Night Battle

I didn't need to say anything. I just hug her back and rub her hairs again and let our feeling fleeting together. After a while, her sob recedes and she let go of her arms from my neck. We looking at each other now, although there's still tears trail in her cheeks, she looks serene and tranquil. I give her a soft kiss on her forehead, and she closes her eyes to enjoy it. After the forehead, I also kiss both her cheek and lick the tears. It's taste salty (It's tears, dummy not syrup, of course, its salty-Author).

And the last destination is her red lips. I wonder why the girls here can have red lips without lipstick. And their beauty is also natural without make-up. If they're in my previous world they can become a top model or top actress maybe. I start with some peck on her small and thin lips, before covering them all with my lips. After that my tongue start to lick her thin lips and suck that lips afterward. Soft moaning voices start to come from her mouth. I keep doing this for some minutes until she almost suffocates, and then I stop the kisses.

"Henry….." she makes a soft whisper


"Can you grant one more wish of me?"

"What is that?"

"I don't want just being your woman, I want to be the mother of your child"

Wow! Isn't that a polite word for 'fuck me please'?

"I don't know if I can give you one, but at least we can try to make it, right?"

She blushing and nodded shyly. So without any warning, I lift her in princess carry. Claire only can make a surprised shriek before she gets more blush on her face. After I laid her gently on the bed, I start to peel her dress one by one. I can see some wetness in her panty. Unlike Clara, she still maintains her shyness by using her hand to cover her twin mountain and bushes in her crotch. How cute!

"Please Henry …. Don't stare my like that …I..i..i'm shy"

I'm chuckled hearing her plea,

"Hey, you already see mine, why can't I see yours? That's unfair you know"

She didn't answer but I can see her face getting redder, and still didn't move her hands. So I took her hands, lock her fingers within my palm and pull it up in line with her head. Now she didn't have anything to cover her private parts. I can see her twin mountain moving up and down in rhythm with her breathing that becoming faster and faster. She turns her head to look on the side from her shyness.

I decide to start it slowly, by starting to kiss her cheek first the moved to her ears. I blow lightly in her ears before starting to lick and suck the ears. My action makes her body wriggling

"Argh…henry…stop…it's ticklish…argh"

She surely naïve if she thinks I will stop it. Instead, I intensified my kisses by expanding the area to her white neck. Not only lick and kiss the neck but also make a little bite on the neck, leaving some red marks on there. She moves her head left and right to endure the sensation, she starts moaning and panting. Looking her open her mouth to breathing, I change my target to her open mouth. this time I used French kisses that I do to Clara on her. I can feel her wriggle from pleasure and her grip on my hands getting tighter. After ten minutes on French kisses, I can feel her hands no longer have the power to move, so I let her hands go and use my free hands to attack other targets, her twin mountains. Unlike Clara with her protruding nipples on her mound, Claire has a puffy one. This kind of nipples can become hard when the owner under heavy stimulation. I try to lick and suck it a bit and can feel elasticity from the nipple, indicating she hasn't reached the peak of stimulation. I keep lick and suck and sometimes bite a little while using the hands to massage the other part. Her moans are getting louder and louder. Not only lick, suck and bite, I'm also pinching the nipple to check its hardness. This action makes her wriggling uncontrollable and almost shakes me off from her top.

I stop my action for a while and giving her chance to catch her breath and calm her shivering. After she a little bit calm, I continue my exploration downward to her belly. I lick her white belly and kiss her belly button which makes her wriggle again. I use my free hands to slip under her buttock and start to squeeze the mound in there. My hand can feel the soft and elastic mound there. My exploration continues downward to golden bushes in her crotch. I can see a meaty mound with a thin line dividing the mound. a transparent liquid seems leaks from the line. Realize what I'm staring at, Claire tries to cover it by closing her thigh. But my hands hold her knee and spread it wider.

"Henry…ugh…don't look…there" she pleads with moaning voice.

"Why I can't look there? You have a beautiful view here"

And without waiting anymore I start to lick the lines on the mound. I can smell a feminine scent from there. I can feel her feet twitching when I do that.

"Ugh…don't… lick…'s...dirty…ugh" she speaks broken words with panting breath

"What do you mean by dirty? Aren't the shit come from here?"

I answer her while poked her ass hole with my finger. This poke makes her body shivering and tremble while she makes a soft shriek. Wow! Don't tell me she like it? I can see her pink ass hole also twitching open and close like a mouth breathing the air.

"Ugh...please…don'…anymore" she begs me not to poke it again. Well, do you think I will stop after finding something interesting? I ignored her beg and keep licking the mound and sometimes poke her ass hole too. Her waist, hips, and legs start to trembling non-stop like an earthquake and moans keep come from her mouth without stopping. This continue until she like has a spasm and her tight clamps my head that still in her crotch tightly. Her mouth keeps moaning and calling my name. This last for several minutes before her legs become soft and lay powerlessly on the bed.

I lift my head from her crotch and watching her wriggling in bed like fish out of the water. Her eyes are white with the pupil lift up toward the brow. While waiting for her regains her consciousness, I start to take my dress off and lay beside her while hugging her. Under my hug, I can feel her body still trembling.