Another Dream

Clara walks in an unstable manner, it seems her legs still give up from the previous battle. So I let her lean on my arms while walking to my room. Fortunately, we didn't meet many people during that walk. After we arrive at my room, she asks excuse to return to her room to rest, but I reject it and told her to rest at my room. She's timidly not refuting it. When she about to laid herself at the couch, I stop her

"Hey, why you lay there?"

She looks confused by my words. She looks at me with a befuddled expression. I pointing at my bed while saying

"I don't like to sleep alone"

Hearing that she blushing again but not refused my order. So we both climb the bed together. She sleeps while hugging me and lean her head in my arms. Doesn't need a long time before she falls to sleep, it seems she really exhausted. I silently watch her sleeping face while my free hands playing with her hairs. She sleep peacefully and sometimes makes smiling face, maybe she has sweet dreams in her sleep. Not for long after she sleeps, I also fall into slumber.

In my sleep, I have another dream. This time I feel like I'm in a garden party, there are many children play in the garden. I see a little boy that resembles Henry between them. He is wandering aimlessly in the garden without playing with his peers. His steps stop in the corners of the garden. I see a little girl sitting alone on the bench. Her hair color is like silver and her skin is so white. No kids seem to play with her, moreover, I feel like other kids seem to keep a distance from her. She only stares blankly at the crowds, watching her peers playing around. This little Henry seems approaching her and talk with her. I can't hear what they talking about, like watching the Charlie Chaplin old movies when audio systems haven't developed. I see the girl smiling after a talk with little Henry. They sit together side by side on the bench talking to each other. After talking for a while, the girl stands up and take henry's hand, she seems to want to take him to some places.

They walking together holding each other hands to another side of the garden where many adults gather there. The girl approaching a man that looks like her father, introducing little Henry to him. The man looks pleased with Henry. He rubs his cheek happily and pulls some candies from his pocket and giving it to Henry and the girl. After that, the girl takes Henry to play in other places. When Henry opens the candy and eats it, somehow I also like something entering my mouth. I thought since Henry is also me, I will experience what he experiences too. The candy tastes sweet in my mouth, I lick and suck it deeply and devour its sweetness, when suddenly the candy moaned.

Eh? What the hell! Candy can not moan, you know?

I open my eyes just to see Clara's lip is on my mouth and her tongue was inserted in my mouth. So, what I thought the candy in my dream is actually her tongue?

She releases her lip from my mouth and smiles shyly.

"I'm trying new ways to wake you up, Henry"

I'm smiling to hear her explanation. I never thought that she can be so bold as this.

"Did you also rub my cheek just now?"

She only nodded and giggling. So the man hand that rubs my cheek in my dream actually her hands? What a coincidence.

"What time is now?" I see the candle already lite up in my room.

"Almost time to dinner. You want to eat your dinner now?"

"No. I want to eat you"

Before she understands what I've said, I already grab her waist and lock her in my hug. She only has a chance to utter a low shriek before I seal her lips with mine.

"C'mon Clara, finish what you've started," I said that after finishing my opening attack.

She only blushing and open her mouth to accept my mouth, and we re-do our passionate kisses like we do this morning. We ended this kisses after ten minutes. After that, we're still cuddling for some more times, with her in my hug.


"Yes, Clara"

"Can you let me go"

"A little more Clara. I feel good when hugging you like this"

"Me too. But doctor Howard said you need enough rest and eat well. Now it's time for dinner"

I reluctantly release her from my hug. She's got the point. I can't refute her.

"Alright, same like lunch, bring Claire and Clara too"

"Okay. I'll be back soon"

She leaves my room after leaving a peck on my lip.