Between The Father And The Daughter

Qiong Qi sniffed the medicine. He scowled.

"It's not my Zi Luo Lan."

Then he threw the jade bottle to the ground, shattered it into pieces and let out a thunderous roar.

Jing Yi clutched Jiang Chen Lu's sleeve and trembled.

What did just happen? Why did that red-haired uncle suddenly get angry?

Qiong Qi turned around and lifted Pei Chu up from the ground by his collar. He snarled, "Where is it? Where is the real Zi Luo Lan?"

At the time, Pei Chu was too scared that he couldn't make any sounds. However, it didn't show on his face. After all neither he was a martial artist nor a cultivator. He was a doctor who didn't have combat ability. Thus, how could he confront Qiong Qi?

Just a bit of his inner strength had caused such a fearsome impact…

Lin Feng Yu whose starting to feel better, tried to get up on his own, though with so much effort. Gnashing his teeth, he snapped,

"Let go of him!"

Qiong Qi feigned ignorance. Instead he tightened his grip and lifted Pei Chu up even higher, caused him difficult to breathe.

Pei Chu's face reddened because of suffocation.

"Let… me go! Cough*… I don't understand… what you're talking… cough* … about.", he choked.

Qiong Qi snorted. His eyes glinted dangerously.

"You don't know? Really? Such a liar, just like your master."

Pei Chu struggled but with no avail. In fact, the medicine inside the jade bottle was indeed Zi Luo Lan. But its composition had been changed.

Several years ago, his master had handed him a pill. He didn't tell anything related the pill, except gave him an order to study it. Later, he deduced that it can't be consumed by humans. But in truth, it was a great medicine. Even his master would never be able to make one like this. Thus, incoming year, he helped his master to make similar pills but by replacing some ingredients.

Those were Zi Luo Lan pills in the jade bottle that was just shattered by Qiong Qi…

Pei Chu refused to speak. He pursed his lips into a thin line. But no matter how great his effort to hide it, his eyes had revealed many. That didn't escape Qiong Qi's knife-like gaze.

"You're one tough kid. Not bad. I almost reluctant to take your life right here right now.", he snickered.

Pei Chu felt chill creeping up his spine. A thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead.

On the sideline, the ignored Lin Feng Yu, although burned with anger, realized of his weakness. He didn't know how to help his best friend as he himself had difficulties to stand.

Little Jing Yi had already turned pale. As for she was at the present also in weak state, just feeling a bit of Qiong Qi's killing intent, it was enough to make her breathless. Her clutch on Jiang Chen Lu's sleeve became tighter.

Red-haired uncle really wanted to kill the feeble young doctor!

She thought that no matter how scared she was, she shouldn't let it happen. Thus, she gritted her teeth and once again pulled her father's sleeve to plead for mercy.

"Father, please stop uncle. Pei Chu is here to treat my wound. No matter what he can be said as my benefactor. I can't be so heartless and ungrateful to paid kindness with evil. Please, father, let him go."

Jiang Chen Lu whose initially seemed not to care whether both Pei Chu or Lin Feng Yu got killed or not, couldn't help but to soften his heart a bit.

He cast Jing Yi a glimpse before then turned to Qiong Qi and spoke out, "No more killing for today. You've made a mess before in the main hall. Don't add more and frighten your niece. Let him go. You can take them both with you to be interrogated."

Upon hearing that he had frightened the little girl, Qiong Qi was a bit startled. He looked at Jing Yi. She looked so weak and pitiful, kneeling in front of her father and trembled like a small puppy. Such a moe, who could be able to resist?

Fortunately, even the seemed-to-be-incredibly-strong Qiong Qi couldn't resist. After some moments of daze, he slowly put Pei Chu down, but still didn't loose his grip a tad bit.

"Sorry, little niece. Did I scare you just now? It's alright now. See? I put him down. Don't be scared anymore.", he said, feeling a little bit guilty.

Lin Feng Yu felt relieved. He intended to approach Pei Chu, but he suddenly felt Jiang Chen Lu's chilling gaze was fired at him. Got alarmed, he abruptly stopped moving.

The rascal had become obedient, Jiang Chen Lu shifted his gaze back at Qiong Qi.

" You bring them both for now. I still have something to talk with Yi'er.", he uttered.

Qiong Qi nodded as affirmation. Then with a pull, he dragged Pei Chu along and strode toward Lin Feng Yu.

"Young one, you too come with me!"

Next moment, Lin Feng Yu had already locked in his grip. It was impossible to struggle thus he just let the old man drag him too, leaving both Jing Yi and Jiang Chen Lu alone in the room.

After the three were gone, Jing Yi finally hufted in relieved. She let go of Jiang Chen Lu's sleeve and sat down sluggishly.

What a terrible day!

To be honest, she hoped that she could go back to the past before everything had changed. At least, she could live a peaceful life. She cursed the hateful frog again and again to appease her frustration.

Really, too many stimuli weren't good for health…

The iceberg old man found it quite fun as he observed his daughter. Sitting in daze, she pouted, making a funny expression. He thought that all these years he rarely had direct communication with her. All because of the woman whose corpse now lying inside of the coffin in the main hall.

As expected, those women were nothing good at all!