Sneaking In The Middle of The Night To Check The Corpse


Lin Feng Yu was stunned. He didn't shift his gaze from her for quite sometimes, as if wanted to see what she was thinking of.

"You want to stay?", after a while he reacted. "But, Yi'er…"

"Big brother. You don't have to persuade me anymore.", she didn't let him to finish his speech again as she stated sternly. "I already made my decision."

She must stay. There were many things she needed to find the answer to. And beside, her instinct told her that this mansion, under the 'protection' of Jiang Chen Lu, was the safest place for her right now.

Both siblings spar in words for a while more before finally Lin Feng Yu left her room dejectedly, with stack of blueprints neatly rolled inside his sleeve.

He said that he will bring a doctor to treat her injuries and prepared another necessities for her.

After her brother left, Jing Yi walked toward her bed and lied down. Covering her upper body with blanket, she stared at the carvings on the canopy above her while mulling by herself.

[It can't be help. I have to start from the scratch once more…], she sighed.

Not long after, she dazed off and finally fell into slumber.

Night time. Jiang mansion main hall.

A pair of young man, one in black and one in red was staring at the coffin in front of them blankly. It was a luxurious coffin made of black polished wood. On top of it was covered with long white cloth and adorned with white and yellow chrysanthemum.

A table, also covered in white cloth was placed in front of the coffin. On top, three incense sticks were burned before a black wooden memorial tablet. A name was carved onto it and plastered in gold. Jiang Yue Lan.

The young man in red shifted his line of sight downward. Around their feet, paper moneys scattered everywhere along with a pair of torn white lanterns and several bodies in white attire were lying on the floor in unconscious state.

"Guan'er, have you done yet? We should leave as soon as possible before the old monster come over here.", he tilted his head toward his companion and spoke in whisper.

The other young man in black called Guan'er showed him an ugly expression. A snarl escaped from between his gritted teeth, "Can you please shut your mouth up? Don't make me unleash my anger to you."

The young man in red gasped in alarm as he stepped backward and whimpered pitifully, "Okay. Okay. Simmer down. Don't be angry. I'll shut up."

Mo Guan snorted at him and moved his sight back to the coffin.

"This is bad. I can't believe this woman is truly died. What do you think, Ah Wei? Should we open this coffin and check inside or not?", he asked in uncertainty.

"What?", Luo Wei had almost choked on his own saliva. "You want to open the coffin? No. Don't! It's very inauspicious. Beside, I heard that this madam died in cruel manner. Her corpse was torn in several parts. It is so disgusting. And don't forget about the odor. I will vomit."

He spoke while covering his nose and mouth with his sleeve. He didn't like to touch something dirty. Or smell bad. Although sometimes he must killed someone, he would do that cleanly and neatly, so that the blood wouldn't spray and dirtied his robe.

Mo Guan rolled his eyes. "Then how can we determine that the corpse inside this coffin is really her?"

Luo Wei tsked at him and scoffed, "What are you talking about? Why do you think that the old monster will falsify the death of his own wife? You has too much worries, my friend."

Mo Guan shot him a glance. "Why won't he? That man is…"

He was in the middle of speaking when someone suddenly appeared at the doorway. "He is right. Why must I?", the person said coldly.

Mo Guan and Luo Wei immediately turned around and saw Jiang Chen Lu in white robe and headband stood straight behind them.

"This humble old man is welcoming two young masters.", Jiang Chen Lu nodded his head slightly and swept his gaze to the bodies of unconscious servants.

"May I ask what is two young masters' purpose coming to my humble residence in the middle of the night and knocked out my servants?"

Both Mo Guan and Luo Wei were staring at him vigilantly. Inside of his sleeve, Mo Guan moved his fingers, making preparation of a sneak attack, while Luo Wei gradually channeled his inner energy in attempt to build a defense layer around his body.

Their movements, though very careful, couldn't escape from Jiang Chen Lu sharp eyes. He faintly lifted his brow and tipped his chin up.

"Both young masters don't have to be so cautious.", he stated. "Tonight is the second night of my wife's mourning day. I hope that we can avoid doing an unnecessary battle. How about I invite you two to my study so that we can talk comfortably?"

Mo Guan narrowed his pair of peach blossom eyes and shot him a look of full hatred. But the corner of his lips hooked up, forming a shallow smile.

"Many thanks to master Jiang. But our purpose here had already achieved. We are sorry for the disturbance and will immediately leave.", he cupped his hands and bowed.

"Leave?", Jiang Chen Lu said, sounded a bit of ridiculing. He looked down to both youngsters in front of him. "Why so hurry? Two young masters should taste our Jiang family's first grade tea first before leaving. That's our family's basic principle. To treat our guests with respect."

Luo Wei had completely formed his energy defense. He shook his right hand slightly and a black dagger in the shape of a flame fell down onto his palm.

"Guan'er, I told you we should immediately leave when there was still a chance. Now our situation had became like this, let's give our all and escape.", he said nonchalantly while giving a hint at Mo Guan to launch an attack together.