Inferior Blood

"What?", Jing Yi was shocked. "What are you talking about?"

Lin Feng Yu felt that his head was starting to throb. "Yi'er, we are not just an ordinary human. We are descendants of Tian Xiang.", he stated.

Descendants of Tian Xiang.

Magical beast.

Jing Yi was gaping. In short, the structure of her body wasn't a human's at all, but a magical beast's.

"Beside, Pei Chu is disciple of godly doctor. Yi'er, he won't be wrong about your condition.", Lin Feng Yu added.

"…", Jing Yi shifted her gaze to Pei Chu. This time, he had lowered his hood. He stared back at her.

"Whoever struck you, he wanted to kill you. Your heart meridian was injured. Xiao Yu had given you water from the spring of heavenly lotus. It can ease your pain and speed up your healing but can't fully save your life.", he said.

Upon hearing it, Lin Feng Yu tightened his grip. He forced Jing Yi to looked at him. "We will leave. Right now. Whether you want it or not, I'll take you with me. I won't let you to die."

Jing Yi wanted to say something but it was stuck at her throat. Both of her eyes widened, stared straight into her brother's eyes in trepidation.

Is she really going to die? For the second time? So soon?

While she was overwhelmed by despair, her bedroom door was forced open by strong wind.

"Take her with you and then what? Teach her to be a foolish? Just like you and your other companions?"

All of them inside the bedroom were surprised. Turned their head toward the opened door, they saw two middle-aged men standing solemnly outside.

One of them was wearing white funeral robe. His long hair combed neatly and tied by white simple ribbon. His expression was cold. As if sculpted by ice.

The other was wearing black robe. With red long hair and thick beard. Green glow flashed on his eyes and a sinister smile plastered on his face.

Jiang Chen Lu and Qiong Qi.

Lin Feng Yu and Pei Chu looked at both middle-aged men in fear as they strode in leisurely.

"Father…", Jing Yi muttered weakly. Actually she wasn't afraid that Jiang Chen Lu would kill her. She would die sooner or later anyway.

Instead she worried about Lin Feng Yu. It was obvious that Jiang Chen Lu was hostile toward him…

Jiang Chen Lu nodded. "How is your body?", he asked.

Jing Yi didn't expect that he would ask about her injuries. Thus, she could only stared at him blankly.

Jiang Chen Lu creased his brows. "What's wrong? Don't want to answer?"

"Ah?", Jing Yi was startled.

"No. No! I mean,Pei Chu said that my heart was injured.", she answered in panic.

Later she saw her father's indifferent gaze and wave of sadness slowly emerged inside of her heart. She didn't realize that tears fell down on her cheeks.

"He said… I will die. I can't live much longer."

Everyone in the room was quiet. Both Lin Feng Yu and Pei Chu stared at her incredulously. Whereas, Qiong Qi's face distorted.

Jiang Chen Lu tilted his chin up. "Die? How can you die?"

Then he shifted his gaze toward Lin Feng Yu. "I thought that after all these years you've become much smarter. But it turned out I've overestimated you."

His tone sounded gentle but actually full of disgust.

Lin Feng Yu turned aghast. "She really in danger..."

His chest moved up and down, burning in anger and full of hatred. "Pei Chu is a great doctor. For years, he never makes any mistakes. But why do you care? Why only now do you care?"

Upon hearing Lin Feng Yu's shout of anger, Jing Yi felt cold sweat dripped down on her back. One more sentence, maybe Jiang Chen Lu would really kill him…

As if never heard anything, Jiang Chen Lu ignored him. He moved slowly toward Jing Yi.

"Have you forgotten about yourself?", he asked.

Jing Yi blinked stupidly.

[Forget what?]

She felt that she had heard it somewhere. But she couldn't remember...

"Don't you come near her!", Lin Feng Yu seized Jing Yi into his embrace, shielding her from Jiang Chen Lu.

Faintly lifted his brows, Jiang Chen Lu said coldly, "Step aside!"


"I said, step aside!", Jiang Chen Lu roared. He waved his hand and a great force threw Lin Feng Yu into the air, separated him from Jing Yi.

Qiong Qi wrinkled his nose. "Can't you treat your son more gently? Look at him! He is just a pitiful little puppy…"

Lin Feng Yu fell down onto the floor hardly before Pei Chu. Holding his chest, he vomited blood.

"Big brother!"

"Xiao Yu!"

Both Jing Yi and Pei Chu exclaimed in shock. Swiftly, Pei Chu crouched down to help him got up.

"Father. Please. Please, don't hurt big brother.", Jing Yi pleaded in tears, slowly crawled toward her father and pulled his sleeve with trembling hands. "Big brother only worried about me. He didn't mean to confront father."

Jiang Chen Lu was still indifferent, didn't looked at Lin Feng Yu whose still lying on the ground in pain.

"Little niece don't have to worry. His wound isn't severe. It can heal by itself", Qiong Qi laughed.

[Don't worry, your a**!], Jing Yi shouted inward.

Looked at the injured Lin Feng Yu, how could she not worry? Jiang Chen Lu once had sacrificed his own son, although it was failed and Lin Feng Yu was saved. As a heartless father who never love his own children, she assumed that he could do the same for the second time.

Jiang Chen Lu looked at the little girl kneeling in front of him whose both of her cheeks stained with tears. He sighed.

"Have you forgotten about yourself? That you have your father's blood inside of you? How foolish you are. Thinking and acting like a weak and helpless human being.", he said.

Qiong Qi snickered. "Don't blame her, big brother. Her blood hasn't yet fully awaken."

Jiang Chen Lu shook his head. "If not because of that woman's inferior blood, she won't be like this."