rodchenkov instead of him which is what I think could be him melting and the thing this time is just Russia trying to shut down the truth. Also last note I didn't see the movie so some parts might be incorrect.